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Kamala Harris World

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11 minutes ago, RedZone said:

They are piling in. 

Lots of White Dudes for Kamala in attendance..... and White Women.

The rally starts in about 4 hours, I believe

Video in link.



Small Note:

That's just amateur cell phone footage from some lady named Debbie I found. But it was appreciated.

The professionals will be in the house soon. 



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Every time Gabby Giffords speaks I almost lose it, my wife was in tears......Giffords is a Warrior!!

What a freakin rally, man....massive crowd filled with electricity and joy, everybody on point, everybody making points>>what a political rally is supposed to be about. 

The Kam Train wins the day!.....again!

Note: the one thing I've noticed this week about Kamala Harris rallies is everyone looks normal...... 20,000 people chanting USA, USA, USA in regular clothes was freaking impressive tonight!

You don't need to dress up in silly looking trump costumes to chant USA, USA, USA.












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8 hours ago, RedZone said:

Every time Gabby Giffords speaks I almost lose it, my wife was in tears......Giffords is a Warrior!!

What a freakin rally, man....massive crowd filled with electricity and joy, everybody on point, everybody making points>>what a political rally is supposed to be about. 

The Kam Train wins the day!.....again!

Note: the one thing I've noticed this week about Kamala Harris rallies is everyone looks normal...... 20,000 people chanting USA, USA, USA in regular clothes was freaking impressive tonight!

You don't need to dress up in silly looking trump costumes to chant USA, USA, USA.














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5 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Ferret face in tears over a lie filled speech.  😭😭😭

Oh the DTS is strong with the chinless one!

He would have prospered as a 4th grade boy in Minnesota today!

What lies?  Easy question.  What does that have to do with TDS?

How does a 4th grade boy in Minnesota prosper?  Do you ever make sense?  Words have meaning.  Buy a dictionary.  


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5 hours ago, concha said:


You are really losing it aren't you?  Your meme game is lame.  Example:  the above meme straight out lies, but that is the norm for you so not shocking.  Did you think this was a clever meme?  🤣

You could redeem yourself by explaining how Trump would lower inflation and keep companies from price gouging.  But you won't because you know (or should) that a President has little control over what companies charge, and it would prove you are just an angry little white man.

Same with the border...you blame Harris for a problem she wasn't supposed to solve and couldn't without legislation.  You are as disingenuous as always.  



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27 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

I didn't see Gabby Gifford talk.  What did she lie about?  Again, if you know, and you should because you said she lied, easy question.  

Just once you could actually explain what you mean.  Then you wouldn't look like a damn idiot.  

You’re the only one that can’t follow along……think about that for a minute. 🤔

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34 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

You are really losing it aren't you?  Your meme game is lame.  Example:  the above meme straight out lies, but that is the norm for you so not shocking.  Did you think this was a clever meme?  🤣

You could redeem yourself by explaining how Trump would lower inflation and keep companies from price gouging.  But you won't because you know (or should) that a President has little control over what companies charge, and it would prove you are just an angry little white man.

Same with the border...you blame Harris for a problem she wasn't supposed to solve and couldn't without legislation.  You are as disingenuous as always.  




Great post.


  • Haha 1
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