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Thomas Sowell is nation treasure...


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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

Because he is black. It is very important to the right's sense of well being to have a brother on their side. Let's call a spade a spade and a heart a heart. 

He studied under Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago. Apparently he was greatly influenced by the great monetarist!

Has nothing to do with him being black. I really don’t care about race, I only care about the Truth. He speaks the truth and has inspired the current crop of young conservatives, including myself.

I am ethically Hispanic but that doesn’t give opinion more or less value. 

To reduce Thomas Sowell to his skin color would be extremely ignorant. Don’t be ignorant buddy, thanks!

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1 minute ago, concha said:

Don't be stupid.  A very large percentage of whites are liberals.


So what, a very large percentage of blacks are liberal.  

one only needs to turn on the news to see the disdain between the two parties, rhetoric created from white citizens. politics has been a divisive force in this country for decades and getting worse.  But yet you think it's not as significant as black liberals vehemently disagreeing with black conservatives.  GTFOH!


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10 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Something you def don't follow.

Aren't these work hours for you?

You seem jealous that I have a well-paying job.


Meanwhile, you are on here from the Left Coast from early in the AM to late at night. 60 or so posts a day.

Don't think the board doesn't notice. 😁

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5 minutes ago, concha said:

So whenever I post I have to publish a treatise that spells out all caveats and exceptions?

Broad view:  African-Americans have seen the destruction of the black family occur under the modern liberal state. Birth-out-of-wedlock (~70% or more). Abortion (3x-4x the national average). Single-mother homes. Incarceration...

Does this apply to all? Of course not. But are you going to tell me that the AA community as a whole has not been disproportionately affected?  Do you think Maxine Water's district looks at all like her actual neighborhood?

Yeah, you think that incarceration rate is not affected by very biased drug policing compared to other groups?  There are a lot of dynamics in place other than liberalism.

i think the condition in some black communities has more to do with self, family and community preservation, attitudes and priorities and less to do with politics.  I'll leave it at that.  The liberalism vs conservatism is overplayed.

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1 minute ago, Horsefly said:

So what, a very large percentage of blacks are liberal.  

one only needs to turn on the news to see the disdain between the two parties, rhetoric created from white citizens. politics has been a divisive force in this country for decades and getting worse.  But yet you think it's not as significant as black liberals vehemently disagreeing with black conservatives.  GTFOH!


"A very large percentage of blacks are liberal". No shit. 90%+ voting Dem. Nearly monolithic.

Not so in the white community, hence the ridiculousness of your comparison.


I won't even touch the blame whitey crap.  Look at the black leadership in the government.  How are they doing? Now look at their constituents.

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2 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Yeah, you think that incarceration rate is not affected by very biased drug policing compared to other groups?  There are a lot of dynamics in place other than liberalism.


Just keep voting Dem.

It'll work.  Eventually. 60 years just isn't enough time.

Have a nice day.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:


Just keep voting Dem.

It'll work.  Eventually. 60 years just isn't enough time.

Have a nice day.

I don't vote dem, conservatism is not the answer either.  Self, family and community preservation along with attitude and priority readjusting is the answer...the hell with your politics and political parties.  They all need to burn to hell!

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16 minutes ago, concha said:

"A very large percentage of blacks are liberal". No shit. 90%+ voting Dem. Nearly monolithic.

Not so in the white community, hence the ridiculousness of your comparison.


I won't even touch the blame whitey crap.  Look at the black leadership in the government.  How are they doing? Now look at their constituents.

 You think republicans are a good, wholesome representation in government?  They aren't exactly paragons of truthfulness and integrity.  Of course in a two system government, the options are limited.(neither one blacks helped create or define, which is why whites are well represented in both parties) One gives the illusion of inclusion the other doesn't even do that! Look how your party treated Michael Steele at the recent CPAC!  Again no one needs your party nor politics, Both are garbage and if you were really in the know of the black community MANY are coming to that realization too.

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16 minutes ago, concha said:

You seem jealous that I have a well-paying job.


Meanwhile, you are on here from the Left Coast from early in the AM to late at night. 60 or so posts a day.

Don't think the board doesn't notice. 😁

People get up early for work.

I doubt you have a job, let alone a good paying one.

I am wondering what they think of all of your alt right posts on here during work hours.

Care to explain?

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2 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

People get up early for work.

I doubt you have a job, let alone a good paying one.

