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Kamala Harris World

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12 hours ago, DevilDog said:

@World Citizen

He's no longer dealing with Slow Joe.  Already clowning his ass.  

Just hours later, Harris’ team turned that prediction into reality in the simplest way possible.

They took Trump’s own words, then added the standard “I approve” message from Harris:


This comedy writes itself and there is no end to it as long as he keeps talking.  As long as the mensa7 on this site and the rest of the idiots in this country keep talking and exposing themselves...Harris wins.  

Still a head scratcher for me to comprehend how many stupid, selfish, shortsighted people who lack any basic decency or humanity in this country.  They just double down with their bs.  It is funny how they are trying to figure out how to tap down that racism but they just can't seem to do it.  A lot of mensa types in the cult...but our mensa7 is a special group.  

Glad to see you motivated.  😀

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Don't worry we got plenty room for the white women 😁 

Record-breaking Zoom supporting Harris mobilizes white female voters

Over 160,000 attendees in a key demographic ‘answered the call’ on Thursday, with nearly $8.5m raised for Harris

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I'm wondering if girl of Jamaican and Indian descent who spent most of her teen years in Canada has won DD over through her accomplishments and leadership at the border or due to her cringeworthy pandering to the African-American community.


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11 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

That is on point the Neaderthugs are unhinged over her.  Not only are their kids supporting her but White Women just set a ZOOM Record as they are piggy backing off the the Black men and Black Women meetings.  But he did step into North Korea the dumbest shit any President has ever done and because KIm Jong Un has a monstrosity of Hair on his head as well.  Two Megalomaniacs.  This is one creepy ass love affair.  




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19 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

This comedy writes itself and there is no end to it as long as he keeps talking.  As long as the mensa7 on this site and the rest of the idiots in this country keep talking and exposing themselves...Harris wins.  

Still a head scratcher for me to comprehend how many stupid, selfish, shortsighted people who lack any basic decency or humanity in this country.  They just double down with their bs.  It is funny how they are trying to figure out how to tap down that racism but they just can't seem to do it.  A lot of mensa types in the cult...but our mensa7 is a special group.  

Glad to see you motivated.  😀

Hell yeah.  I wasn't really at all into this election and really didn't give a damn who won.  Truth be told I was leaning toward Trump.  But the last 2 weeks has exposed these damn NEADERTHUGS and they have no idea their ignorant racist misogynistic B.S. has ignited a groundswell.  Can't support anything that needs to meet to say hey all of us Racist need to be less Racist.  Since they live in a bubble they have no damn idea what has been ignited.  Ignorance isn't comical but it usually will teach your ass a valuable lesson.  NOTICE I NEVER RESPOND TO ANYONE of the Mensa's DIRECTLY BUT GET PLENTY RESPONSES TO MY TAKE.  I ONLY DEBATE MY EQUAL OTHERS I TEACH.  A hit dog will always holler.  Malcolm X said "If a snake bites you don't go looking for a snake with blood on his mouth any damn snake will do"  

mensa's is denoted in lower case on purpose in the above retort and I approve of it's denotion. 🤘  They have the prvilege to be racist and then tell you what isn't racist and what shouldn't offend you.  This is coming from the most Historical racist in our History.  That is richer than a double chocolate cheese cake.  HIlarious.  I will hit you in the head with a rock and tell you why you don't have a headache.  These Neaderthals are inherently dented. 

This is also a damn fact and I will gladly provide resources.  See how well you like these tropes.  This explains all I need to know abuout Trump and the MAGAITES 😁

Neanderthals evolved in Europe and Asia while modern humans, or Homo sapiens, evolved in Africa.😄

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28 minutes ago, World Citizen said:



This should be his campaign video.  He even bragged that the two of them love each other.  He freaking saluted the Enemy.  If those 5 bone spur deferments hadn't kept him out of the Military he would have known better.   Notice KIm smiles when old Richie RIch Salutes the General.  Watch him. That is hilarious


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In America an award is placed over your head standing.  But I guess in the Kingdom you bow and bow good.  😄 

I assume this was to prevent that Neaderthal's hair from getting frizzed. 

See what I did right there is called a Racist Trope.  This is kinda fun I see why you Neaderthugs can't stop doing it.  Count me in 😁


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Here is a compilation of the Neaderthugs messaging.    Calling her the Original hauk thua girl when a  white girl become famous telling a black man how she takes D--K in her Mauf.  No one cannot see their idiocy like their idiots.  


Neaderthal's gonna Neaderthal


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1 hour ago, golfaddict1 said:


I watched a video and it’s crystal clear, who she was answering to.  

But let’s run with BS… the angry white man way.  👍🏻 







No. They're talking chronic. One guy asks her favorite artists and Charlamagne brings it back to being what she listened to while smoking.

Her pandering is awful.

She once called Tupac the greatest rapper alive. Except that he had been dead for years.

When corrected, she couldn't come up with another name.

Start at 3:40


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1 hour ago, concha said:


No. They're talking chronic. One guy asks her favorite artists and Charlamagne brings it back to being what she listened to while smoking.

Her pandering is awful.

She once called Tupac the greatest rapper alive. Except that he had been dead for years.

When corrected, she couldn't come up with another name.

Start at 3:40


Your meme shared is false.  

It “specifically” refers to the video about two questions tossed at Kamala from two men…with one of the questions being about what music she listened to in college.  

