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Why? Why do people buy Iphones?


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On 9/18/2017 at 1:40 AM, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Ok. Im all for freedom of choice...  

But if you buy the Iphone 8 or X... you deserve to go into debt....


1st off: 

Iphone X: 

No expandable memory... Still come on apple....  

No home button... it was a stupid feature on the note 8. But apple will find a way to fuck this up I assure you... 

Wireless charging only.... oh boy idk where to start.... 

Wireless charging isnt bad...  but having it as the sole and only option is a terrible idea... 

No headphone jack and it only works with apple airbuds... which are abyssmal... and cost almost 120$. 

Im not spending over 100$ for headphones... 

Hell I have a pair I spent 40 on 10 months ago. They still work just fine.

And the real dealbreaker....

Only and I mean only opens up by facial recognition.... TERRIBLE idea. 

Y'know my S8 is password protected and I'm satisfied with that... 

Oh and if that didnt deter you.... 

Starting price... 1000$ not to mention if you want a home button thats a seperate accessory... Dumbasses.... 

And the Iphone 8? Just a slightly better 7... I mean ever so slightly... 

But you know what really hurts me... 

A lot of people will spend over 2000$ getting these damn phones... 

Oh and warning... both phones have glass backs again... so have fun with that one... 

I'm guilty of paying high prices for my phones. A lot of us are... I got my S8 for 600$ yes I know I sound like a hypocrite for criticizing people who buy apple products. 

But you know what the difference is? 

I saved up 480$ and sold my old phone for 250. So I had enough to buy it and get a case and still had some left over.... 

I was smart about it. I didnt just see it and say "Hey I'm gonna go put myself in massive debt over the newest phone". 

On top of that I didnt go out and buy every accessory that existed for the S8... 

And another thing... 

Everybodys asskissing apple about wireless charging. 

Its been out for almost 9 years now... 

Its been out since the last legs of the Iphone 4... but now its some sort of big deal because apple has announced that their phones will finally be compatible. 


But you still have no VR. 



The same reason why they screw hookers in foreign lands! They like living on the edge of the cliff!:$

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