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Thomas Sowell is nation treasure...


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10 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Projects are posting alt right political posts on a HSFB forum?

Interesting projects LMFAO!

Interesting that you either don't have a job (hardly a shocker) or you just have a weird obsession with other people's jobs.

1,000+ posts in just 16 days.

Get out of your mom's basement.

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1 hour ago, Drummer61 said:

Guys, talk about Thomas Sowells, his writings, what do you know about him,agree or not with what he believes and writes...Stay on point....He has written some great things and imo is spot about the horrible welfare state that LBJ's "Great Society" reaped on many who still are dependent on Govt and  contribute nothing...

I think he is incredibly smart and I also think he is boring it as if watching paint dry. Listening to one of his lectures. (Why are all Black Conservative Men so dreary) (Ben Carson and Sowell) exhibits A & B.  Very astute Gentleman no doubt. Why don't you ask him why was an HBCU is vehicle into Harvard and why did he start out in fact a Marxist and then take a Gov't job?  So you see he is quite a hypocrite.  But the Right loves Hypocrisy just look at how they cream themselves over a flawed document from the 1700's.  How is that for being on topic sir?  He loves that document (A damn fool).   He is not the foremost African American Scholar on Economics or what are the ills of black society.  I don't hate or disparage him, I disagree with his optics quite often.  But you have the right to fawn all over him.  Kinda funny.  Last week Kanye West was the Role Model.  :D

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25 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

I think he is incredibly smart and I also think he is boring it as if watching paint dry. Listening to one of his lectures. (Why are all Black Conservative Men so dreary) (Ben Carson and Sowell) exhibits A & B.  Very astute Gentleman no doubt. Why don't you ask him why was an HBCU is vehicle into Harvard and why did he start out in fact a Marxist and then take a Gov't job?  So you see he is quite a hypocrite.  But the Right loves Hypocrisy just look at how they cream themselves over a flawed document from the 1700's.  How is that for being on topic sir?  He loves that document (A damn fool).   He is not the foremost African American Scholar on Economics or what are the ills of black society.  I don't hate or disparage him, I disagree with his optics quite often.  But you have the right to fawn all over him.  Kinda funny.  Last week Kanye West was the Role Model.  :D


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4 hours ago, DevilDog said:

I think he is incredibly smart and I also think he is boring it as if watching paint dry. 


He needs to be more engaging, dynamic and charismatic.

Like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Paul Krugman, Hillary Clinton...


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2 hours ago, concha said:


He needs to be more engaging, dynamic and charismatic.

Like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Paul Krugman, Hillary Clinton...


Thomas Sowell an old Boring Smart Black guy that is only heard on Nut Wing Radio and HAM Radio or some far flung AM Station from Des Moines at 2 a.m.  


Nancy Pelosi - Former Speaker of the House, House Minority Whip. 

Maxine Waters - U.S. House of Representatives, Chief Deputy Whip, CBC 

Chuck Schumer - Senate Minority Leader, Chair of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, Chair of the Senate Rules Committee

Hillary Clinton, 1st Lady, Senator,  Secretary of State etc

And now this: 

Thomas Sowell - Old boring ass dude that gives the Right woodies with his slow ass speech patterns.  Maybe he realize how stupid his audience is and has to slow his cadence to 30 wpm.  🤣😏

And then you have this:  He thinks Loans to low income people was the cause of the worldwide financial meltdown.  Some Genius this defies both common sense as well as facts and rational analysis. 

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1 minute ago, DevilDog said:

Thomas Sowell an old Boring Smart Black guy that is only heard on Nut Wing Radio and HAM Radio or some far flung AM Station from Des Moines at 2 a.m.  


Nancy Pelosi - Former Speaker of the House, House Minority Whip. And likely to stay that way. Dementia hitting HARD.

Maxine Waters - U.S. House of Representatives, Chief Deputy Whip, CBC Batshit. Recognized as one of the most corrupt people in Congress. 

Chuck Schumer - Senate Minority Leader, Chair of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, Chair of the Senate Rules Committee  Crying Chuckie... bless his heart.

Crooked Hillary Clinton, 1st Lady, Senator,  Secretary of State etc  LOSER and likely to never get over it. tenor.gif?itemid=5337365

And now this: 

Thomas Sowell - Old boring ass dude that gives the Right woodies with his slow ass speech patterns.  Maybe he realize how stupid his audience is and has to slow his cadence to 30 wpm.  🤣😏

And then you have this:  "Here "the government decree that lenders have to lend to more low-income people and minorities who want mortgages ... That sounds like a fine idea in the world of Liberal Land. Unfortunately, in the ugly world of reality, it turned out to be a financial disaster, from which the economy has still not yet recovered."


This defies common sense, as well as fact and rational analysis.


I'm guessing that having one of your heroes debate Professor Sowell (US Marine Corps 1951-1953) would be pretty entertaining, in an intellectual bloodbath kinda way.


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28 minutes ago, concha said:


I'm guessing that having one of your heroes debate Professor Sowell (US Marine Corps 1951-1953) would be pretty entertaining, in an intellectual bloodbath kinda way.


I will assure you my hero would destroy him and neither of those 4 Liberals you mentioned are anywhere on the list.  That I will assure you.  He damn sure will not give my Hero a Bloodbath.  I know he was a former Marine.  He was a Photographer.   Hell that makes Reverend Wright a fellow brother as well (US Marine Corps 1959 -1961) hell he left College to join then joined the Navy became a Corpsman and was part of the team responsible for President Johnson's Health.  So hell even that is a greater Hero than T.S. 

