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2 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Educate me a bit Im not even gonna pretend like I know... 

But this years election is akin to the Al gore-Bush election isnt it? Didnt Al gore have the popular vote locked but Bush won the Electoral? 

Hillary won her popular vote by 5x more than Gore did.

Trump is about the least popular incoming President of all-time.

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3 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

??? where was I when people were voting in an approval rating survey? 

Where were you? What is the name of the survey group? Or is this what CNN had a reporter go out and collect?

Did you read my link or did you just gloss over it like you did most of your subjects in grade school?

It was a Fox News poll.

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Just now, GardenStateBaller said:

So true. HRC beat DJT by 5M combined votes in CA and NY, the two most useless states when it comes to Republicans winning elections. Without them, DJT won the "real" popular vote by 2.2M. 

This is remarkably stupid even for someone like you.

You know that I can just arbitrarily take away states from Trump too and make Hillary's win bigger if I want. But why would I? Californians and New Yorkers are Americans and their votes count just as much.

I'm glad that you put real in quotes because that's appropriate when you make something up.

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2 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

IMO DJTs gap will widen on a daily basis going fwd with ongoing detractor displays of hate and divisiveness. 

You obviously don't follow actual government or politics.

It's ironic really.

Trump's deplorables are actually quite ignorant of how the country actually works but they swear that Obama ruined it and Trump will fix it.

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24 minutes ago, LOSer said:

Libtards. Snowflakes.

Just list all of the stupid terms that you guys have come up with.

Well you are a libtard snowflake...oh and a jackass!  Take away all of the illegals that voted and see what you have....now hurry up and scramble to post something from The Huffington Post....go ahead you little insignificant libetard sheep.


type anything you want....the best thing is when you turn off your pc, Trump is still the POTUS...and we all laugh at you...especially Concha :)

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

Here is one thing and there are tons more of this. He should be arrested for treason 



You know that people who get their information from internet pics and memes are generally uninformed.

The guy you voted for President is likely a puppet of Vladimir Putin but you have nothing to say about that while you make up treason charges against Obama.

Quite a racket you're got there.

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2 minutes ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

the best thing is when you turn off your pc, Trump is still the POTUS...and we all laugh at you...especially Concha :)

And you're life still sucks, you're still a loser and when Trump's approval drops to 28% and he can't govern we'll see how much you're laughing then.

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8 minutes ago, LOSer said:

You know that people who get their information from internet pics and memes are generally uninformed.

The guy you voted for President is likely a puppet of Vladimir Putin but you have nothing to say about that while you make up treason charges against Obama.

Quite a racket you're got there.

So he didn't release terrorists back to Muslim countries?

Again thanks for the support in making Trump our new President! 

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13 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Gay Muslim Pastries.... 

That doesnt make sense? 


Nolebull has a handful of atrocities former President Obama committed on the American people.


1. Gays

2. Muslims

3.  Bathroom access

4. Forcing hard working Americans (fuck yeah!) to bake gay Muslim wedding cakes against the tenets of the New Testament.

In short...

Gay Muslim Pastries 

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4 minutes ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Very creative writing, loser! 

I'll explain for those without knowledge (or a sense of humor).

Illegals can't vote.

So your attempts to diminish something that you claimed doesn't matter (ironic, huh?) won't work.

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

So he didn't release terrorists back to Muslim countries?

He sent back several prisoners at Guantanamo because, wait for it, they weren't terrorists.

Or at least we had held them for 15 or so years and had no evidence that they were connected to anything.

Most of the Guantanamo detainees were handed over to us by their enemies in Afghanistan.

But you would know this if you could actually read.

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