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Just confirmed on the Georgia message board!


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Couldn't agree more with the takes of Steeler and Caj. I've been around these boards for a long time. I used to be Tommy Paine on the old USAT board (I used to use a Spartan moniker/handle before that). Posters like Caj, Los and Steeler have been the same since day one. Ask Steeler how many times he's been chastised for being a "troll" on the TX boards. I view the national site (and this site by its association as the national site for discussing HSFB) as the big boy site. You have to have tough skin and come with something to play in these waters. It may be a terrible analogy but guys like Caj, Steeler and Los are here to make sure you check your homer card at the door. Its a reason they are all probably the most callous and unliked posters on here. 

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2 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Some people might consider NJ and GA people having to have a NJ or GA thread at the top of the forum every day/night is trollish.

Trolls come is every shape and size imaginable. 9_9

The more you throw out there the more grief you could possibly catch. It's not rocket science.

Most of the people butthurt about LOSer throw everything they have at the guy thread after thread and post after post......then cry!

I like to war with LOSer sometimes.......I know how to take him after many battles through the years.

There is no taking him though. He'll move from subject to subject until your fingers get exhausted from typing. He Quoted me 9 straight times within 4 minutes yesterday in 1 thread.

Its not all about the arguing. Its that, thats ALL he is here for. To provoke arguments. His mindset when he opens a prepgridiron.com page isnt to talk football... its to lurk over the forum until he finds a post he wants demean.

People similar to him are the reason more people dont sign up. If ever a new person did come on here and post something ill-informed... LOS wont correct, he will demean you and call you a moron in pretty much every post. 

I honestly cant believe hes alive. Someone that negative has to be on 30-40 different anti-depressants and every benzodiazepine known to man. 

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Steeler and Caj are nothing like LOS. Thats nonsense.

Yeah they'll call you out... as most anyone will. But those 2 serve other purposes and dont resort to demeaning name calling like clown and moron in every post. They can have an actual conversation with you. And bring actual information in a way that doesnt scream "dipshit" at you... they understand a differing opinion from theirs doesnt make the person a moron. And that they might actually be wrong. LOS will insult until you lose interest.

LOS has no other people skills besides negative demeaning behavior.

Theres a YUGE difference in LOS... and then steeler and Caj.

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4 minutes ago, PrepGridiron said:

Couldn't agree more with the takes of Steeler and Caj. I've been around these boards for a long time. I used to be Tommy Paine on the old USAT board (I used to use a Spartan moniker/handle before that). Posters like Caj, Los and Steeler have been the same since day one. Ask Steeler how many times he's been chastised for being a "troll" on the TX boards. I view the national site (and this site by its association as the national site for discussing HSFB) as the big boy site. You have to have tough skin and come with something to play in these waters. It may be a terrible analogy but guys like Caj, Steeler and Los are here to make sure you check your homer card at the door. Its a reason they are all probably the most callous and unliked posters on here. 

I like those guy's.  All three are not likely to suffer a fool.  That's my take.  😀

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What is easier- Saying to somebody that they are right even if you don't think so. Or going back and forth on some small thing for 10 pages?  Get over it and appreciate what's important.  

Btw, Prep that was a solid post explaining the situation.  Don't get a swell head over it.  Its expected of you now as you have set prescedent (sp?).  

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1 hour ago, CCBlackhatter said:

The trolling isn't the issue. The personal attacks that make up 95% of his posts is the problem. He has been allowed to do it for years without any action being taken. 

I personally have the troll on ignore, but many of his post still appear when others quote him. The ignore feature, although somewhat helpful, is nothing more than a bandaid rather than a solution.

I do appreciate you addressing the situation, but as the founder and manager of the site you cannot continue overlooking his endless attacks because you "agree" with his position in certain arguments.

Maybe if everyone would put him on "ignore" he would ......get the message........ Probably not.

He lives for the "are not, are too." There IS no room from a different point of view.

That's what sets him off.

This is entertainment for me. If I'm bashed at every turn by a troll, I won't be here for long.

The "good side" in me says I could sit down and drink a beer with him and talk about high school football.

The "experienced side" says rid yourself of ALL negative people. Life is too short to address the nonsense. 

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7 hours ago, LOSer said:

You ran away yesterday after embarrassing yourself and you come back to nitpick and post memes.

You are so full of yourself you don't even recognize how desperate you sound.  Mr. Smartass, I own a small business that I had to go work at.  2 1/2 full time jobs.  If you think for a minute I do anything other than dabble here for my own entertainment, you give yourself way too much credit.  You have resorted to calling names just like I thought.  Truly pitiful on your part.

Enjoy your weekend.

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12 hours ago, Fred said:

Mr. Smartass, I own a small business that I had to go work at.  2 1/2 full time jobs.  If you think for a minute I do anything other than dabble here for my own entertainment, you give yourself way too much credit.  You have resorted to calling names just like I thought.  Truly pitiful on your part.



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