I am wondering what they think of all of your alt right posts on here during work hours.

Care to explain?

Why would I need to explain to you of all people?  🤣

You are one strange puppy.  I've beaten you like a rented mule on here. Apparently to the point that now you are so desperate you feel the need to delve into my job.

Meanwhile, you are on here all day, every day, from morning till night vomiting out record numbers of posts.  Nearly 1,000 posts in just over two weeks.  What a loser.  Do you have a life at all outside the board?  It must have been hell for you when you got banned.



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1 minute ago, concha said:

Why would I need to explain to you of all people?  🤣

You are one strange puppy.  I've beaten you like a rented mule on here. Apparently to the point that now you are so desperate you feel the need to delve into my job.

Meanwhile, you are on here all day, every day, from morning till night vomiting out record numbers of posts.  Nearly 1,000 posts in just over two weeks.  What a loser.  Do you have a life at all outside the board?  It must have been hell for you when you got banned.



Maybe we should let them decide?

What do you think?

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Just now, concha said:


You are so bizarre.

What exactly do you think the people on board think about you when you do stupid crap like this? 😁

Ask me again.

Then tell yourself how great you're doing.

Go back and look at your alt right posting history and obsession with a state you cannot afford to live in.

And then think what others think of you.

You lost a long time again little boy.


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Just now, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Go back and look at your alt right posting history and obsession with a state you cannot afford to live in.

And then think what others think of you.

You lost a long time again little boy.



Sure. From the guy who thought his poverty-stricken state was unassailable.  Oooooops!!! That worked out.

Now you're left pushing bizarro stuff about my job.  That's normal... LOL

You are bush league. 2nd-class bush league at that.


So, how many posts can we count on from you today, Banned 💩Boy?  🤣

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Just now, concha said:


Sure. From the guy who thought his poverty-stricken state was unassailable.  Oooooops!!! That worked out.

Now you're left pushing bizarro stuff about my job.  That's normal... LOL

You are bush league. 2nd-class bush league at that.


So, how many posts can we count on from you today, Banned 💩Boy?  🤣

Look at you. You cannot admit a loss.

You are all worried about people knowing that you are posting bizarre alt right forum threads during business hours, instead of working, all while "claiming" you have a "high paying job."

What a weirdo.


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3 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Look at you. You cannot admit a loss.

You are all worried about people knowing that you are posting bizarre alt right forum threads during business hours, instead of working, all while "claiming" you have a "high paying job."

What a weirdo.



Enjoy making shit up to assuage your butt hurt. 

It's all you've got.

Now, tell yourself how well you're doing. LMAO



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3 hours ago, Horsefly said:

But you have broadly referenced black liberals being on the plantation, not progressing farther than handouts and entitlements

These same mindsets ingrained a flawed Religion that has done more to keep Blacks on a Plantation than any damn Liberal Policy every constructed.  Yet 400 years later still expecting you to fall to the tutelage of the one like unto you that they shaped, fashioned, constructed and presented as a model to you.  Remember they tried that with Nat Turner running him from Plantation to Plantation for $30.00 to teach you appeasement.  Then he grabbed the book (Bible) read it for himself and well you are well versed know the rest.  Thomas Sowell a National Treasure.  :D Marcus Garvey,  W.E.B. Dubois, IDA B. Wells, and others that they have no idea about is much more of influence than this Sowell.  Smart man that has been challenged by many intellectuals including my favorite Mr. William Julius Wilson. Get a book on him sir and destroy the rhetorical verbal barbs that this mythical KneeGrow that they so eagerly embrace as your salvation.  Remember Bill Cosby was their favorite too.  Pull up your pants, stop talking with that linguistic flair.  They loved it remember.  Yeah they are not the best characters when it comes to correcting our ills.  Their Religion is the source of our Pain.  I will be a warrior till the day I die.  William Banneker was a National Treasure and they missed it on him too.

Let them Challenge me with Sowell and I will destroy it with Mr. Wilson and a few others. Knowledge is a helluva weapon.  He is a smart man nothing more than that.  He is a Former U.S. Marine so we have that bond. 


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2 hours ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Look at you. You cannot admit a loss.

You are all worried about people knowing that you are posting bizarre alt right forum threads during business hours, instead of working, all while "claiming" you have a "high paying job."

What a weirdo.


The extraordinary level of irony in this post is not lost on me. 

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