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Just now, maxchoboian said:

How much of not liking the NFL has to do with the local team(s) not playing well? For me, watching the NBA when the Nuggets are an embarrassment makes me dislike the NBA, but when the Nuggets play a little better I tend to like the NBA a little better too. Same with the NFL, MLB, NHL, college, etc. Interesting how that works.

Has never impacted my desire to watch the NFL. I usually am able to watch any game. Obv im more interested in some than others but i could usually watch any of them. Lately tho its just so hard to watch

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17 minutes ago, maxchoboian said:

How much of not liking the NFL has to do with the local team(s) not playing well? For me, watching the NBA when the Nuggets are an embarrassment makes me dislike the NBA, but when the Nuggets play a little better I tend to like the NBA a little better too. Same with the NFL, MLB, NHL, college, etc. Interesting how that works.

It's almost all about personal feelings.

When people say that the college game is better than the NFL that's just fanboy stupidity.

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HSFBfan why do you even play with Loser? So far you've been called a knucklehead and a moron...

yet you reply "we'll agree to disagree".....I'm all for turning the other cheek....

LOSER I don't think this guy has a malicious bone in his body, yet call him names because he is stating his opinion??

This is a classic case of this socially-deficient individual attacking posters

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5 minutes ago, Zipcep said:

HSFBfan why do you even play with Loser? So far you've been called a knucklehead and a moron...

yet you reply "we'll agree to disagree".....I'm all for turning the other cheek....

LOSER I don't think this guy has a malicious bone in his body, yet call him names because he is stating his opinion??

This is a classic case of this socially-deficient individual attacking posters

Because i can turn the other cheek and simply dont care. I am allowed to have my opinion and most people including close friends of mine on here pretty much think im crazy. Ive always lived my life the way i wanted and i have always stated my opinion. Ive been wrong ive been right but if i have an opinion ill always give it. 

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5 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Because i can turn the other cheek and simply dont care. I am allowed to have my opinion and most people including close friends of mine on here pretty much think im crazy. Ive always lived my life the way i wanted and i have always stated my opinion. Ive been wrong ive been right but if i have an opinion ill always give it. 

Crazy? No way. We've both been right about a certain coach in the BNU since day one LOL. 

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3 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

 NFL is not the same as it used to be. Its becoming a horror show to watch at least for me

couldn't agree more!

I grew up with family reunions at Giants stadium every Sunday.  Family had a block of seats in the tenth row at Giants stadium and did this my entire childhood.  At the time they had stopped taking names for season tickets as the waiting list for tickets went over 20 years...  

Today I can't watch the games on TV,  and Espn is getting just as bad.  Went to a game last year and had a blast, but that was more the people i went with than the product on the field...

HS and College are easily a much more pure form of the sport.  Without all the stupid propaganda, political, and social agendas.  Although you sometime see a team 'give up' (a game) when they are getting thrashed, it's usually 1000% on the field.  Unlike the walking zombies going thru the motions or those  'protecting an investment' after a big contract.


There was another thread where people were talking about Eli as an elite vs just good QB,  This is the perfect example, watch all the film of him in a regular season game, then compare to any playoff or 'must' game.  I'm not talking about the stats, watch his feet and also how long he will hold pocket.  He'll get thrashed holding the pocket any playoff game, yet dives to the dirt faster than Flash at the smallest hint of any pressure during the regular season.  This is certainly coached in, and arguably has 'protected' their investment as proven by his Favre-like starting stats. Certainly helps the Giants tremendously, but as a Fan if that's the way it is.......just let me know when playoffs start so i can see people actually play. 

I think the final straw was the incessant 'tweaking' of the rules and the NFL's 'interpretation logic'.  If you have to have a 'league official' explain during halftime  TV(with slow mo replay's) why ref's made certain calls to the fans, there is a problem.  When i see essentially the same play/infraction called exactly opposite between a Sunday game and a Monday night game, it's comical watching that dude explain how the "ref's got it right" both ways.  With that and all the other influence the League (and referees) have in determining the outcome....I'm done and will stick to the purer forms of the sport.




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1 minute ago, dbcaptiron said:

couldn't agree more!

I grew up with family reunions at Giants stadium every Sunday.  Family had a block of seats in the tenth row at Giants stadium and did this my entire childhood.  At the time they had stopped taking names for season tickets as the waiting list for tickets went over 20 years...  

Today I can't watch the games on TV,  and Espn is getting just as bad.  Went to a game last year and had a blast, but that was more the people i went with than the product on the field...

HS and College are easily a much more pure form of the sport.  Without all the stupid propaganda, political, and social agendas.  Although you sometime see a team 'give up' (a game) when they are getting thrashed, it's usually 1000% on the field.  Unlike the walking zombies going thru the motions or those  'protecting an investment' after a big contract.


