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Serious question....


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29 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

True but no so much anymore. Now it dont matter your skin color. You get whatever you put in. 

But you start from a lower rung TODAY because it takes generations to rise up. Please understand. 

It's not all whites gave up all their ancestors have accumulated to start equal to the blacks today.

Do you think a poor family in Newark can even provide the guidance to their kids the parents in Allendale can? 

Never mind the financial support to start out. 


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22 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

ecause its contrasting viewpoints and out of contrasting viewpoints you cover both sides and you learn. I would love to sit down with both sides and talk to someone whose relative was a slave in the south. And I would like to sit down with an ancestor of an abolitionist. I think that would make for some fascinating dialogue. 

Same with WW2. I would like to sit down with a Nazi if any of them are still alive and get their perspective and than someone whose family died or was at the death camps. 

History, my friend (you will allow me that liberty?) is in the eye of the beholder. Generally, it is the victor that chronicles the tale, not the vanquished. It is neither mathematics nor science that can be viewed objectively. For as we are necessarily human, our emotions will always come into play. You said as much, when you responded to one of my posts with, " blacks and the Irish should both hate the British ..."

Because, if we lived in an objective world, I would be neither black nor white nor yellow nor red, it may be somewhat easier for me to stand aside from the fray with a wry smile. But then again, it may not ... 

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9 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

History, my friend (you will allow me that liberty?) is in the eye of the beholder. Generally, it is the victor that chronicles the tale, not the vanquished. It is neither mathematics nor science that can be viewed objectively. For as we are necessarily human, our emotions will always come into play. You said as much, when you responded to one of my posts with, " blacks and the Irish should both hate the British ..."

Because, if we lived in an objective world, I would be neither black nor white nor yellow nor red, it may be somewhat easier for me to stand aside from the fray with a wry smile. But then again, it may not ... 

Yes emotions will come into play but those emotions should not stand in the way of opposite viewpoints on a variety of issues. We discuss illegal immigration should one side be silenced over it no. Both sides are allowed to have their point of view. You can say this about any subject. But will schools allow both sides I doubt it. You would have such an uproar that no teacher or admin will allow it. If you want real education you have to go out and seek it on your own. 

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22 minutes ago, noonereal said:

But you start from a lower rung TODAY because it takes generations to rise up. Please understand. 

It's not all whites gave up all their ancestors have accumulated to start equal to the blacks today.

Do you think a poor family in Newark can even provide the guidance to their kids the parents in Allendale can? 

Never mind the financial support to start out. 


So your saying because your poor you cant guide? Does your economic class limit guidance? Why cant you guide your kid? 

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10 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Do you believe that factual history can be extrapolated to fit one mans agenda ???

Facts are objective. History, though it may reflect facts, also reflects a lot of opinion. That is why we refer to certain historians as "revisionist." Also, without omitting facts, history can be bent to reflect a particular point of view or interpretation by stressing certain facts over others; by giving greater weight to certain events over others. This can be done intentionally or by subconscious bias. 

My point, for what it's worth, is that as a subject area, History is not the same as either the hard sciences or Mathematics. Your interpretation of history can be very, very different than mine. It does not necessarily mean that either of us are trying to be intellectually dishonest. Nor does it mean that either or both of us are wrong or right. For while we can objectively state that such and such an event occurred on such a date or that The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815, our understanding of what gave rise to the event could differ greatly.  

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40 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

So your saying because your poor you cant guide? Does your economic class limit guidance? Why cant you guide your kid? 


I know you don't understand this but I have seen it up close. Parents who have no exposure can only offer meager guidance no matter how well intended. 



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13 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

To generate viable rhetoric either way....Something you know little about

The little guy hates the Spanish living on his street (too many), hates all immigrants and now is attacking slow American kids.

And, he's the slowest punk on this forum. His internet trigger is fast though. 9_9

Rhetoric that you very thick old man.....



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1 hour ago, noonereal said:


I know you don't understand this but I have seen it up close. Parents who have no exposure can only offer meager guidance no matter how well intended. 



So by your logic kids that come from poor neighborhoods shouldn't even bother to try since their parents cant help them

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2 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

So by your logic kids that come from poor neighborhoods shouldn't even bother to try since their parents cant help them

I am not sure how you drew that inference. After reading what Noon wrote, I fail to see your conclusion. All he has argued is that it's a lot harder for those kids as they don't have a lot going for them. This in no way shape or form means (and he does not make this argument) that they should lay down and die or that they should go hold up the local bodega.

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Just now, DarterBlue said:

I am not sure how you drew that inference. After reading what Noon wrote, I fail to see your conclusion. All he has argued is that it's a lot harder for those kids as they don't have a lot going for them. This in no way shape or form means (and he does not make this argument) that they should lay down and die or that they should go hold up the local bodega.

He said that he has seen it up close that parents in poor economic means can only give meager advice. I said that's BS. No matter what your economic status is you can make of this world what you want. Gonna be harder for some than other but you can do it. So I said if by what he says is true why should any poor child growing up in bad economic status even try. They dont have much of a chance according to him and their parents can barely help them. 

