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OT: Which liberal talking head's head exploded today?


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11 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Actually that's the beauty of it all. The new leaders of our country have a lot of my beliefs and mindset so I feel confident that this country will be getting back to how it's supposed to be. 

Now if Hillary was president I admit. I would of been scared. Maybe would of moved to Canada or something ?

I'll agree that with Hillary it would have been business as usual.  Mind you I think she was better choice and we wouldn't be going backwards but nothing, that I feel has to change, would have changed.  

Canadians are nice but Mexico is warmer....and the senoritas...no you can't go wrong with Mexico.?

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7 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

You are aware that Muslum people have lived here for awhile right?  They fit in great and are valuable citizens.  Many came here because this country is more in line with their values, hopes for their children, etc than the country they came from.  

Radical Islamist terrorize Muslims more than anyone else.  They are worried and scared of those bastards too.

I don't know If you would be interested or not but a really good book, I should say author is Karen Armstrong.  Wrote several books on Islam, Christianity, God, etc.  Islam is going through growing pains, much like Christianity did at about the same age in terms of how old the religion is.  Anyway, it explains a lot. 


I think he's really not interested. He'd rather spend his time disparaging the constitution and twisting it to fit his own needs.


I'm fearful that the time will come that he may discover why it is/was important to protect that clause I posted. When you erode the rights of one man, you in turn erode the rights of all men.  Including yourself. 





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2 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:


I think he's really not interested. He'd rather spend his time disparaging the constitution and twisting it to fit his own needs.


I'm fearful that the time will come that he may discover why it is/was important to protect that clause I posted. When you erode the rights of one man, you in turn erode the rights of all men.  Including yourself. 





I agree and will take it even further and say "that other is you".  This is something that is hard to live by and doesn't make sense to many but to live with the anger and fear of a thing which your own thought process created is a nightmare.  

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7 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:


I think he's really not interested. He'd rather spend his time disparaging the constitution and twisting it to fit his own needs.


I'm fearful that the time will come that he may discover why it is/was important to protect that clause I posted. When you erode the rights of one man, you in turn erode the rights of all men.  Including yourself. 





Not really. At some point you have to use discretion about the safety of the country first and foremost. Situations change dramatically as time passes, and it's important not to just blanket the entire situation under one way of thinking and think it applies to everything. 

You are not being intolerant if you want a known violent religion as far away from you as possible. If that was the case we should just abolish all laws of the land because they infringe on our freedoms and liberties to do what we want. 

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Just now, World Citizen said:

I agree and will take it even further and say "that other is you".  This is something that is hard to live by and doesn't make sense to many but to live with the anger and fear of a thing which your own thought process created is a nightmare.  

Ahhh. I see I have encountered another enlightened person.


I don't feel so lonely in the world anymore. :D



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Just now, Nolebull813 said:

Not really. At some point you have to use discretion about the safety of the country first and foremost. Situations change dramatically as time passes, and it's important not to just blanket the entire situation under one way of thinking and think it applies to everything. 

You are not being intolerant if you want a known violent religion as far away from you as possible. If that was the case we should just abolish all laws of the land because they infringe on our freedoms and liberties to do what we want. 


The day that a law is created to do the things that you have deemed a part of your wacky cause, then get back to me.

The laws have been tempered and tested against the constitution and thankfully, freedom of religion has always passed the test.


I'm thinking Russia may be the type place where you would prefer to live.  

By your silly definition, Christianity should be far away from here too.



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1 minute ago, World Citizen said:

Lol. Far from enlightened but I want to be.  Lot of work to do.  I find this msg board is a great test for me. ?


You are enlightened enough to know that when you face another person, it is as if you are looking into a mirror. This is regardless of color, sex, age and etc.


That's a huge step considering the state of the rest of the world.

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

Just to be clear, the enlightened members of the board are against making Sharia law state law, right? 



Of course. 

I'd prefer that all religion stayed as far the fuck away from government as possible. I do know that is not entirely possible because there are too many people that believe too many weird things in government. We are bound to elect more as well.


That doesn't change the fact that I would see myself in the person that thinks differently though. 

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28 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:


You are not being intolerant if you want a known violent religion as far away from you as possible. 


I agree. But is Islam a violent religion in essence, or is it instead that many violent people today happen to be Muslim?

This is an honest question.

We know from history that Christian states have been violent and intolerant. 

And we know from history that Muslim states have been peaceful and tolerant by comparison.

Look at the history of Spain, for example. 

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11 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Well... I'm of the thought that we have one of those populations here already. True or false?

I'd prefer less innuendo, just because I can't always fill in the gaps correctly.

I take it that you're referring mostly to Christians who are against abortion and gay marriage.

For the sake of brevity, let's assume that that's true.

I don't see how that counts in favor of an immigration policy that seems to ignore the very serious problems that we've seen in Canada and Western Europe in recent years. 

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5 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

I'd prefer less innuendo, just because I can't always feel in the gaps correctly.

I take it that you're referring mostly to Christians who are against abortion and gay marriage.

For the sake of brevity, let's assume that that's true.

I don't see how that counts in favor of an immigration policy that seems to ignore the very serious problems that we've seen in Canada and Western Europe in recent years. 

It seems like you are moving the goal posts.


Why should I concern myself over a group of people that aren't here or likely to be here in sufficient enough numbers to affect a change?

Especially when there is a group here already doing basically the same thing.


I prefer to deal with them as they come, because I can't stay long.

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11 hours ago, noonereal said:

They started exploding when THEY finally understood that Trump really could be elected. (they were way behind the general populous in understanding this)

It's great fun to watch MSNBC, CNN and the like and see formerly rational talking heads get all worked up.

So worked up that they start stuttering and then finally, they lose it, like a tween girl, on national TV.

You know when the explosion is eminent, the talking head starts repeating, with a vacant look in their eyes, "does not compute, does not compute." 

So I though I'd dedicate a thread to those whose head exploded as we watch.  

One of the early explosions I witnessed was that of Chuck Todd. 

So this first post is a shout out to him. It's merely an acknowledgement of his inability to understand that his ideas of what can and cannot happen in politics and governing is nonsense and his inability to accept a new template of behavior an action. 

Which talking head have you seen explode?

when you see this, you know an explosion is imminent and you have no time to grab a beer!920x920.jpg


http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/24/trump-hiring-freeze-includes-veterans-affairs/96999464/  You do understand that Trump's hiring freeze includes the VA?  For everything he has said about veterans and helping them this makes it's own statement.

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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

The leading organizer for the women's March is on record of supporting and trying to sell Sharia Law to America. 

This is what we were dealing with. Obama was talking about bathroom laws instead of real world issues. 

The military had to stop real combat training to give LGBT sensitivity training. 


Sources are always fun.






Something other than Nolebull's forehead slamming into the keyboard.

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18 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

It seems like you are moving the goal posts.


Why should I concern myself over a group of people that aren't here or likely to be here in sufficient enough numbers to affect a change?


I must have been confused about the discussion. 

I agree that Muslim citizens are entitled to all of the same rights as non-Muslim citizens.

In fact, I think that non-citizens are entitled to all of the same rights as citizens provided that they discharg the same obligations that ground the rights of citizens.

But I was under the impression that one of the major issues was immigration policy. 

Am I wrong about that?

And I think that if you look, you'll find that there are communities in Western Europe in which immigrant populations have effected serious changes for the worse in those communities.

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17 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

In what way do you mean?  People wanting to implement Sharia law?  

Yeah, or a close enough cousin to that sort of thing. 

Very roughly, I mean people who don't recognize the value Western political philosophy, you know, the principles articulated and defended by John Locke and his followers.

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