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2 hours ago, LOSer said:

Dude, you voted for Donald Trump and you're mocking somebody else for who they may vote for?

The guy had his press secretary call his first news conference today to lie about the crowd size at his Inauguration and claim that the media purposefully misrepresented photos of the crowd.

His first press conference.

similar to the reporter & side kick who laughed when no one was in the hanger during his campaign run.... only to find out 40k don't hold 10k

And in Detroit past midnight during the eve of voting when 30-40 k were there

Never under estimate your neighbor & that damn reporter!

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

Don't know but he lost women by 14 points.

The American people in general didn't vote for him. He's the most unpopular incoming President in at least 100+  years. 

The transition and Inauguration are supposed to by layups. He missed both. He's less popular now then he was 2 months ago. Just wait 6 months when Congressional Town Halls are being overrun with the opposite of the Tea Party and he's insulting his own party's Congressmen on Twitter.

President's don't get more popular later in their term. This is likely going to be his high point. 

Actually it's all the snowflakes on social media that make you think he is not popular. 

Trust me, he is very popular with REAL AMERICA. not the melting pot cities filled with shit and is a clusterfuck of every race and religion crammed together causing chaos. 

He is popular with middle America. The people who really make this country what it is. why do you think he won the key battle ground states especially in the Midwest? Middle America gave up on your Muslim president and didn't want 4 more years of that trash. 

So glad liberal twilight zones like California, New York and Massachusetts didn't decide the presidency 

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13 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Actually libtards, this is how it all panned out. Spin this how you want 

I think showing a map of red counties where nobody lives is the spin.

2.8 million more people voted for Hillary.

Now you're seeing why that matters.

Trump's Presidency is going to be marred by his unpopularity and public unrest.

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8 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Actually it's all the snowflakes on social media that make you think he is not popular. 

Libtards. Snowflakes.

Just list all of the stupid terms that you guys have come up with.

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To all the blowhard libs who just a few short months ago predicted the GOP would never win another election for 40+ years the GOP would like to personally thank barry hussein for coming on to the scene. Under barry hussein the libs have lost:

1. 900+ state legislature seats

2. 12 governors

3. 69 House seats

4. 13 Senate seats

5. A soon to be slanted right Supreme Court for hopefully next 40 years

6. GOP now hold House, Senate and Prez.

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4 minutes ago, LOSer said:

I think showing a map of red counties where nobody lives is the spin.

2.8 million more people voted for Hillary.

Now you're seeing why that matters.

Trump's Presidency is going to be marred by his unpopularity and public unrest.

You do realize that those 2.8 million people came from ultra liberal areas that were more concentrated with those same type of backwards thinking people. 

They don't do it that way for that specific reason. So a kooky state like California can try and tip the scales and decide the election for the rest of America. 

Trump won in the areas of the country that matter most. Not the urban sprawl and concrete jungles. 

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9 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Actually it's all the snowflakes on social media that make you think he is not popular. 

Actually the popular vote and approval polls prove that he's unpopular.

But you don't believe in facts so....

Popular Vote

Clinton: 48.0%

Trump: 45.9%

Approval Rating

Trump" 37%


The survey from Fox News showed that 37 percent of Americans approve of Trump ahead of his inauguration, while 54 percent do not.

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14 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

 He is popular with middle America. The people who really make this country what it is. why do you think he won the key battle ground states especially in the Midwest? 

You mean the desperate factory workers and coal miners who don't have jobs and so they pathetically groveled to Donald Trump to save them?

Those people make American what it is?

That's a laugh.

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Just now, LOSer said:

Actually the popular vote and approval polls prove that he's unpopular.

But you don't believe in facts so....

Popular Vote

Clinton: 48.0%

Trump: 45.9%

Approval Rating

Trump" 37%


The survey from Fox News showed that 37 percent of Americans approve of Trump ahead of his inauguration, while 54 percent do not.

So the percentage of people who do not approve of him is higher than the percentage of people who voted for him?



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Just now, LOSer said:

You mean the desperate factory workers and coal miners who don't have jobs and so they pathetically groveled to Donald Trump to save them?

Those people make American what it is?

That's a laugh.

You think illegals, Muslims, queers and Starbucks drinkers are what America is? 

Thanks for helping Trump win the presidency ?

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4 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

You do realize that those 2.8 million people came from ultra liberal areas that were more concentrated with those same type of backwards thinking people. 

So you think out of the two voting groups that liberals are the backwards thinking ones?

nolebull, have you ever read anything? 

Do you actually know anything about the world?

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6 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Trump won in the areas of the country that matter most. Not the urban sprawl and concrete jungles. 

So you think Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, etc. are more important than New York and California?

Do you have objective standards in your life?

Or do you just believe that everything that you are and like are the most important?

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4 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

So the percentage of people who do not approve of him is higher than the percentage of people who voted for him?


Let me explain this to you slowly so your head doesn't explode.

Only about 50% of eligible voters actually voted.

So votes only count people who, you know, actually voted.

Approval polls are representative of ALL Americans.

Trump is a minority President. His unpopularity is going to nosedive his Presidency and his lack of self-awareness is going to keep him from correcting it.

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10 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

You think illegals, Muslims, queers and Starbucks drinkers are what America is? 

I just think that the candidate with the most votes actually has the most support.

I also don't think that desperate losers from Kentucky and West Virginia are the backbone of America.

To think so is to be an idiot.

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1 minute ago, LOSer said:

So you think Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, etc. are more important than New York and California?

Do you have objective standards in your life?

Or do you just believe that everything that you are and like are the most important?

No I just know that if you line up everything that Trump said and everything that Hillary did it was a no brainer. I support my president because he is my president. I will give him a chance to try and fix the disasters that Obama caused. 

This country has been replacing core moral standards for freak shows, and radical religions. We have been catering to the wrong crowd and it has spiraled out of control. 

One guy I hope to God gets elected to power is William Pryor ?

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2 hours ago, LOSer said:

Don't know but he lost women by 14 points.

The American people in general didn't vote for him. He's the most unpopular incoming President in at least 100+  years. 

The transition and Inauguration are supposed to by layups. He missed both. He's less popular now then he was 2 months ago. Just wait 6 months when Congressional Town Halls are being overrun with the opposite of the Tea Party and he's insulting his own party's Congressmen on Twitter.

President's don't get more popular later in their term. This is likely going to be his high point. 

Educate me a bit Im not even gonna pretend like I know... 

But this years election is akin to the Al gore-Bush election isnt it? Didnt Al gore have the popular vote locked but Bush won the Electoral? 

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4 minutes ago, LOSer said:


Let me explain this to you slowly so your head doesn't explode.

Only about 50% of eligible voters actually voted.

So votes only count people who, you know, actually voted.

Approval polls are representative of ALL Americans.

Trump is a minority President. His unpopularity is going to nosedive his Presidency and his lack of self-awareness is going to keep him from correcting it.

??? where was I when people were voting in an approval rating survey? 

Where were you? What is the name of the survey group? Or is this what CNN had a reporter go out and collect?

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

No I just know that if you line up everything that Trump said and everything that Hillary did it was a no brainer.

If you're a desperate loser from one of those states then I agree.

This is your last desperate attempt to destroy the country one last time before demographics remove your hand from the levers of power.

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