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1 minute ago, Sweetlarry said:

This is disingenuous. Even democrats stats show a huge influx during bidens shitshow. 

There are no such things are "democrat stats."

It's a fact to say that nothing was being done differently at the border since the end of Trump's term, except the COVID restrictions being lifted.

The fact that we can tell if there's a huge influx or not proves that the border isn't open. Because if it was open, then there'd be no crisis, or counting.

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3 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

Yea. It’s funny isn’t it? Somebody started a thread about what Bance had said about trump in the past. I watched snippets of the dem debates and watched joe destroy Willie’s Ho and call her out on her mass failures as AG, along with Tulsi. 

How soon people forget. Or lie and say it didn’t happen. 

The difference is that nobody claims that what was said in Presidential debates was wrong or inaccurate.

JD Vance wasn't running for any office. He said all those things about Trump as a private citizen! Because he believed them.

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2 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

I’ll let you decide. You want Willie’s unburdened Ho babbles or joe’s incoherent reels? There isn’t enough hours in the day to go through those shitshows. 

So this is a non-answer dodge.

Don't worry.

We all know that you're totally incapable.

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Gaslighting the Public on Kamala Harris as ‘Border Czar’

The press rewrites recent history to accommodate the current political environment.


By Peter Savodnik

July 24, 2024


On March 24, 2021, Axios published a story with the headline “Biden Puts Harris in Charge of Border Crisis.”

Politics reporter Stef W. Kight informed us that the vice president would be “addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border” and that Harris would “lead efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to manage the flow of unaccompanied children and migrant families arriving at the border in numbers not seen since a surge in 2019.”

Lest anyone wonder whether this was a big job with a great deal of responsibility, a White House official told reporters: “President Biden said during the transition, whatever the most urgent need, he would turn to the vice president, and today he is turning to the vice president.”

Today—July 24, 2024—the same reporter at the same outlet has a story headlined “Harris Border Confusion Haunts Her New Campaign.” 

Kight now reports: “In early 2021, President Biden enlisted Vice President Kamala Harris to help with a slice of the migration issue.” (Emphasis mine.)

We are told that there is “confusion around the VP’s exact role” and that “early media misfires and the rapidly changing regional migration crisis has made the issue a top target for the GOP trying to define their new opponent. And it has become even more critical for Harris to find a clear border message, fast.” The story also quotes former Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson: “She is not the border czar.” 

Just to make sure readers understand that Axios, in 2021, in no way intended to provide Republicans, in 2024, with a talking point that might help Donald Trump, Axios has added an editor’s note at the bottom of the new piece: “This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ in 2021.” 

When I asked Mike Allen, Axios’s executive editor, what had prompted Axios to publish the follow-up article in the first place, he texted me back: “am sure there’ll be continuing conversation on this.” (Allen did not reply to a follow-up question about today’s article and editor’s note.)

There was something just more than a teensy bit Bolshevik about all of this. This piece of information that was once considered a fact—as in, a week ago—has in the past 48 hours been deemed politically unhelpful, and so we’re just going to make it. . . disappear. 

Axios—a credible publication of which I am a dedicated reader—is admitting to an error it never made. In other words, it is sacrificing that hard-earned credibility in the service of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. 

Nor was Axios alone in correcting the record when it came to Harris. 

Time weighed in with its own dispatch (“Kamala Harris Was Never Biden’s ‘Border Czar’ ”), as did USA Today (“Harris’ Border Work Was on ‘Root Causes’ of Migration; She Wasn’t in Charge”), and CBS (“The Facts about Kamala Harris’ Role on Immigration in the Biden Administration”), and The New York Times (“Why Republicans Keep Calling Kamala Harris the ‘Border Czar’). 

And on and on.

It should be noted that all this is more than a little ridiculous, since no one in the United States government is technically a czar of anything. How does one “fact-check” that which is only an informal title? 

Nevertheless, it was an informal title widely used. Here’s The New York Times in 2021: “Ms. Harris will also soon be taking over work from a departing official with years of experience. Last week, Roberta S. Jacobson, the former ambassador to Mexico chosen as Mr. Biden’s ‘border czar,’ said that she would retire from government. She said she was happy to see Ms. Harris assume the work of stemming migration from Central America.” And here’s The Washington Post that same year, describing the vice president as taking on “the lead role on the overall border and regional issue.” 