Notice the Brother behind old LBJ that would be Reverend Jeremiah Wright.  LMAO.   Notice the letter from LBJ to him.  


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1 hour ago, concha said:


I'm guessing that having one of your heroes debate Professor Sowell (US Marine Corps 1951-1953) would be pretty entertaining, in an intellectual bloodbath kinda way.


I will bet both of my Nutz,  that Thomas Sowell will not destroy my hero.  My African American knowledge is deep believe that.  And you lack in depth of it if you think he wants any part of this brother in a debate.  I know him well. 

Compare the two and learn something and get back with me.  Do you have any idea who this is? 

As a matter of fact I'm sadden that more Blacks have no idea who he is but it damn sure isn't a lack of effort on my behalf.  Any African American that is acquainted with me will testify that I have recommended a book or books that they should devour.  T.S. is a Joke next to this Black intellectual powerhouse.  I don't give a damn about Liberals or Republicans and that Plantation mentality that you love to drop on the left started back when the 1st Racial Preacher on the Real Plantation gave them some B.S. Called Christianity that Yeshua never ever said the word in his life.  The Plantation mentality is not some Make believe liberal mindset it was a real Plantation by hypocritical racist Christians.  The only people in History to embrace the religion of their enslaver.  To this day the most free and successful ones have thrown that damn yoke away.  That old turn the other cheek and forgive while being brutalized.  Here is proof Dylann Roof shoots up a black Church.  Every damn family member in Court forgive him because some Slave owners taught them that B.S. 400 years ago.  Fuck Dylann  Roof. 

Damaged people still stuck on the Racist Christian Plantation.  Now you decide if it was a Liberal one or a Republican one.  I don't give a damn about either.   Look at these brain damaged people forgiving this Animal. Yet will call you all kind of names for getting shot unarmed by a Cop.  Those that never forgive brainwashed them with this B.S.  Just go to the 2:30 Mark and the REAL PLANTATION MINDSET TAKES OVER.    White Jesus is a MOFO to get over.  Hell took me 32 years to have knowledge dropped on me by real Social warriors.    


Another of my Hero's . I know you have no damn idea:  So let me name drop William Julius Wilson.   I only brought up the real plantation to destroy this myth by the Right that Blacks social ills are some result of liberal policies.  I specialize in amnesia treatment. 🤣



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2 hours ago, concha said:

Lots of typing, DD.  Not sure if you named a hero or not.

My money would be on Professor Sowell.


Of course it would. You share a similar philosophy and I have never said he wasn't intelligent. But he will not destroy Mr. Wilson.  I guess the picture is a mirage along with his name.  

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2 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

A secular progressive at best and at worst a Communist.......who, imo and based on his writings, may have liked Karl Marx and Richard Engles.....Not fond of Capitalism, yet did  well in our system...Was a member of progressive societies and was far away from those like Thomas Sowells who preferred  accountability rather that play the blame game...Certainly not someone of Sowells renoun, prestige nor ilk..

Sowells started off as a Marxist.  I don't think you know much about either, you just jump in conversation not well armed.

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23 hours ago, DevilDog said:

These same mindsets ingrained a flawed Religion that has done more to keep Blacks on a Plantation than any damn Liberal Policy every constructed.  Yet 400 years later still expecting you to fall to the tutelage of the one like unto you that they shaped, fashioned, constructed and presented as a model to you.  Remember they tried that with Nat Turner running him from Plantation to Plantation for $30.00 to teach you appeasement.  Then he grabbed the book (Bible) read it for himself and well you are well versed know the rest.  Thomas Sowell a National Treasure.  :D Marcus Garvey,  W.E.B. Dubois, IDA B. Wells, and others that they have no idea about is much more of influence than this Sowell.  Smart man that has been challenged by many intellectuals including my favorite Mr. William Julius Wilson. Get a book on him sir and destroy the rhetorical verbal barbs that this mythical KneeGrow that they so eagerly embrace as your salvation.  Remember Bill Cosby was their favorite too.  Pull up your pants, stop talking with that linguistic flair.  They loved it remember.  Yeah they are not the best characters when it comes to correcting our ills.  Their Religion is the source of our Pain.  I will be a warrior till the day I die.  William Banneker was a National Treasure and they missed it on him too.

Let them Challenge me with Sowell and I will destroy it with Mr. Wilson and a few others. Knowledge is a helluva weapon.  He is a smart man nothing more than that.  He is a Former U.S. Marine so we have that bond. 


I too was puzzled by the adoption of a captors religion.  However, having said that, at the heart of all major religions is a universal message of good.  The fact that in Christianity nearly no one practices and lives by what they are taught is another matter.  I'm not religious in the least but imho Jesus was an enlightened human, much like the Buddha, and his teaching has the opportunity for us to realize the same.  

Point is that imo we all should learn from such teachers.  Buddha,  Krishna, Jesus and Mohammod, along with many others all can teach us and lead us.  As long As we can filter out the bs.  And there is no shortage of bs and fairy tale.  

Love your post though.  Always learn something reading yours.  


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51 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

And some people used to be fat, some used to smoke and sometimes you and SN are jokes....

the only joke is you, you know nothing of the man, you denigrate those associated with Marxism not realizing Sowells, whom you are faking loyalty, followed Marxism at one point in his life.  Have you ever read any of his books? 

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