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OT: Which liberal talking head's head exploded today?


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They started exploding when THEY finally understood that Trump really could be elected. (they were way behind the general populous in understanding this)

It's great fun to watch MSNBC, CNN and the like and see formerly rational talking heads get all worked up.

So worked up that they start stuttering and then finally, they lose it, like a tween girl, on national TV.

You know when the explosion is eminent, the talking head starts repeating, with a vacant look in their eyes, "does not compute, does not compute." 

So I though I'd dedicate a thread to those whose head exploded as we watch.  

One of the early explosions I witnessed was that of Chuck Todd. 

So this first post is a shout out to him. It's merely an acknowledgement of his inability to understand that his ideas of what can and cannot happen in politics and governing is nonsense and his inability to accept a new template of behavior an action. 

Which talking head have you seen explode?

when you see this, you know an explosion is imminent and you have no time to grab a beer!920x920.jpg


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59 minutes ago, noonereal said:

They started exploding when THEY finally understood that Trump really could be elected. (they were way behind the general populous in understanding this)

It's great fun to watch MSNBC, CNN and the like and see formerly rational talking heads get all worked up.

So worked up that they start stuttering and then finally, they lose it, like a tween girl, on national TV.

You know when the explosion is eminent, the talking head starts repeating, with a vacant look in their eyes, "does not compute, does not compute." 

So I though I'd dedicate a thread to those whose head exploded as we watch.  

One of the early explosions I witnessed was that of Chris Todd. 

So this first post is a shout out to him. It's merely an acknowledgement of his inability to understand that his ideas of what can and cannot happen in politics and governing is nonsense and his inability to accept a new template of behavior an action. 

Which talking head have you seen explode?

when you see this, you know an explosion is imminent and you have no time to grab a beer!920x920.jpg


Is there a Chris Todd? Or are you worked up to the point where you wrote Chris instead of Chuck?

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43 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

We all owe Chuck Todd for finally getting Kelly Ann to say that in her world of "ALTERNATIVE FACTS" things aren't as they appear!?!...She lost what ever bit of creditability she had with that answer....:$


...fake news and "alternative facts"...the republican playbook...


indeed, "alternative facts" is the other side of this circus come to  life

My theory, It's no coincidence Ringling Brothers closed it doors and the very next day Trump took the white house.

How could the circus carry on with all the clowns leaving for DC the next day? 

Yes, I have no doubt, every clown in the country is now in DC!



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4 hours ago, noonereal said:

indeed, "alternative facts" is the other side of this circus come to  life

My theory, It's no coincidence Ringling Brothers closed it doors and the very next day Trump took the white house.

How could the circus carry on with all the clowns leaving for DC the next day? 

Yes, I have no doubt, every clown in the country is now in DC!



For the record, Ringling Brothers has not closed.  They announced that they are *going* to close.  They are in fact adding performances to their final tour due to demand.  They currently are very much a going entity.  Kind of blows your theory.  B|

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5 hours ago, DBP66 said:

We all owe Chuck Todd for finally getting Kelly Ann to say that in her world of "ALTERNATIVE FACTS" things aren't as they appear!?!...She lost what ever bit of creditability she had with that answer....:$

And it seems to me that it's not just the appeal to alternative facts that's worrying.

Spicer said, "This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration period, both in person and around the world."

Conway said, "I don't think you can prove those numbers one way or another. You know that there is no way to quantify crowds."

Her own alternative facts contradict what Spicer said.

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The leading organizer for the women's March is on record of supporting and trying to sell Sharia Law to America. 

This is what we were dealing with. Obama was talking about bathroom laws instead of real world issues. 

The military had to stop real combat training to give LGBT sensitivity training. 

This is why Trump became President. Because the core and true Americans saw this country slipping away and Hillary would of been the nail in the coffin. 

The liberals failed to realize that by promoting "tolerance" and letting Muslims, Gays and Illegals run amok, these groups would start spreading their lifestyle around to the point it becomes the norm. 

That was a scary vision, and I pray Trump spends his entire presidency undoing what Obama has done, and bring this country back to its morals, standards and traditions 

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11 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The leading organizer for the women's March is on record of supporting and trying to sell Sharia Law to America. 


The liberals failed to realize that by promoting "tolerance" and letting Muslims, Gays and Illegals run amok, these groups would start spreading their lifestyle around to the point it becomes the norm. 


How? I thought that the norms of Sharia Law and the Muslim lifestyle were inconsistent with the Gay lifestyle.

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16 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The leading organizer for the women's March is on record of supporting and trying to sell Sharia Law to America. 

This is what we were dealing with. Obama was talking about bathroom laws instead of real world issues. 

The military had to stop real combat training to give LGBT sensitivity training. 

This is why Trump became President. Because the core and true Americans saw this country slipping away and Hillary would of been the nail in the coffin. 

The liberals failed to realize that by promoting "tolerance" and letting Muslims, Gays and Illegals run amok, these groups would start spreading their lifestyle around to the point it becomes the norm. 

That was a scary vision, and I pray Trump spends his entire presidency undoing what Obama has done, and bring this country back to its morals, standards and traditions 



Morals, standards and traditions = 


We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Per Thomas Jefferson thank you very much. 

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36 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:



Morals, standards and traditions = 


We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Per Thomas Jefferson thank you very much. 

 What is being created equal have to do  with people spreading a lifestyle That clashes with the specific habitants of that specific land. 

Im not talking about people being born unequal. 

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14 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

 What is being created equal have to do  with people spreading a lifestyle That clashes with the specific habitants of that specific land. 

