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Anyone watch that trump Alabama speech last night?


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8 hours ago, concha said:

Sept 25th WaPo article shows that the $100k in Russian media spending supported political views from all over the spectrum.

Including support for Hillary.


too bad you missed World News Tonight on ABC....they showed some of the Russian ads they brought...One ad was from  a group named "Secured Boarders"...they spewed a lot of anti-immigration B.S. and used "Dora the Explorer" in one meme....and the ads didn't support Hillary at all but did support both sides of some arguments in an effort to get Americans to fight one another....in fact they reported that the Russians are active right now making memes (you should LOVE that) and B.S. posts to support both sides of the NFL b.s. that's going on....the are playing the American public like we're puppets....but you just keep looking to make excuses for mother Russia like the good Trumper that you are....and keep posting your dopey political memes...some guy in Russia loves you! 

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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

too bad you missed World News Tonight on ABC....they showed some of the Russian ads they brought...One ad was from  a group named "Secured Boarders"...they spewed a lot of anti-immigration B.S. and used "Dora the Explorer" in one meme....and the ads didn't support Hillary at all but did support both sides of some arguments in an effort to get Americans to fight one another....in fact they reported that the Russians are active right now making memes (you should LOVE that) and B.S. posts to support both sides of the NFL b.s. that's going on....the are playing the American public like we're puppets....but you just keep looking to make excuses for mother Russia like the good Trumper that you are....and keep posting your dopey political memes...some guy in Russia loves you! 

The Russians bought pro-Hillary ads!


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7 hours ago, Lamarfan said:

I'm so glad we got a real leader that's not afraid to speak up about what's right and wrong.

I think people are leaving the Democratic party in droves after seeing all the low Integrity things they cause and represent

and all those neo-nazi righty neo-cons marching around with torches are helping recruit people to the right....;)

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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

I should be asking YOU that question?...when are you guys going for a walk again?...

I'm neither a racist nor a socialist, so you advertise your colossal ignorance as usual.

Now, moron, please educate the class since you appear to claim to know something about neo-nazis.

How many are there?

How many marches have they had? 

Don't be a pussy. Answer.


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4 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

""claim to know something about neo-nazis"??...LOL...nice try champ!....that's your expertise not mine....I'm sure you can find yourself a local rally this weekend...;)

So here we have Dipshit bringing up neo-nazis when he does't have the slightest clue what he is talking about and ignorantly throwing racist shots at people, like a good libtard.

You really are just a contemptible little vermin.


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LOL....did I strike I never with "King of the Memes"?...the show you guys put on in North Carolina was on TV for the world to see...that's what I was bringing up when I said "marching around with torches" ...and I didn't claim "to know something about neo-nazis".....I can tell you some of the chants you guys like to use....but you already know them.....;)

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27 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

LOL....did I strike I never with "King of the Memes"?...the show you guys put on in North Carolina was on TV for the world to see...that's what I was bringing up when I said "marching around with torches" ...and I didn't claim "to know something about neo-nazis".....I can tell you some of the chants you guys like to use....but you already know them.....;)


Are you ever able to argue with things like facts?

FYI, nazis are leftists. "You guys"? 

Look, I don't mind debating and throwing jibes.  But I draw the line at being called a racist. You know very well my family situation.

At the end of the day you are an uninformed fuckwit who has to resort to accusations of racism, yet you basically suck ChipsRacist's cock on this site on a daily basis.

Back on ignore with ChipRacist for you. Don't forget to wipe your chin.


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38 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

and I draw the line at being called a Libtard....Me and Chip huh...lol...like you and Tex are an item here?...LOL...you like to throw names around (LIBTARD) but don't like it when your on the other end of the name calling?...talk about being a pussy.....:$

Cant keep me off your mind can you? Sorry ass lump of shit. You are a libtard pile a shit. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You wouldn't know pussy if it right in front of you. You beat off more then a priest in a whore house sorry little fella.  

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11 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Cant keep me off your mind can you? Sorry ass lump of shit. You are a libtard pile a shit. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You wouldn't know pussy if it right in front of you. You beat off more then a priest in a whore house sorry little fella.  

Calling someone a racist is up there with dropping the N-bomb.  It's hardly shocking that DBP doesn't get it, given that he holds an n-bomb dropper in such high regard.

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1 hour ago, TheRealCAJ said:

It's beyond comical watching concha defend his racist views every other month.

Much like, trump. If they both keep pounding and lying through their ass someone just may believe them. 9_9

Rich coming from the only racist on the board who actually called another man the N-word. But it was ok you were just mad at him for copying your thread...hell you have quite a few colored friends.

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1 hour ago, thc6795 said:

Rich coming from the only racist on the board who actually called another man the N-word. But it was ok you were just mad at him for copying your thread...hell you have quite a few colored friends.

I have repeatedly challenged asshats on this site who call me a racist to document their accusations.  It should be easy.  All my posts are here.

It has yet to happen.

Why? Well, as I'm not a racist, there isn't anything for them to show.

It is dishonesty and intellectual cowardice of the lowest form.

Case in point:   A man who calls a US Marine a n***** accuses me of being racist - and is, of course, completely unable to back it up.

He is lower than the stuff I occasionally have to scrape off my shoe after a trip to the dog park.



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A US Marine calling someone a cracker, coonass and redneck a couple hundred times doesn't move concha's "racist" meter.

I don't give a shit what you are I'll take only so much before I piss you off....n-word seemed to work on the racist Marine. Done deal. 

However, I don't have to defend being a racist like concha every two weeks because simply put....I'm not one.

concha? well, here he is again telling people yet again what he is and isn't. 9_9


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