Also worth noting is that all of this “reporting” has taken place without Harris having uttered a single word about her border-related responsibilities. In other words, nothing has actually happened other than Republicans calling Harris what Axios and other media outlets once called Harris. This is, as always, not about providing readers with much-needed news or analysis—but just making sure, in case anyone is worried—that journalists are still doing their all for Team Blue. 

At this stage of things, perhaps it’s not surprising that reporters aren’t scrutinizing Harris’s record with the same zeal with which they dove into “Russiagate,” but this marks a new low. We told you she was this thing that we’re now telling you she never was. What’s the word for that again? Right. Gaslighting.

Missing from this entirely manufactured “confusion” is the critical fact that the United States’ southern border has been a mess for most of Joe Biden’s presidency. For most of the time that the vice president has (or has not) been the “border czar.”

No one is talking about the nearly 250,000 illegal migrants arrested at the border in December 2023—an all-time high. Or the millions who have entered the country since Biden took office. Or the violence. Or the drug cartels. (I reported on the border from Matamoros, Mexico, in April.)

We can be sure of this much: If the border was not a mess, if this was not a winning GOP issue, Kamala Harris would be running on it right now. And her media sock-puppet friends—who seem to believe in nothing except making sure she wins—would be celebrating “The Greatest Border Czar Who Ever Was.”

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

There are no such things are "democrat stats."

It's a fact to say that nothing was being done differently at the border since the end of Trump's term, except the COVID restrictions being lifted.

The fact that we can tell if there's a huge influx or not proves that the border isn't open. Because if it was open, then there'd be no crisis, or counting.

Spin Mortimer spin…….



When people within a group refuse to ever see any fault from their own, you know it’s total bullshit. Not one lib here ever says anything bad about their failed leaders.

Welcome to the board. 

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14 hours ago, DevilDog said:

They can't help themselves.  It's in their DNA.  This Bullshit has motivated me to go full force with what I can do to register and motivate POC to destroy these damn clowns and their BS.  Not one knows about her sex life.  But the MuthaFucka with a record of Fukn and raping is their Golden Jesus. I am starting to have as much disdain for Orange Jesus as I do that other fake one .  They are right in line wih this B.S.   



1,000% agree.  These same people have been fucked up for a long damn time and they have never cared. 

They are truly like little children who don't know anything but think they do.  Transactional thinking.  Upside down.  Exclusion over inclusion.  It is all fear based.

Who in their right mind wouldn't want to see every single person have basic needs met.  Health care, education, enough to eat, roof over their head.   


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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The difference is that nobody claims that what was said in Presidential debates was wrong or inaccurate.

JD Vance wasn't running for any office. He said all those things about Trump as a private citizen! Because he believed them.

So you’re saying those thing I said did not happen? You’re saying Willie’s unburdened Ho didn’t lock up hundred and hundreds of innocent people on false positive charges? She didn’t refuse DNA evidence that would freed Kevin Cooper, instead she was good with letting an innocent man take the death jab? 


You wanna clarify or act like @DBP66 and avoid it altogether? 

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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

So this is a non-answer dodge.

Don't worry.

We all know that you're totally incapable.

Exactly. You know your two champions couldn’t string two coherent sentences together if their lives depend on it. 

Willie’s Ho and dementia joe! Great job failing America in every way you could! From economic issues to Covid lies to wanting mother fuckers with monID to be able to vote. Trash human beings. 

  • Haha 1
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As usual concha is hiding the hyperlink of his source.

I'll save you the effort.

It was published by Bari Weiss' website of crackpots and wannabe intellectuals.

Another convenient op-ed which doesn't do anything but say basically "Well, it was confusing and nobody really knows."

Except the actual facts have never changed: she was never named Border Czar or given any kind of requisite authority.

concha is lying again.

As usual.

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12 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

When people within a group refuse to ever see any fault from their own, you know it’s total bullshit. Not one lib here ever says anything bad about their failed leaders.

The issue appears to be that you're too stupid and uninformed to actually read about this issue.

So instead you just pretend that you're some middle-of-the-road guy who's yelling that other people "refuse to ever see fault in their own" as if that means anything.

 I prefer to try to stick with the facts.

Donald Trump was President for 4 years. The border situation was no better (in fact, it was worse) when he left then when he got there.

So, sorry, that I won't participate in your lies about the Vice President giving a speech and working with Guatemala to stem the tide of migrants.

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Just now, Sweetlarry said:

Spin Mortimer spin…….

