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52 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

I had forgotten about the 'jungle' primary in California.

Now if I was a dishonest turd like concha I'd just call into question the source and make loud noises.

But I know the Washington Post is legit and the analysis is sound.

Still doesn't change the implication of my post.

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33 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

Rasmussen was the most accurate in the general election this cycle...so there's that I guess.

The Washington Post did a rating of the accuracy of polls in 2016.

They didn't even rate Rasmussen.


Nate Silver had them as a C+ rating because they were so bad in 2012.

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This would be seriously funny.  Fauxcahontas kicked to the curb?


Sen. Elizabeth Warren is up for re-election in 2018 and 46 percent in new WBUR poll say give someone else a chance

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said she deserves re-election. Ten percent said they didn't know or were undecided.





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11 minutes ago, LOSer said:

The Washington Post did a rating of the accuracy of polls in 2016.

They didn't even rate Rasmussen.


Nate Silver had them as a C+ rating because they were so bad in 2012.

Their final poll was Hillary +2. No one was closer.

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4 minutes ago, concha said:

Nate had Rasmussen at a C+.  Then again, Nate was 70%+ confidence that Cankles would win the WH with over 300 electoral votes. 

Nobody was closer than him and nobody chastised the 99%ers more than him either.

If you had more than an inch deep understanding of anything you'd have read his stuff and knew that he thought a Midwest surge was very possible.

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6 minutes ago, concha said:

Then again, Nate was 70%+ confidence that Cankles would win the WH with over 300 electoral votes.  Physician, heal thyself.

Also, someone else who doesn't understand probabilities.

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17 minutes ago, concha said:

Wasn't Canes going off on how Hillz was going to win big?


That's a lie that's been spread by dishonest turds like yourself.

I said she was going to win big among certain voting groups and she did (although not a much as I had thought).

But that's me being honest compared to zulu who still thinks he nailed the 2016 election.

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2 minutes ago, LOSer said:


That's a lie that's been spread by dishonest turds like yourself.

I said she was going to win big among certain voting groups and she did (although not a much as I had thought).

But that's me being honest compared to zulu who still thinks he nailed the 2016 election.

In the interest of accuracy, your exact claim was "Trump will lose every minority group in historic numbers."

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The guy that called it for Trump is a real legend.

He voted for Gary Johnson!

Clearly, zulu is the goofiest bird in the cage.

It's like I hate you Trump, I'm voting Gary Johnson.

Two months later the legend is admiring himself watching what he thinks is everyone else melting down. 

Welcome to the American madness.

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I have to say, I personally like a good bit of the libertarian platform.


They are definitely a little further left than myself on social issues as a whole, but I have to nitpick to find huge gaps between my social thoughts and theirs.


They start losing me on the deregulation stuff though. I do now and always will believe that capitalists have no business anywhere near healthcare. 

If they'd ease back toward center a little socially and fiscally, I could find reason to join their cause.


They're a little odd overall, far far right fiscally and far far left socially. 

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2 hours ago, concha said:



This would be seriously funny.  Fauxcahontas kicked to the curb?




What would be so funny about that?  Wait, I know.  She will be President in 4 years so I guess now is as good a time as any to start tearing her down.  Good God man, are you always so negative?  Tell me how she has offended you where you feel it necessary to throw "fauxcohontas" around?  

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3 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Good God man, are you always so negative?  Tell me how she has offended you where you feel it necessary to throw "fauxcohontas" around?  

She's a Harvard professor.

So therefore much smarter and more accomplished than noted race-baiter concha.

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