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2 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

He said that he has seen it up close that parents in poor economic means can only give meager advice. I said that's BS. No matter what your economic status is you can make of this world what you want. Gonna be harder for some than other but you can do it. So I said if by what he says is true why should any poor child growing up in bad economic status even try.

Try answering your own question: It's really simple. YOU try because if you have the ability, it usually leads to a better, longer life. Delroy UZI Edwards (Google him) and I attended the same elementary school and were gambling buddies as kids growing up. Today, I am retired and can take care of myself; while, he is in a Federal Prison in Colorado serving six consecutive life sentences. And, by the way, I can vouch for the fact he was, and probably still is, a very smart guy. So, what is the difference between us? After all, we both came from very limited economic circumstances and went to what would be described as a pretty crummy elementary school in Kingston, Jamaica. It's really simple. I came under the influence of some wise older members of the community, who, though of humble means, provided me with a picture of what life could be if I studied hard.

But for them, both Delroy and me would probably be batting 0-2. Let's change the circumstances. Let's say we were both born to wealthy Investment Bankers on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Sure we could have both f***ed up; some kids born into privilege do. But the odds are that both of us would have attained, respectable financial success and we would be batting 2-0. It's not that hard to figure out.

I believe this is what Noon was trying to say to you. There is a correlation between the ease with which success is attained and where you started out in life. No, I don't believe anyone should cry victim and blame the world for his failure. However, if you believe that a rich, white kid (or even a rich black kid, though they are not many) does not have an inherent advantage you are either delusional or you are flat out lying to yourself. 

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8 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

@Columbiafan What makes me angry and sad is that people are afraid of talking about the hard subjects especially in terms of history and if you dont tote the line your in trouble

Try to talk about the benefits of slavery

Talk about anything good Hitler did for Germany

Try to talk about the good people like Robert E Lee did for this country well before the Civil War 

There are many subjects people dont want to talk about for fear of being called a racist. This is part of the very sad world in which we live

It's not hard to have those conversations, its all in the tact used in introducing those topics in discussing the benefits on the other side of an argument.

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10 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

Try answering your own question: It's really simple. YOU try because if you have the ability, it usually leads to a better, longer life. Delroy UZI Edwards (Google him) and I attended the same elementary school and were gambling buddies as kids growing up. Today, I am retired and can take care of myself; while, he is in a Federal Prison in Colorado serving six consecutive life sentences. And, by the way, I can vouch for the fact he was, and probably still is, a very smart guy. So, what is the difference between us? After all, we both came from very limited economic circumstances and went to what would be described as a pretty crummy elementary school in Kingston, Jamaica. It's really simple. I came under the influence of some wise older members of the community, who, though of humble means, provided me with a picture of what life could be if I studied hard.

But for them, both Delroy and me would probably be batting 0-2. Let's change the circumstances. Let's say we were both born to wealthy Investment Bankers on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Sure we could have both f***ed up; some kids born into privilege do. But the odds are that both of us would have attained, respectable financial success and we would be batting 2-0. It's not that hard to figure out.

I believe this is what Noon was trying to say to you. There is a correlation between the ease with which success is attained and where you started out in life. No, I don't believe anyone should cry victim and blame the world for his failure. However, if you believe that a rich, white kid (or even a rich black kid, though they are not many) does not have an inherent advantage you are either delusional or you are flat out lying to yourself. 

I am agreeing with what you are saying. But again we are way off topic

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3 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

I am agreeing with what you are saying. But again we are way off topic

I think you were the one that took things off topic. But it is what it is. 


31 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

More retards today. More $ being spent

I see you have gone back to the topic. What exactly do you have against your so called retards? Do they scare you or something? Or do you just wish society would abandon them? If and when most humans no longer serve a purpose due to advances in science, should they be abandoned by society too?

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Just now, DarterBlue said:

I think you were the one that took things off topic. But it is what it is. 


I see you have gone back to the topic. What exactly do you have against your so called retards? Do they scare you or something? Or do you just wish society would abandon them? If and when most humans no longer serve a purpose due to advances in science, should they be abandoned by society too?

We will not need as much people when science takes over so people need to realize that and stop having kids. What I have against them is the amount of money that they cost. Like I said they cost double the normal student. Their parents should have to shell out the extra money. I think if people knew how much money went towards these students more people would be frustrated annoyed etc. 

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20 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

What I have against them is the amount of money that they cost. Like I said they cost double the normal student. Their parents should have to shell out the extra money. I think if people knew how much money went towards these students more people would be frustrated annoyed etc. 

You realize that but for the grace of God, you, too, could easily be in their shoes? Suppose your parents could not afford it, would it be cool with you if society largely abandoned you? 

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1 minute ago, DarterBlue said:

You realize that but for the grace of God, you, too, could easily be in their shoes? Suppose your parents could not afford it, would it be cool with you if society largely abandoned you? 

No. See its called being smart and not having kids. If society does what I am talking about more and more people would really put significant thought into having kids knowing that they would be passing down traits that is going to cost them a lot of money. I was never asked to be put on the face of this planet. 

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