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9 minutes ago, LOSer said:

You might have been caught off guard by the facts that I presented.


LOL...I'll be the first to let you know if you ever catch me off guard, sport.

The crowd was 800,000...essentially as big or bigger than any modern POTUS not breaking any historical ground, and with rain, blockades, riots taking place 2 blocks away.

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Crowd size doesn't matter really.  What matters, and should be a red flag to everyone, is that our President has a problem with 1. the truth  2. that he seems to be unable to talk about anything without quickly turning the topic back to "him". 

When shit goes bad, and I think we all agree that eventually something bad will happen which Trump will have to deal with, is it even possible for him to deal with it in a thoughtful, reasoned, and adult way?  There is nothing so far to suggest he will.  Everything is about him.  His speech in front of the intelligence community yesterday was ridiculous.  He really must think these people are stupid.  He claims the media make him out to be in conflict with the intelligence community.  The intelligence folks know that the media didn't force Trump to call them Nazi's.  WTF? 

If Trump does something good I will say so but if he continues to be an idiot he will be called out on it.  For any of you who feel the need to reply with "snowflake or libtard or whatever", please don't.  These things I bring up are actual concerns that I have about Trump and notice that I am not just calling him names and throwing out things that did not happen or are irrelevant to the discussion at hand. 

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1 minute ago, World Citizen said:

Crowd size doesn't matter really.  What matters, and should be a red flag to everyone, is that our President has a problem with 1. the truth  2. that he seems to be unable to talk about anything without quickly turning the topic back to "him". 

When shit goes bad, and I think we all agree that eventually something bad will happen which Trump will have to deal with, is it even possible for him to deal with it in a thoughtful, reasoned, and adult way?  There is nothing so far to suggest he will.  Everything is about him.  His speech in front of the intelligence community yesterday was ridiculous.  He really must think these people are stupid.  He claims the media make him out to be in conflict with the intelligence community.  The intelligence folks know that the media didn't force Trump to call them Nazi's.  WTF? 

If Trump does something good I will say so but if he continues to be an idiot he will be called out on it.  For any of you who feel the need to reply with "snowflake or libtard or whatever", please don't.  These things I bring up are actual concerns that I have about Trump and notice that I am not just calling him names and throwing out things that did not happen or are irrelevant to the discussion at hand. 

You are exactly right, he lacks maturity.  it is a concern especially when he starts dealing internationally.

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19 hours ago, LOSer said:

Don't know but he lost women by 14 points.

The American people in general didn't vote for him. He's the most unpopular incoming President in at least 100+  years. 

The transition and Inauguration are supposed to by layups. He missed both. He's less popular now then he was 2 months ago. Just wait 6 months when Congressional Town Halls are being overrun with the opposite of the Tea Party and he's insulting his own party's Congressmen on Twitter.

President's don't get more popular later in their term. This is likely going to be his high point. 

It makes me question the system when a career politician, and top candidate of the opposite party loses by electorate process to a first time ever political candidate. Trump, the president of the US, loser of the popular vote, is the POTUS against huge odds. This can only happen in a truly democratic system.

Trump fought the Republicans, the Democrats, and the Media, but is still elected as the 44 President of the United States of America. Nothing reasonable about it.

Trump wasn't supposed to make it past the first round of debates. Then he wasn't supposed to win the Republican vote. Then he was supposed to lose to Hillary by a large margin. And now, here we are, America in chaos because Trump beat unimaginable odds. The man is a winner because he refuses to give up no matter the cost. The trail of broken millionaires in his past are just a small example of his shrewdness. I would not want to be China, Iran, Russia, Korea, etc... sitting across the table from him trying to make a deal. 

Trump will get what he wants. Other countries and some US Americans are going to hate him for it, but in time he will be the one that either starts WW3, or puts a stop to the bleeding of debts to countries that are anti USA. He even has the power to declare Marshall Law if the rioting gets to crazy, so protesters better be careful or they could end up getting free room and board on the US dime.

Interesting times we live in to say the least. 

Just back from Germany, and in many ways they feel the same as most Americans. They were afraid of so many refugees coming in. However, most refugees seem to be simulating into the German culture and doesn't seem to be that big of a problem. Of course you will find that few terrorist that are going to go crazy in crowds no matter what. 

I'll be in Mexico the first week of February. I have friends there and of course I will ask about their thoughts. As a US citizen I'll stick out so I should get a real feel of how they feel about the US.




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4 hours ago, zulu1128 said:



The crowd was 800,000...essentially as big or bigger than any modern POTUS not breaking any historical ground...

 "Marcel Altenburg and Keith Still, crowd scientists at Manchester Metropolitan University in Britain, analyzed photographs and video taken of the National Mall and vicinity and estimated that there were about 160,000 people in those areas in the hour leading up to Mr. Trump’s speech Friday."

Politifact inauguration sizes here.


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10 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

 "Marcel Altenburg and Keith Still, crowd scientists at Manchester Metropolitan University in Britain, analyzed photographs and video taken of the National Mall and vicinity and estimated that there were about 160,000 people in those areas in the hour leading up to Mr. Trump’s speech Friday."

Politifact inauguration sizes here.


They're using the picture that was confirmed as taken at 9am...so that's a pretty decent fail.xD

Snopes states that the consensus is "between 700,000-900,000."

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12 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:


Trying to be as nice and pc as I can... You can't even begin to think progressively.

Progressive thinking and movements sometimes take decades to fully enact. It took women 50+ years from the time of their first real push for voting rights to actually get into a poll and cast a vote. It took much longer than than for African-Americans to gain that right. 



On the board of life, you folks are playing checkers while progressives play chess. 

Be careful they hate facts.  You must confuse the hell out of them.  They can't accuse you of hating whites or using the race card or using make believe history. xD

OH what a problem you and LOSer must be at the family reunions. I remember you telling the truth about what you hear with your own ears about the outgoing President. And that it was pure vitriol.  I am just reading your posts.  No need for me to interject on their posts. You and LOSer are str8 beasts. I will only comment on yours. This is AWESOME.

You are slaying in each post. xD

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11 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:


Trying to be as nice and pc as I can... You can't even begin to think progressively.

Progressive thinking and movements sometimes take decades to fully enact. It took women 50+ years from the time of their first real push for voting rights to actually get into a poll and cast a vote. It took much longer than than for African-Americans to gain that right. 



On the board of life, you folks are playing checkers while progressives play chess. 

Image result for homerun

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40 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

They were right. Assuming the 1.8 million figure from 2009 is correct, it's pretty obvious that Friday's crowd was slightly less than half as big when comparing photos taken at the same time.

Again, I'm not saying that Spicer didn't look like a complete dick up there yesterday. He did. 1.5 million is obviously a stupid figure to throw out there. As I stated earlier, had he just gone out and said that "considering the weather and violent protesters surrounding the mall, we feel it was pretty well attended..."800,000 is certainly on par with the inaugurations of most modern Presidents."

It's really too bad they can't afford my services.

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