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Just confirmed on the Georgia message board!


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1 hour ago, ATLien12x said:



36 minutes ago, ATLien12x said:



32 minutes ago, ATLien12x said:



31 minutes ago, ATLien12x said:



23 minutes ago, ATLien12x said:



15 minutes ago, ATLien12x said:


I'll be a good sport and save him the time.

This is ATLien's response.

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28 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

 What was the private message that was left unread even about? 

I blocked him from posting for ONE HOUR months ago. I sent him a message apologizing for it. No begging. No groveling. I posted the exact DM on this thread on the previous page. 

Hes a LOSer. He's used to getting smacked around by me. I went back and smacked that hoe a good few times today. I still stand behind apologizing for the board abuse (banning for the hour) 

i was never reprimanded like he claims. I was the one to UNBAN him. He thinks @PrepGridiron did that but he didn't. I banned him for the hour, I unbanned him on my own will after feeling bad about it, and then apologized a few weeks later. I'm still a mod. Learned from it. Haven't banned anyone since. Never "reprimanded" 


I moved on from it. He hasn't , as it was shown in his seven messages "hoping" to prove "what a pussy" I am 



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36 minutes ago, ATLien12x said:

I blocked him from posting for ONE HOUR months ago. I sent him a message apologizing for it. No begging. No groveling. I posted the exact DM on this thread on the previous page. 

Hes a LOSer. He's used to getting smacked around by me. I went back and smacked that hoe a good few times today. I still stand behind apologizing for the board abuse (banning for the hour) 

i was never reprimanded like he claims. I was the one to UNBAN him. He thinks @PrepGridiron did that but he didn't. I banned him for the hour, I unbanned him on my own will after feeling bad about it, and then apologized a few weeks later. I'm still a mod. Learned from it. Haven't banned anyone since. Never "reprimanded" 


I moved on from it. He hasn't , as it was shown in his seven messages "hoping" to prove "what a pussy" I am 



Why did you block him in the first place? Sounds funny 

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33 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Why did you block him in the first place? Sounds funny 

I was smashing him ceaselessly.

He went berserk.

Daddy PrepGridiron had to discipline him.

Then he groveled like a bitch.

The end.

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1 hour ago, ATLien12x said:

I moved on from it. He hasn't , as it was shown in his seven messages "hoping" to prove "what a pussy" I am 

You have now responded like this about 9 times.

I was so obsessed that I never read your bitch PM and you posted it in desperation.

All you did was prove my entire point.

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16 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Why did you block him in the first place? Sounds funny 


"The Sound Of Silence"
(originally by Simon & Garfunkel)

Hello, darkness, my old friend.
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping.

And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone.
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp.
I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking.
People hearing without listening.

People writing songs that voices never share.
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.

"Fools," said I, "You do not know:
Silence, like a cancer, grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you,"

But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence.

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming.

And the sign said,
"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whispered in the sound of silence."

He probably didn't want to disturb........the sound of silence.

Or maybe he was tired of the "did not, did too."......"am not, are too."....."was not, was too."...............TROLL.

I've NEVER met a bitch with a dick.................until now.

I swear if my wife bitched and argued this much, I'd probably be in jail right now.

LOSer brings NOTHING to this board but an argumentative/trolling mindset. 


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Once I took on this task of managing this site, I realized I lost the ability to be a fly on the wall. While I enjoy running this site, the ability to be just a regular poster is gone. 

Since I still consider myself a regular poster, though, I'm going to be as transparent as possible here. Despite the sentiments many of you share, I like Los and what he brings to this board. If people take off their rose colored glasses and try and read what he is saying, he is usually making a valid argument. People don't, however. They view his rants as trolling and engage him which usually devolves into name calling and personal attacks. Both of these - trolling and personal attacks - are clearly in violation of the board guidelines and should result in action taken by myself and moderators. I, however, don't follow through with those courses of action, because I, again, view the arguments as valid and a perspective that most should consider. If you have been on a national board long enough, you've probably been "harassed" by LOSer or Canes; its almost a rite of passage. I know I have and I've come out with better perspective on what my school and the area it plays in is. For those reasons, I let the posts remain, because I don't like to censor and I believe you can ignore his posts by either using the features on this site or not responding to his claims. 

