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Anyone watch that trump Alabama speech last night?


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Just now, Horsefly said:

Yes I'm going to condemn racism.  Would you like to live under a Jim Crow law for whites?  That's the result of passivity in condemning policies that aren't all inclusive.

Folks can have prejudice views, they just can't act on them.  My position has not changed.  That's why the national anthem protests are benign.  The purpose is equal judicial rights not removing or lessening laws for any other group.  Racism does that, to elevate one group over another.

YOU think the national anthem protests are benign.  Some people are deeply offended and personally insulted by them.  You are making judgements based on your perspective.

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8 hours ago, Bormio said:

No, but he decided to not invite the Golden State Warriors to the WH.  That, and calling out the NFL protests, is excellent politics.

Uninvite? Lol. He knew damn well they were not going. And as for NFL regardless of how you feel do they not have the right to kneel? Or is the whole rights thing only for the fare complextioned? 

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1 minute ago, Horsefly said:

Does them kneeling violate, prevent or restrict anyone else from standing and honoring the flag? 

You are trying to create a standard for "permissible" views that simply is not in the constitution - nor was intended to be.  In fact, just the opposite.  Anyone's opinions can be criticized and condemned, but you cannot restrict them or have the government say holding them is illegal.

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1 hour ago, Bormio said:

You are trying to create a standard for "permissible" views that simply is not in the constitution - nor was intended to be.  In fact, just the opposite.  Anyone's opinions can be criticized and condemned, but you cannot restrict them or have the government say holding them is illegal.

I never said they should be restricted, stop making straw men.   All I said is they should be condemned but when racist speech crosses over to action folks can act accordingly 

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Arent you glad we have a real leader. I was worried about Trump at first but man this guy has been by far the best since Reagan. I love the no nonsense and all about America. You don't hear about ISIS either do you.  Trump turned out to be the real deal and works 24/7 to try and deliver what he promised us.

And I really hope everyone comes together to boycott the NFL.

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On 9/23/2017 at 11:39 AM, concha said:


The code refer to actions by public officials.  Have you been spending time with Chip or something?

The is basically saying under (1) that a public official can't try to influence employment decisions by private entities by threatening action or inaction on their part, nor by (2) trying to threatening  to influence another public official to achieve said influence.

Trump's speech doesn't remotely qualify.



That's not what it says genius.  Is there nothing you won't defend concerning Trump?  It just doesn't matter with you.  He goes low and your right with him.  

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I really don't think the NFL will do a thing. They fear the left wing attack mob, which is really stupid. Leftists hate football. They're pissing all over the people that actually like football to appease the people that hate it. This can't end well for the league.

Liberals are letting low IQ athletes do their dirty work for them. They hate football and know dumbasses will do what they say. And the fans aren't going to put up with this shit. This isn't going to end well.

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It's a damn shame. It used to be a great game and a great league. Liberalism destroys everything it touches. Now they're after another game I like. Some nobody backup catcher that plays for a bad Oakland team kneeled in order to get his 15 minutes of fame. I love baseball but I'll boycott them too if that nonsense continues. Hopefully the baseball commissioner isn't a nutless wimp like Goodell.

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Do you think the NFL will change it's mind when they realize that We the People- the 63,000,000+ that voted for President Trump- are their bread-and-butter? The liberal Kool-Aid that they're drinking isn't going to fill their stadiums. They are going to find out that their fans are more loyal to the flag of the United States of America than to any football team.

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5 hours ago, Lamarfan said:

Do you think the NFL will change it's mind when they realize that We the People- the 63,000,000+ that voted for President Trump- are their bread-and-butter? The liberal Kool-Aid that they're drinking isn't going to fill their stadiums. They are going to find out that their fans are more loyal to the flag of the United States of America than to any football team.

The sound of the New England Patriots getting booed loudly at home - in liberal Massachusetts - had to be a bit of a shock.

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It is ingrained in nearly every American from the time you are born - young or old, white or black, male or female, rich or poor.  When you are in public and the national anthem plays, you stand silently as a sign of respect to the country and flag - not because you like any certain politician or not, and whether you have grievances or not.  You have a right to sit, to kneel or to talk - whatever - but most Americans see that as a sign of disrespect and will not like it.  And ultimately if there are no fans, there is no NFL.

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2 minutes ago, Bormio said:

It is ingrained in nearly every American from the time you are born - young or old, white or black, male or female, rich or poor.  When you are in public and the national anthem plays, you stand silently as a sign of respect to the country and flag - not because you like any certain politician or not, and whether you have grievances or not.  You have a right to sit, to kneel or to talk - whatever - but most Americans see that as a sign of disrespect and will not like it.  And ultimately if there are no fans, there is no NFL.

The bottom line, the narrative has changed.  This is not about 1st amendment rights, flags and national anthems.  It's about perceived police brutality and judicial injustices.  The protesters needed to have had a legal team working with federal officials on specific demands along with taking a knee. The kneeling had a purpose, but needed specific demands they wanted met.  IMO, the original msg has been lost

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3 hours ago, Bormio said:

The message was lost the instant Kap took a knee - it became about the knee and not the grievance.

And many of the "grievances" are ginned-up bullshit, frankly.

You have a problem? Vote. Go to the courts. Lay out your case.

But when a bunch of multi-millionaires spit in the faces of their fan base, this is the reaction you'll get. I'd wager that many - and probably most - of these clowns think that Michael Brown was innocent. I'd bet that many don't know what tends to happen to the crime and murder rates (overwhelmingly black-on-black) when the evil police back off.

Much of what they protest happens in blue states in blue cities, often run by black mayors, city councils and black-headed police departments and were often things that happened a time when the nation had a black president.  But... "Trump".

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