Im not talking about people being born unequal. 



No, you are talking about treating people unequally depending on various lifestyles or religious choices that you aren't in agreement with. Not only that, but  curbing or outright infringing upon their liberty and happiness to boot..


Do we have to always go to the damn dictionary with you? 


Definition of liberty



  1. 1:  the quality or state of being free:

  2. a :  the power to do as one pleases

  3. b :  freedom from physical restraint

  4. c :  freedom from arbitrary or despotic (see despot 2) control

  5. d :  the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges

  6. e :  the power of choice

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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

The leading organizer for the women's March is on record of supporting and trying to sell Sharia Law to America. 

This is what we were dealing with. Obama was talking about bathroom laws instead of real world issues. 

The military had to stop real combat training to give LGBT sensitivity training. 

This is why Trump became President. Because the core and true Americans saw this country slipping away and Hillary would of been the nail in the coffin. 

The liberals failed to realize that by promoting "tolerance" and letting Muslims, Gays and Illegals run amok, these groups would start spreading their lifestyle around to the point it becomes the norm. 

That was a scary vision, and I pray Trump spends his entire presidency undoing what Obama has done, and bring this country back to its morals, standards and traditions 

What a contradiction your statement is.  Your christian right?  The people that share these views and want to deny other people their rights are probably Christian.  So tell me how that squares with "love your neighbor" and all those ideas Jesus taught?  



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Your not getting it. We have laws in this country to remain orderly. 

 Some laws are old and some laws  were passed  based on the time in history  that they make sense in. 

We are a modern society. You can't apply everything that was ever said in recorded history and apply it to right now. 

The Nation of Islam and it's followers will NEVER live a lifestyle that in any way shape or form compliment, assist or coincide with our modern Western philosophies. 

That's what makes you liberals so dangerous. You would rather threaten the land you supposedly love and live in just for trying to not hurt people feelings 


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4 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

What a contradiction your statement is.  Your christian right?  The people that share these views and want to deny other people their rights are probably Christian.  So tell me how that squares with "love your neighbor" and all those ideas Jesus taught?  



That's the exact way of thinking that we need to be weary of. We have no identity and people like you try their hardest to separate us from the identity we had and need. 

We are a predominately Christian and Catholic Western society. Most every country in the world has their own identity and live a certain way. They have their own identity whether it's Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Jew etc. 

Whats happening in Europe with all these Muslim attacks should be warning you that we don't want that anywhere near us. Wake the fuck up!! Stop putting politic correctness over safety of our citizens! 

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

That's the exact way of thinking that we need to be weary of. We have no identity and people like you try their hardest to separate us from the identity we had and need. 

We are a predominately Christian and Catholic Western society. Most every country in the world has their own identity and live a certain way. They have their own identity whether it's Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Jew etc. 

Whats happening in Europe with all these Muslim attacks should be warning you that we don't want that anywhere near us. Wake the fuck up!! Stop putting politic correctness over safety of our citizens! 

Nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with manners and being kind to people.  

You may live in fear of Muslims but I do not and I'm not alone.  This country is a melting pot, with freedom to practice any religion we choose.  Your way of thinking is dying, not fast enough imo, and you are not going to put that back in the bottle.  Not even possible.  

So that leaves you either 1) learn to live with it by showing class and self respect or 2) live the rest of your life being an angry, narrow minded, miserable person.  It is a choice.  Your choice.  You will have no one to blame for that but you.


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1 minute ago, World Citizen said:

How does what other people do or where they worship affect your identity?  Hell man, if you want an identity just pick one.  There are identities everywhere.

If it was only that easy. That religion is extremely violent and strongly oppressed men, women and children.with violence and death daily. 

Thats why it's unlivable wastelands in the Middle East and North Africa. 

That violent and oppressive religion belongs nowhere in Europe or America 


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10 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with manners and being kind to people.  

You may live in fear of Muslims but I do not and I'm not alone.  This country is a melting pot, with freedom to practice any religion we choose.  Your way of thinking is dying, not fast enough imo, and you are not going to put that back in the bottle.  Not even possible.  

So that leaves you either 1) learn to live with it by showing class and self respect or 2) live the rest of your life being an angry, narrow minded, miserable person.  It is a choice.  Your choice.  You will have no one to blame for that but you.


Actually that's the beauty of it all. The new leaders of our country have a lot of my beliefs and mindset so I feel confident that this country will be getting back to how it's supposed to be. 

Now if Hillary was president I admit. I would of been scared. Maybe would of moved to Canada or something ?

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30 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Your not getting it. We have laws in this country to remain orderly. 

 Some laws are old and some laws  were passed  based on the time in history  that they make sense in. 

We are a modern society. You can't apply everything that was ever said in recorded history and apply it to right now. 

The Nation of Islam and it's followers will NEVER live a lifestyle that in any way shape or form compliment, assist or coincide with our modern Western philosophies. 

That's what makes you liberals so dangerous. You would rather threaten the land you supposedly love and live in just for trying to not hurt people feelings 


You are aware that Muslum people have lived here for awhile right?  They fit in great and are valuable citizens.  Many came here because this country is more in line with their values, hopes for their children, etc than the country they came from.  

Radical Islamist terrorize Muslims more than anyone else.  They are worried and scared of those bastards too.

I don't know If you would be interested or not but a really good book, I should say author is Karen Armstrong.  Wrote several books on Islam, Christianity, God, etc.  Islam is going through growing pains, much like Christianity did at about the same age in terms of how old the religion is.  Anyway, it explains a lot. 

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