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10 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Trump at 52% with leaners in the Harvard/Harris poll.  Guess there are not many “White Dudes for Harris”


I think people see why you never post links to anything.


Vice President Harris is narrowing the gap with former President Trump after President Biden’s historic exit from the 2024 White House race, new polling shows.

The latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll puts Trump ahead of Harris by just 3 points, down from the 7-point lead he held over Biden in June. The Republican snagged 48 percent, compared to Harris’s 45 percent, with another 7 percent still undecided. 


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5 minutes ago, RedZone said:


I think people see why you never post links to anything.


Vice President Harris is narrowing the gap with former President Trump after President Biden’s historic exit from the 2024 White House race, new polling shows.

The latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll puts Trump ahead of Harris by just 3 points, down from the 7-point lead he held over Biden in June. The Republican snagged 48 percent, compared to Harris’s 45 percent, with another 7 percent still undecided. 


Harris also saw a 9-point jump in favorability after she took over Biden’s bid. She and Trump are now effectively tied at 47 and 48 percent, respectively, in terms of favorability. 

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3 minutes ago, RedZone said:


I think people see why you never post links to anything.


Vice President Harris is narrowing the gap with former President Trump after President Biden’s historic exit from the 2024 White House race, new polling shows.

The latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll puts Trump ahead of Harris by just 3 points, down from the 7-point lead he held over Biden in June. The Republican snagged 48 percent, compared to Harris’s 45 percent, with another 7 percent still undecided. 

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4800248-kamala-harris-donald-trump-poll/#amp_ct=1722357117759&amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17223571065136&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fhomenews%2Fcampaign%2F4800248-kamala-harris-donald-trump-poll%2F

The w/leaners meant they asked the 7% to choose.  52% is a majority.  If Trump is at 50% or even close on Election Day, he will likely win with over 300 EV

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1 hour ago, Crusader12-0 said:

You can’t tell me that Trump’s economy wasn’t good

What I can tell you is that he did nothing for the average American.  All he did was give tax breaks to the only people who do not need it.  The ridiculously rich.  They don't need it.  The result was it did not trickle down to help the average citizen, instead corporations bought their own stock back and the rich got even richer.  Any increase in market was because of that, it wasn't because the average citizen was doing great.  Add that he cut important environmental regulations that allowed companies to pollute and save money so they can pay themselves even more.  People still lived paycheck to paycheck, like they do now and like they have been for decades.  The wage gap in increasing.  Corporate subsidies are increasing, insurance companies, oil companies, they all get money.  It is significantly greater than any money that goes to foreign governments, welfare, poor people combined.  You don't have a problem with that though, do you?

Trump was responsible for 10's of 1,000's of deaths that could have been prevented.  Most of them were his supporters too.  No matter what your thoughts on Covid are, you should be able to see that having mass rallies while promoting no masks or distancing is a bad idea.  Turning a world health crisis into a political issue.  As a result, many people lost their lives, and they didn't have to.  Do you remember the long food lines?  Do you remember Trump admin and Republicans trying to take away health insurance for millions during the pandemic?  Do you remember states having to compete for PPP and ventilators?  And Trump saying that the states have to be nice to him if they want help.  

No, the country was not doing good during Trump admin.  

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5 hours ago, World Citizen said:

What I can tell you is that he did nothing for the average American.  All he did was give tax breaks to the only people who do not need it.  The ridiculously rich.  They don't need it.  The result was it did not trickle down to help the average citizen, instead corporations bought their own stock back and the rich got even richer.  Any increase in market was because of that, it wasn't because the average citizen was doing great.  Add that he cut important environmental regulations that allowed companies to pollute and save money so they can pay themselves even more.  People still lived paycheck to paycheck, like they do now and like they have been for decades.  The wage gap in increasing.  Corporate subsidies are increasing, insurance companies, oil companies, they all get money.  It is significantly greater than any money that goes to foreign governments, welfare, poor people combined.  You don't have a problem with that though, do you?

Trump was responsible for 10's of 1,000's of deaths that could have been prevented.  Most of them were his supporters too.  No matter what your thoughts on Covid are, you should be able to see that having mass rallies while promoting no masks or distancing is a bad idea.  Turning a world health crisis into a political issue.  As a result, many people lost their lives, and they didn't have to.  Do you remember the long food lines?  Do you remember Trump admin and Republicans trying to take away health insurance for millions during the pandemic?  Do you remember states having to compete for PPP and ventilators?  And Trump saying that the states have to be nice to him if they want help.  

No, the country was not doing good during Trump admin.  

Imagine the Left didn’t terrorize America, trump had to deal with u piece of shits looting footlockers and CVS ,  pissing on the American flag, burnt down ambulance stations, hyjacked police stations, literally had a whole city in Portland held hostage for over 100 days ur the problem not trump



That is all

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1 minute ago, FreeBird said:

Imagine the Left didn’t terrorize America, trump had to deal with u piece of shits looting footlockers and CVS ,  pissing on the American flag, burnt down ambulance stations, hyjacked police stations, literally had a whole city in Portland held hostage for over 100 days ur the problem not trump



That is all

LOL....Jan. 6th ring a bell???....enjoy voting for a fellow felon....🤡

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2 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

LOL....Jan. 6th ring a bell???.....🤡

How was that worse 😂 , cmon u went to Bosco u literally can’t be this retarded, how can u compare a field trip to DC to the raping and pillaging the left was doing for trumps four years, 

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2 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

How was that worse 😂 , cmon u went to Bosco u literally can’t be this retarded, how can u compare a field trip to DC to the raping and pillaging the left was doing for trumps four years, 

How was that worse???....are you f*in kidding me or what??....Trump tried to OVERTURN an election...IT CAN'T GET WORSE THAN THAT....NOTHING COMES CLOSE....🤡

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3 minutes ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Ya know, just go to Franklin Turnpike and demand your DBP tuition back. You still think the Dems border bill wasn’t a smoke screen.  C’MON MAN!

Mr. Campo is turning in his grave.

smoke screen...no...Sen. Langford worked on this bill the Republicans....he's a real Republican who loves his country and tried to do the right thing for the country...the bill would have passed and we wouldn't be talking about the border today.

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