As has been noted in this thread, Los and ATL had a run in several months ago. ATL made a rash decision to ban Los without engaging the other mods. He corrected his decision, was then told the action was not the proper way to handle the situation and apparently sent a PM to LOS apologizing. I elected not to remove ATL as a mod at that time because I relayed to him how I thought situations like this should be handled in the future and he understood. That said, here I am writing this post. I don't take any decision I make lightly but I'm in a position where I've got a mod who is engaging in flame wars with posters, a passionate poster that is not inclined to engage in immature frivolity and a board that will contend there is a double standard here and no actual rules.

So...what is my course of action? If you have gotten this far in the post, then here is what I am doing. First, ATL is temporarily losing his moderator status. I'm a huge fan of ATL, but a moderator is held to a higher standard and should be able to stay above the fray. In the past month, that hasn't been the case. Second, a warning will be issued to LOS. The reality is, the rules are in place to maintain civility, but they are also in place so I can operate this site. Google has policies to permit their ads to run on this site. One of those policies is to prohibits content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or a group of individuals. From time to time, I will need to take the necessary actions in order to preserve the revenue that keeps that site operable and this is one of those times. Third, a general pronouncement is going out to the group that says we are all here because we are passionate about high school football and our teams but we all need to understand the perspectives of the posters we engage with and use other means to avoid contentious argumentation. I try to be flexible and understand the perspective of the poster but I also want to allow free conversation between individuals; this is not hypocritical but how I want the site to be. 

Sorry for the long post, but I felt it necessary given the tone of the last few days. 

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6 minutes ago, PrepGridiron said:

Once I took on this task of managing this site, I realized I lost the ability to be a fly on the wall. While I enjoy running this site, the ability to be just a regular poster is gone. 

Since I still consider myself a regular poster, though, I'm going to be as transparent as possible here. Despite the sentiments many of you share, I like Los and what he brings to this board. If people take off their rose colored glasses and try and read what he is saying, he is usually making a valid argument. People don't, however. They view his rants as trolling and engage him which usually devolves into name calling and personal attacks. Both of these - trolling and personal attacks - are clearly in violation of the board guidelines and should result in action taken by myself and moderators. I, however, don't follow through with those courses of action, because I, again, view the arguments as valid and a perspective that most should consider. If you have been on a national board long enough, you've probably been "harassed" by LOSer or Canes; its almost a rite of passage. I know I have and I've come out with better perspective on what my school and the area it plays in is. For those reasons, I let the posts remain, because I don't like to censor and I believe you can ignore his posts by either using the features on this site or not responding to his claims. 

As has been noted in this thread, Los and ATL had a run in several months ago. ATL made a rash decision to ban Los without engaging the other mods. He corrected his decision, was then told the action was not the proper way to handle the situation and apparently sent a PM to LOS apologizing. I elected not to remove ATL as a mod at that time because I relayed to him how I thought situations like this should be handled in the future and he understood. That said, here I am writing this post. I don't take any decision I make lightly but I'm in a position where I've got a mod who is engaging in flame wars with posters, a passionate poster that is not inclined to engage in immature frivolity and a board that will contend there is a double standard here and no actual rules.

So...what is my course of action? If you have gotten this far in the post, then here is what I am doing. First, ATL is temporarily losing his moderator status. I'm a huge fan of ATL, but a moderator is held to a higher standard and should be able to stay above the fray. In the past month, that hasn't been the case. Second, a warning will be issued to LOS. The reality is, the rules are in place to maintain civility, but they are also in place so I can operate this site. Google has policies to permit their ads to run on this site. One of those policies is to prohibits content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or a group of individuals. From time to time, I will need to take the necessary actions in order to preserve the revenue that keeps that site operable and this is one of those times. Third, a general pronouncement is going out to the group that says we are all here because we are passionate about high school football and our teams but we all need to understand the perspectives of the posters we engage with and use other means to avoid contentious argumentation. I try to be flexible and understand the perspective of the poster but I also want to allow free conversation between individuals; this is not hypocritical but how I want the site to be. 

Sorry for the long post, but I felt it necessary given the tone of the last few days. 

Exactly... trolling is in violation of the board.

Which is LOS 24/7.

