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Trump is alienating his base


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On 9/14/2017 at 8:02 AM, HSFBfan said:

If he goes to bed with Pelosi and Schumer on this DACA thing he will be done as president. Thats my opinion. Trust level on any promise he has made will be very low. Will be interesting to see what republicans run against him in 2020 and who can actually keep a promise

REALLY? I think that, unlike you Left Wing whackos! They see that the ONLY way to get anything accomplished in Washington, is to forget about all the Rinos in Congress, and find the votes for his agenda, wherever he can!

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On 9/24/2017 at 2:56 AM, Lamarfan said:

He is not alienating his base. He does what he thinks is right for us and doesn't play politics. Sometimes that does mean going outside of your base. Conservatives have much more integrity than Democrats but they are still freaking politicians so it aint like they are saints.

These Left Wing whacks, STILL don't realize that Donald J. Trump is NOT a REPUBLICAN! He is a representative of the citizens of these United States of America! WhatEVER is necessary to achieve his agenda to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is what he'll do!

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1 minute ago, ORabidOne said:

These Left Wing whacks, STILL don't realize that Donald J. Trump is NOT a REPUBLICAN! He is a representative of the citizens of these United States of America! WhatEVER is necessary to achieve his agenda to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is what he'll do!

he needs to get rid of Obamacare, He has to get behind Roy Moore in Alabama. He knows it was a mistake to get behind Strange. Next work on taxes. 

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On 9/24/2017 at 2:59 AM, Lamarfan said:

I think Trump will win again in 2020 and if he doesn't another Conservative will. People are really fed up with how low the Democrats have become and they don't have a platform but make promises they cant deliver to criminals, gays, blacks and illegal aliens to get voted in . Pretty pathetic really.

What's SOOOOOOOO amusing to ME is, that the Left Wing whackos are making such a big deal over statues! When THEIR party was the one who erected those statues! 

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4 minutes ago, ORabidOne said:

REALLY? I think that, unlike you Left Wing whackos! They see that the ONLY way to get anything accomplished in Washington, is to forget about all the Rinos in Congress, and find the votes for his agenda, wherever he can!

Im very far away from left wing. Im very right wing minded

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2 hours ago, ORabidOne said:

These Left Wing whacks, STILL don't realize that Donald J. Trump is NOT a REPUBLICAN! He is a representative of the citizens of these United States of America! WhatEVER is necessary to achieve his agenda to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is what he'll do!

Very true we voted in and outsider for a good reason.

What is comical this is all liberal driven and the media is in the driver's seat CNN and MSNBC or straight up evil BS. This is all about dividing us and trying to turn the world liberal.

This is one time the masses are going to put a stop to this nonsense.

These little apps are not going to disrespect our flag and country.

People will choose what is good and the USA over the NFL.

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15 hours ago, Lamarfan said:

We've got to take a stand and boycott the NFL now.

No more nonsense and race baiters.

I can't stand hate groups like the KKK the BLM and Antifa.

It's time to put the brakes on this liberal plan to destroy us from the inside out.

The boycott of the NFL has already started. WIll never watch another NFL game again

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On 26/09/2017 at 7:24 AM, HSFBfan said:

The boycott of the NFL has already started. WIll never watch another NFL game again

I'm done with it too. This is really pathetic.

They have the right to protest but not at a game even though I think what they're protesting for is a sham. We've got a major Street Thug problem but we do not have police brutality problem.

I guess we could take down the Flag at the sporting events in favor of a Democratic commemorative statue of looters looting stores .  LMAO

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On 9/14/2017 at 8:13 AM, legendsofthefall said:

Trump only cares about Trump, political affiliation means nothing to him. If the Dems give him the best shot at passing his bills, then that's where he'll go. 

You're ABSOLUTELY CORRECTO MUNDO! Trump is for the AMUUURICAN PEOPLE! The DAMN REPUBS didn't win SHIT, except a coattail ride with Trump!

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On 9/14/2017 at 8:35 AM, Bormio said:

All this talk of his Presidency being "over" from both sides is silly.  Do I love him dealing with the Rats - no.   But the GOP Congress has been worthless to the max - so he has to deal with someone.  DACA is going to stay - the comments in Congress show that.  I want the wall for sure - but what I really want is illegals deported in large numbers, as is beginning to happen.  He is not a dictator - he has to find votes someplace.  Remember Bill Clinton and "triangulation".

Limbaugh summed it up tonight on HANNITY! The REPUBS didn't expect Trump to win! And they want to maintain the status quo, of being the whipping boy of the DEMS! They can't HANDLE being in the majority! They want to do everything possible, to make Trump a one term president!>:(

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