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OT: Which liberal talking head's head exploded today?


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Just now, playballintxandmi said:

I did and was surprised by how many "hate mongering fake ass news sites" came up.

I know your being sarcastic. Lol. 

You guys can't honestly have your head that far in the sand right? I'm just gonna chalk it up as Glory and Hawg private messaging each other laughing at how they are both trolling me and watching me take the bait. ??

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21 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Yeah, or a close enough cousin to that sort of thing. 

Very roughly, I mean people who don't recognize the value Western political philosophy, you know, the principles articulated and defended by John Locke and his followers.

Got it.  I can't imagine we could splinter to the point where Sharia law or something else become a more attractive option for us.  

Then again I never imagined fellow Americans would choose to ally themselves with Russia against people with liberal political leanings.  I was wrong about that one.  I think all "non terrorist" Muslims come here because of our values and to raise families here because of our freedom's.  

That doesn't mean we don't find out who the people are that we let in.  

I get more alert and alarms start to go off anytime people start to use religion as an argument for wanting to control and manipulate.  Christian's have been doing it much longer that Islam so the west is pretty good at it.  Plus we got home field advantage. ?  So to answer your question.  No.

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3 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Okay, but I don't think that that's the important point.

Speaking from the perspective of an ultra conservative who almost voted for Trump, we're tired of being told that the only intrinsic values are diversity and tolerance.

Not only is that false, but it's self-defeating. 

We can fight about what's valuable, but let's agree that there are value facts, and those facts outstrip diversity and tolerance. 

I'm sure I posted this somewhere already but here goes again...

The only intrinsic values in so far as our government is concerned are: 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.



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21 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

This is what our military has to be exposed to instead of you know, training to protect our country and help the world the best way it can. They have to stop what they're doing to do this travesty 


Have you ever been to one of these trainings?  


It's usually four hours of boilerplate "don't do this or say that".  


But, outrage away.

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1 minute ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I'm sure I posted this somewhere already but here goes again...

The only intrinsic values in so far as our government is concerned are: 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.



That doesn't protect people that break the laws of the land does it? If you break the law and are imprisioned, you don't get to recite the Declaration of Independence and go free. 

Just like if you belong to a known violent terrorist religion. You don't get a free pass to run amok here. 

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

That doesn't protect people that break the laws of the land does it? If you break the law and are imprisioned, you don't get to recite the Declaration of Independence and go free. 

Just like if you belong to a known violent terrorist religion. You don't get a free pass to run amok here. 


So belonging to Islam is breaking the law of the land now?



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10 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I know your being sarcastic. Lol. 

You guys can't honestly have your head that far in the sand right? I'm just gonna chalk it up as Glory and Hawg private messaging each other laughing at how they are both trolling me and watching me take the bait. ??

You got part of it right.


Guess which part?


It's not the sand...



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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

Pretty much. The laws need to be modified to close any loopholes, but yes it is a cult. Actually I believe cults are illegal so yes it is breaking the law. Lol 



Man, now you are talking my kind of talk... we need to close out all religions from practicing here. I actually believe they are all cults. 

I think we can take this to Trump and they'll erase the freedom of religion clause right out of the constitution. He seems like the type.

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2 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:



Man, now you are talking my kind of talk... we need to close out all religions from practicing here. I actually believe they are all cults. 

I think we can take this to Trump and they'll erase the freedom of religion clause right out of the constitution. He seems like the type.

This should be good.


Pilgrims in 3...



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1 minute ago, HawgGoneIt said:



Man, now you are talking my kind of talk... we need to close out all religions from practicing here. I actually believe they are all cults. 

I think we can take this to Trump and they'll erase the freedom of religion clause right out of the constitution. He seems like the type.


Did you just assume my gender??

you need sensitivity classes you bigot! You can't go around throwing out oppressive slang to conduct a conversation with me!


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13 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I'm sure I posted this somewhere already but here goes again...

The only intrinsic values in so far as our government is concerned are: 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Two quick things.

First, notice, if you would be so kind and so gracious, that one of the self-evident truths is that there is a Creator.

Second, appealing to these claims can't decide for us whether there is a male patriarchy or a white male patriarchy or a heterosexual white male patriarchy or a heterosexual Christian white male patriarchy or whether the United States is a rape culture or how universities should handle sexual assault allegations or whether we should have affirmative-action like admissions policies or hiring policies or how many genders there are or whether gender is itself a real feature of the world or what the tax laws should be or where the money should go or whether fetuses count as created men having been endowed by their Creator with the relevant unalienable rights etc.

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3 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I know I admit I feed the trolling a little too much. 

We all know exactly how the other is going to ask and answer. It's all a never ending circle of political spam. 


I usually have no idea how far down the rabbit hole you'll go, and am generally left dumbfounded by the things you seemingly believe.

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

Two quick things.

First, notice, if you would be so kind and so gracious, that one of the self-evident truths is that there is a Creator.

Second, appealing to these claims can't decide for us whether there is a male patriarchy or a white male patriarchy or a heterosexual white male patriarchy or a heterosexual Christian white male patriarchy or whether the United States is a rape culture or how universities should handle sexual assault allegations or whether we should have affirmative-action like admissions policies or hiring policies or how many genders there are or whether gender is itself a real feature of the world or what the tax laws should be or where the money should go or whether fetuses count as created men having been endowed by their Creator with the relevant unalienable rights etc.






Well, since the creator could be an ant fart...


As long as we are recognizing that the ant fart created us all equal thus implying that we treat each other as such, we are doing well. lol

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Just now, GloryDays said:

I usually have no idea how far down the rabbit hole you'll go, and am generally left dumbfounded by the things you seemingly believe.

All I believe is we should do whatever we can to protect the legal citizens of this country. We shouldnt be taking in potential terrorists from terrorist countries to take resources from homeless and hungry women, children and veterans. 

We shouldn't be taking away core Christian values and exchanging them for LGBT propaganda. 

I want what's best for the MAJORITY of America. Not what's best for small radical freakshow groups 

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1 minute ago, HawgGoneIt said:






Well, since the creator could be an ant fart...


As long as we are recognizing that the ant fart created us all equal thus implying that we treat each other as such, we are doing well. lol



Wait, wait... Do ants fart?






I gotta google Ants Sharia Law now. 

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