Never has a positive word come from his posts, his 1st instinct is to attack someone. Im guessing thats because he was bullied his entire life and this board presents an opportunity to let out that frustration in an environment where no one can kick his ass again.

He may once in a while actually make a valid argument... but the rest of it is arguing about absolutely nothing constantly.... and thats 99% of it. Like a girl on her period 24/7.

How that can be an asset is beyond me and most everyone else. There comes a point where if your view is that negative about everything you might as well have mercy and kill yourself.

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1 minute ago, ECHS05 said:

Exactly... trolling is in violation of the board.

Which is LOS 24/7.

Never has a positive word come from his posts, his 1st instinct is to attack someone. Im guessing thats because he was bullied his entire life and this board presents an opportunity to let out that frustration in an environment where no one can kick his ass again.

He may once in a while actually make a valid argument... but the rest of it is arguing about absolutely nothing constantly.... and thats 99% of it. Like a girl on her period 24/7.

How that can be an asset is beyond me and most everyone else. There comes a point where if your view is that negative about everything you might as well have mercy and kill yourself.

Honestly, I've spent more time on this that I care to. But ask yourself, is it really trolling if you are questioning the credentials of De La Salle to be #1 or contending that Valor Christian is not a solid win? Los responds because he gets responded. If you don't want to deal with trolls just ignore him and cross the bridge. 

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8 minutes ago, PrepGridiron said:

Honestly, I've spent more time on this that I care to. But ask yourself, is it really trolling if you are questioning the credentials of De La Salle to be #1 or contending that Valor Christian is not a solid win? Los responds because he gets responded. If you don't want to deal with trolls just ignore him and cross the bridge. 

The trolling isn't the issue. The personal attacks that make up 95% of his posts is the problem. He has been allowed to do it for years without any action being taken. 

I personally have the troll on ignore, but many of his post still appear when others quote him. The ignore feature, although somewhat helpful, is nothing more than a bandaid rather than a solution.

I do appreciate you addressing the situation, but as the founder and manager of the site you cannot continue overlooking his endless attacks because you "agree" with his position in certain arguments.

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6 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

The trolling isn't the issue. The personal attacks that make up 95% of his posts is the problem. He has been allowed to do it for years without any action being taken. 

I personally have the troll on ignore, but many of his post still appear when others quote him. The ignore feature, although somewhat helpful, is nothing more than a bandaid rather than a solution.

I do appreciate you addressing the situation, but as the founder and manager of the site you cannot continue overlooking his endless attacks because you "agree" with his position in certain arguments.

C'mon man,  you sound soft 

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16 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

The trolling isn't the issue. The personal attacks that make up 95% of his posts is the problem. He has been allowed to do it for years without any action being taken. 

I personally have the troll on ignore, but many of his post still appear when others quote him. The ignore feature, although somewhat helpful, is nothing more than a bandaid rather than a solution.

I do appreciate you addressing the situation, but as the founder and manager of the site you cannot continue overlooking his endless attacks because you "agree" with his position in certain arguments.

Noted. I recognize he does it more than most, but we are all guilty of personal attacks.

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LOS' problem is theres never anything positive. He doesnt initial his own conversations... he reactive. He trolls over everyone elses posts. Whens the last Canes came up with an original topic and wasnt just in the conversation because he wanted to blast someone because his opinion doesnt line up with their own.

Thats his entire reason for being here. Its the very definition of a troll.


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Some people might consider NJ and GA people having to have a NJ or GA thread at the top of the forum every day/night trollish.

Trolls come is every shape and size imaginable. 9_9

The more you throw out there the more grief you could possibly catch. It's not rocket science.

Most of the people butthurt about LOSer throw everything they have at the guy thread after thread and post after post......then cry!

I like to war with LOSer sometimes.......I know how to take him after many battles through the years.

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Just now, TheRealCAJ said:

Some people might consider NJ and GA people having to have a NJ or GA thread at the top of the forum every day/night is trollish.

Trolls come is every shape and size imaginable. 9_9

The more you throw out there the more grief you could possibly catch. It's not rocket science.

Most of the people butthurt about LOSer throw everything they have at the guy thread after thread and post after post......then cry!

I like to war with LOSer sometimes.......I know how to take him after many battles through the years.


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