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The Not So Kind Things jd vance Has Said About the donald!

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6 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I don’t care if he keeps a voodoo doll of me and puts pins in the eyes every night as long as he appoints conservative judges and justices 😂

See, at least this is honest.

Everything else you've ever said around here is a lie and/or ignorant. But at least you're now willing to say the truth out loud.

Everything else you do is just a pose.

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16 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Just to note, these are also not responses to what I said.

No worries. I know that you can't.

It's also noteworthy that you have to appeal to a label because you don't have a reasonable retort to the objective claim that Vance is a pussy. Everything about him screams, "pussy."

I'm sure that Trump thinking that veterans are "suckers and losers" was a real appeal to him.


Do you have any idea how stupid you look calling your assertion "objective"? Of course you don't.


The man is a marine.

You are a total mangina. A keyboard jockey gubmint clerk. A true pussy.

I have zero doubt he could beat you unconscious with one hand and not spill a drop of beer from the other.

Your butthurt is glaring.




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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

I mean you don't seem able to identify objective things like Trump being an imbecile and a lunatic. This is a you problem.


It's a gray, shitty day here in Atlanta.

I want to thank your sorry ass for the bright, sunny joy you bring by displaying your utter misery for all to see.



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8 minutes ago, concha said:

The man is a marine.

I love when I accuse someone of doing something and then their response is to just do it again.

If you had any actual evidence to the contrary then you'd present it. But you don't so this is all you can do.

JD Vance joined the marines because he was a poor kid with few options. He used it as a means to go to college. It was a good idea and a good use of military service. But he was a combat correspondent in the Public Affairs office. He was a desk jockey who saw zero combat.

Alluding to him being a marine as a way of coat-tailing on the sacrifices of others is loathsome.

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18 minutes ago, concha said:

I have zero doubt he could beat you unconscious with one hand and not spill a drop of beer from the other.

I'm 6'3" 240 lbs.

I'd kick the ever living dog shit out of him.

Not that it matters. This only comes up when insecure men like yourself feel the need to pose.

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6 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I love when I accuse someone of doing something and then their response is to just do it again.

If you had any actual evidence to the contrary then you'd present it. But you don't so this is all you can do.

JD Vance joined the marines because he was a poor kid with few options. He used it as a means to go to college. It was a good idea and a good use of military service. But he was a combat correspondent in the Public Affairs office. He was a desk jockey who saw zero combat.

Alluding to him being a marine as a way of coat-tailing on the sacrifices of others is loathsome.


You are a clown.

You have no evidence pointing to Vance being a "pussy".


You are just doing your usual "Andy the true pussy says so so it must be true". It's laughable. 🤡

Tell the class, did you ever go through marine boot camp? I'll bet the worst you've ever experienced in your life is a sore wrist from typing all day. Vance signed up for the Marine Corps with no guarantees it wouldn't get him killed.

You want to know what loathsome is?  A total panty waist like you trying to sully the honor and manhood of a US marine. 


Stay miserable, you total vagina.


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13 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I'm 6'3" 240 lbs.

I'd kick the ever living dog shit out of him.

Not that it matters. This only comes up when insecure men like yourself feel the need to pose.


Vance is about 6'3". Something actually verifiable.

Your weight problems are your own issue.

Vance would smack you like the $2 whore you are.


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11 minutes ago, concha said:

You have no evidence pointing to Vance being a "pussy".

It's my observation based on his appearance, behavior and background.

You don't have to agree.

But if you insist on trying to coat-tail toughness and valor on the backs of others then I will call you out for it.

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12 minutes ago, concha said:

Vance signed up for the Marine Corps with no guarantees it wouldn't get him killed.

This is embarrassing but par for the course for you.

Vance did the exact same things that clowns like you mocked about Al Gore's service. And he did *far* less than John Kerry did, which you certainly ridiculed even more.

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21 minutes ago, concha said:

You want to know what loathsome is?  A total panty waist like you trying to sully the honor and manhood of a US marine. 

He's doing a pretty good job of sullying his honor and manhood by himself.

And you have neither of those to sully in your own right.

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12 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

I love when I accuse someone of doing something and then their response is to just do it again.

If you had any actual evidence to the contrary then you'd present it. But you don't so this is all you can do.

JD Vance joined the marines because he was a poor kid with few options. He used it as a means to go to college. It was a good idea and a good use of military service. But he was a combat correspondent in the Public Affairs office. He was a desk jockey who saw zero combat.

Alluding to him being a marine as a way of coat-tailing on the sacrifices of others is loathsome.



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On 7/20/2024 at 11:43 AM, Atticus Finch said:

What's funny is how JD Vance can claim, not that long ago, that Trump might be Hitler and then totally just hand-wave it away as a "he changed his mind!" but Joe Biden said something, 50 years ago, that wasn't even that controversial at the time and he can never, ever be redeemed.

That's how you know that people like you, Nolebull813, and Bormio, etc. are not serious people.

My parents are a little bit younger than Biden and my dad didn't go to school with a black person until he was a *senior* in high school. So I'm fairly certain that Biden never went to school with one until he was in college.

Even among non-racists at the time, it was common to believe that they should go to different schools.

To be ignorant of this, and claim that other people are uneducated, is laughable but par for the course around here.

If you think that Biden isn’t racist and has done a good job with running our country that tell me all I need to know about you and those you align with. 


I mean, Biden couldn’t have fucked this up any worse if he’d done so purposely and people like you still think he’s done something good for America. I actually cannot thinking one thing that is in better shape than it was four years ago. Economy sucks. Job rates suck. Border is unchecked.  Military weakened. More homelessness than any other time in our history. And on and on. You got anything? 


I still think they kill joe off or find a way for him to win. Them kill him off. It’s keystone cops shit watching these buffoons continue to lie and flat refuse to let kamala have a shot. Newsom cheated on his wife (we all know how libs are really against that, see Lewinsky, Monica) so he’s out. There isn’t anybody on that side of the aisle capable of leading anybody anywhere but downhill. 

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19 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

If you think that Biden isn’t racist and has done a good job with running our country that tell me all I need to know about you and those you align with. 


I mean, Biden couldn’t have fucked this up any worse if he’d done so purposely and people like you still think he’s done something good for America. I actually cannot thinking one thing that is in better shape than it was four years ago. Economy sucks. Job rates suck. Border is unchecked.  Military weakened. More homelessness than any other time in our history. And on and on. You got anything? 


I still think they kill joe off or find a way for him to win. Them kill him off. It’s keystone cops shit watching these buffoons continue to lie and flat refuse to let kamala have a shot. Newsom cheated on his wife (we all know how libs are really against that, see Lewinsky, Monica) so he’s out. There isn’t anybody on that side of the aisle capable of leading anybody anywhere but downhill. 

Joe made the right decision. He was the next killary victim. Still may be…….

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

Translation: I can't put forth a coherent argument for anything I say.

Translation: Just a sheep who can’t think for myself so I follow The View talking points like the good little lamb I am. 


Bro, you welched on a $100 bet. Your opinions are invalid. 

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