There was another thread where people were talking about Eli as an elite vs just good QB,  This is the perfect example, watch all the film of him in a regular season game, then compare to any playoff or 'must' game.  I'm not talking about the stats, watch his feet and also how long he will hold pocket.  He'll get thrashed holding the pocket any playoff game, yet dives to the dirt faster than Flash at the smallest hint of any pressure.  This is certainly coached in, and arguably has 'protected' their investment as proven by his Favre-like starting stats. Certainly helps the Giants tremendously, but as a Fan if that's the way it is.......just let me know when playoffs start so i can see people actually play. 

I think the final straw was the incessant 'tweaking' of the rules and the NFL's 'interpretation logic'.  If you have to have a 'league official' explain during halftime  TV(with slow mo replay's) why ref's made certain calls to the fans, there is a problem.  When i see essentially the same play/infraction called exactly opposite between a Sunday game and a Monday night game, it's comical watching that dude explain how the "ref's got it right" both ways.  With that and all the other influence the League (and referees) have in determining the outcome....I'm done and will stick to the purer forms of the sport.




Couldnt agree more Resident Troll lol

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1 minute ago, LOSer said:


The highest level of the sport.

I can't believe that there are bozos who need this explained to them.

First off 'profesional' does not mean it's the highest level....

I'm sure most 'professional' ice skaters consider their Olympic run to be a 'higher level' of the sport than when they got paid in the Ice-capades show afterwards.....Same with wrestlers and many other Olympic sports.

And if you are to much of a Bozo to comprehend the subtle differences others appreciate at 'differing' levels (or understand sarcasm) then you are certainly not qualified to define which level is 'highest'................BOZOxD

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Just now, dbcaptiron said:

First off 'profesional' does not mean it's the highest level....

You can't even spell professional.

But thanks.

I can tell that this thread is going to go in a stupid fanboy direction.

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Just now, dbcaptiron said:

And if you are to much of a Bozo to comprehend the subtle differences others appreciate at 'differing' levels (or understand sarcasm) then you are certainly not qualified to define which level is 'highest'................BOZOxD

I already said that HSFBfan "enjoys" college better. You can use appreciate if you want.

But it's not better football.

Stop with this obvious stupidity.

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Just now, LOSer said:

You can't even spell professional.

But thanks.

I can tell that this thread is going to go in a stupid fanboy direction.

Can't  understand the difference between can't spell and can't type either? xD

BTW- Just trying to help you out here, but those that point to 'typo's' as proof of anything on the internet are considered....uhm... Losers........well look at that ....how ironic:o


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Just now, dbcaptiron said:

BTW- Just trying to help you out here, but those that point to 'typo's' as proof of anything on the internet are considered....uhm... Losers........well look at that ....how ironic:o

Well, I'd say that losers are those who claim that college is better football than then NFL.

It's just so stupid.

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Highest level doesn't necessarily mean best entertainment product. Generally lower levels of team sports are more entertaining than the highest pro level. In some cases it's because everyone is so good and relatively even that it's a sterile, predictable game. That is the case to some extent in the NFL, but it's also the league itself with it's bizarre rules and 27 hours of commercials per tick of the play clock. But really all you have to say is "Joe Buck Troy Aikman Mike Pereira" and you want to kill yourself.

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Just now, LOSer said:

Well, I'd say that losers are those who claim that college is better football than then NFL.

It's just so stupid.

So just because you have more athletic players (who many times are put on reigns, instead of being allowed to run) and you get Paid $ it's automatically a better Game ?

I submit that College football GAME is a better (and purer) form of the GAME, while the NFL is a bastardized form of the sport DESIGNED AS A PRODUCT TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF YOU THE FAN!  

That the NFL pays mega-dollars to get the best athletes FROM the more pure form of the game, and then parlay that into a DIFFERING ENTERTAINMENT FORM of the game, certainly is no proof of being 'BETTER' in any way...

But of course that's hard to comprehend being that Fanboy and all.  PT Barnum had some great shows too, and you know what he said about Losers..er...Suckers.

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7 minutes ago, Shady12 said:

...in the NFL,...it's also the league itself with it's bizarre rules and 27 hours of commercials per tick of the play clock.

27 hours of commercials in the NFL? How do you like the length of the college games? We don't need any week-long, cricket-type college football games.

I can see pointing out different things we like and don't like about the various levels of football, but college football has to reduce the amount of time from opening kickoff to final whistle.

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1 minute ago, maxchoboian said:

27 hours of commercials in the NFL? How do you like the length of the college games? We don't need any week-long, cricket-type college football games.

I can see pointing out different things we like and don't like about the various levels of football, but college football has to reduce the amount of time from opening kickoff to final whistle.

College football is not that long and they do a good job with the coverage considering the number of teams. Nothing wrong with college at all

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