When people within a group refuse to ever see any fault from their own, you know it’s total bullshit. Not one lib here ever says anything bad about their failed leaders.

Welcome to the board. 


It's pure comedy gold.

Even Biden had to change his tune not long ago.

Nothing different say Andy...

Except the immediate reversal of Trump executive orders and the halt of the wall construction, for example.



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3 minutes ago, concha said:

Nothing different say Andy...

If the policy was different then you'd name the policy.

But it wasn't.

So instead you just scream and point at a graph.

You *always* do this. Its one of the most obvious signs that you're flailing.

It must really chap your ass that as a supposed "intellectual" you can never answer the bell on this.

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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The issue appears to be that you're too stupid and uninformed to actually read about this issue.

So instead you just pretend that you're some middle-of-the-road guy who's yelling that other people "refuse to ever see fault in their own" as if that means anything.

 I prefer to try to stick with the facts.

Donald Trump was President for 4 years. The border situation was no better (in fact, it was worse) when he left then when he got there.

So, sorry, that I won't participate in your lies about the Vice President giving a speech and working with Guatemala to stem the tide of migrants.

Compulsive liar. Sad 

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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

As usual concha is hiding the hyperlink of his source.

I'll save you the effort.

It was published by Bari Weiss' website of crackpots and wannabe intellectuals.

Another convenient op-ed which doesn't do anything but say basically "Well, it was confusing and nobody really knows."

Except the actual facts have never changed: she was never named Border Czar or given any kind of requisite authority.

concha is lying again.

As usual.


Andy trying to jazz hands things. I literally post the article with the name of the author. But I'm "hiding something".

What a clown Andy is. 🤡 🤣

There has never been an official title of "czar" in the US government.

Harris was made Biden's WH point person. "Czar" is the modern colloquialism.

He knows it. The MSM know it and knew it.

They are simply shucking and jiving about it because Harris didn't do anything and the nation was flooded with illegals (and it's a big issue for Joe Voter).


Immigration Surges to Top of Most Important Problem List

First time immigration has been the single most important problem since 2019

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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

No, in fact I said the exact opposite.

You're dumb.

I missed where you said she was crooked trash as AG and fucked more black people outta their freedom than any AG in recent memory. Care to show me where you said she sucked as AG? 

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This is laugh out loud funny.

The Economist graph even spells it out at the bottom.

Starting in March 2020, they started counting differently.


Either it's now a double count (since an apprehension and expulsion of one person counts for two) or you'd have to admit that border apprehensions rose about 300% in Trump's last year.

As usual, concha is the equivalent of an illiterate when it comes to reading graphs.

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

If the policy was different then you'd name the policy.

But it wasn't.

So instead you just scream and point at a graph.

You *always* do this. Its one of the most obvious signs that you're flailing.

It must really chap your ass that as a supposed "intellectual" you can never answer the bell on this.


Definitely NOT intellectual you has a hard time jazz handing this.

The man rescinded executive orders and halted border wall construction.

That's not policy?

You are painfully moronic.



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1 minute ago, concha said:


Andy trying to jazz hands things. I literally post the article with the name of the author. But I'm "hiding something".

What a clown Andy is. 🤡 🤣

There has never been an official title of "czar" in the US government.

Harris was made Biden's WH point person. "Czar" is the modern colloquialism.

He knows it. The MSM know it and knew it.

They are simply shucking and jiving about it because Harris didn't do anything and the nation was flooded with illegals (and it's a big issue for Joe Voter).


Immigration Surges to Top of Most Important Problem List

First time immigration has been the single most important problem since 2019

Whattaya mean? Pedo and Willie’s unburdened Ho kept the border in great shape. Basement boy said as much. Despite what the liberal media says about the border being an issue basement boy says it’s all good. 

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

You never provide a hyperlink because your sources are always right-wing crackpot and other ne'er-do-wells.


In other words, people Andy doesn't like so what they write - no matter how correct - must be dismissed.



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3 minutes ago, concha said:

The man rescinded executive orders and halted border wall construction.

A border wall, which was never actually going to get done, doesn't stop people from seeking asylum at ports of entry.

And the executive orders were also about where/how asylum seekers sought legal status. One of them was basically a "hey, we declare our want to deport illegal immigrants!"


Has nothing to do with how many people show up at the border.

Also, it ignores the inconvenient fact that border crossing went up about 300% as Trump left office.

I know you're all about results and not process, right? 

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