She turned to the other guy asking another question in the studio and answered his question about music she listens to.  

I watched the video about the meme you shared, with key word college.  

The 3 sources I shared are about the specific meme you shared, with key word college.  

Your opinion of chronic is not mentioned in the meme and your vid shared has nothing to do with the meme you shared, with key word college.  


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36 minutes ago, concha said:


Satire site.   How clever, “brah” 

Now to something real. 

Trump referred to Kamala as having a low IQ today.  

Here’s a vid of Trump answering 17x6 “eleven twelve” then “112”.  

But hey, he had an uncle that worked at MIT!  

Note Jr’s close answers of 96 and 94.  Another high IQ.  


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11 minutes ago, golfaddict1 said:

Your meme shared is false.  

It “specifically” refers to the video about two questions tossed at Kamala from two men…with one of the questions being about what music she listened to in college.  

She turned to the other guy asking another question in the studio and answered his question about music she listens to.  

I watched the video about the meme you shared, with key word college.  

The 3 sources I shared are about the specific meme you shared, with key word college.  

Your opinion of chronic is not mentioned in the meme and your vid shared has nothing to do with the meme you shared, with key word college.  



No. It's not.


Get back to spamming the site.


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5 minutes ago, concha said:


No. It's not.


Get back to spamming the site.


Keep bullshitting on the site, angry white man.  

Your meme is false.  Show me where college is mentioned in the vid you shared, dumbass.  You gave me a time to start viewing, dumbass.  

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3 minutes ago, golfaddict1 said:

Keep bullshitting on the site, angry white man.  

Your meme is false.  Show me where college is mentioned in the vid you shared, dumbass.  You gave me a time to start viewing, dumbass.  


I'm angry?  🤡 🤣


No. It's not.


It's at about 22 seconds in.

"Were you in college?"

- Charlamagne


You sound angry, though.  Something get under your skin, Mary Alice? 😂

Can we count on some rage spamming?




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As vice president, Kamala Harris had one job. She failed.

And no, it wasn't securing the border (though she failed to do that too).



Jul 24, 2024

After last night’s piece about media efforts to whitewash the end of Joe Biden’s Presidential run, one Unreported Truths reader offered a fascinating email on why Kamala Harris must answer for helping hide Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.

Harris has never been a top Biden advisor. After he became President, he promised weekly lunches with her but failed to have them, public records show. When she tested positive for Covid, she didn’t even report Biden as a close contact.

Still, Harris saw Biden far more than any member of the press or public. And as this reader noted, she is the only person in his administration who has Constitutional responsibility for ensuring his fitness for office.

Here’s the note (edited for length):

Under the 25th Amendment, [the vice-president’s] Constitutional duty is to monitor the fitness for duty of the President and, when he/she is not fit, she is duty bound to address that issue with his Cabinet…

By failing her Constitutional duty, she allowed the shadow presidency to run unchecked.  The reason no one said anything about it was that HARRIS didn’t say anything about it. 

While others’ failures may have been ethically negligent, Harris’s failure was Constitutionally and professionally negligent.  She endangered the Republic by allowing Biden to not actually run the government as the Constitution requires AND by allowing the unelected administrators (whoever they are) to continue making decisions that the Constitution reserves for the Chief Executive…

Harris failed (and is still currently failing) her Constitutional duty by allowing a President as clearly unfit as Biden to continue in office.

Politically expedient or inconvenient as it may be, one of her two duties is to swiftly bring this to an end.  She’s the only one allowed to do it under the Constitution.

In fact, Harris didn’t merely remain silent.

She agreed to run for reelection beside Biden, implying she believed in Biden’s ability to serve not just now but through January 2029. That decision was - at best - an astonishing failure of judgment.

Did Harris remain silent out of personal ambition (to state the obvious: if Biden won reelected and then had to step down, Harris would become President)? Because she feared the consequences of breaking with him? Because she somehow failed to recognize his obvious cognitive decline?

At this point, no one knows. And no one in the media is asking.

Instead, the New York Times is running hard-hitting pieces like Black Sororities and Fraternities Line Up Behind Kamala Harris while the Washington Post offers Historic flood of cash pours into Harris campaign and allied groups.

(You go, Kam! The New York Times is - as the kids say - here for it.)


As a practical matter, there’s no chance Harris will step out against Biden at this point.

She needs the Democratic Party behind her. And she has already gotten what she presumably wanted. Biden’s been sidelined and she can now run for President.

Again, Kamala Harris is not merely a governor or senator. She has one job1, and that is to be ready to step in if the President cannot do his.

She failed.


Reporters should ask her at every public appearance what she knew about Biden’s decline, when she knew it, and whether she believes he should have run for a second term. If the answer is yes, why did he drop out and does she support that decision? If no, why did she agree to run with him until the moment he quit?

Those are simple and appropriate questions at this moment, and if we had a functioning media they’d be repeated until Harris had no choice but to answer them.

Don’t hold your breath.

1. Aside from her essentially ceremonial role presiding over and breaking ties in the Senate.1



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21 minutes ago, concha said:


I'm angry?  🤡 🤣


No. It's not.


It's at about 22 seconds in.

"Were you in college?"

- Charlamagne


You sound angry, though.  Something get under your skin, Mary Alice? 😂

Can we count on some rage spamming?




I’m referring to 38:07… 

The second guy asks the question mentioned in your meme and she answers the first guy’s question about what music she listens to. 


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