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April 25, 2023

Wildcat Will

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Trump goes on trial for rape.

The scheduled April 25 trial relates to Trump's alleged rape of Carroll in late 1995 or early 1996 in a Bergdorf Goodman department store dressing room in Manhattan.

Carroll is also pursuing a battery claim under a New York law that lets sexual abuse survivors sue their alleged attackers long after statutes of limitations have run out.

In his Oct. 12 post, Trump said he did not know Carroll, that she made up the rape claim to promote her memoir, and that the claim was a "hoax," "lie," "con job" and "complete scam."

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I’m not saying Trump is a good looking guy but he has been rich his whole life. You seen the women he has went after, been with or is attracted to. I highly doubt the accuser who looks disgusting was forced to do anything against her will. Imagine if this lady accused Hugh Hefner of assault. It just doesn’t make sense. Being filthy rich will get you top notch looking women no matter how fugly you look. And this accuser isn’t in the stratosphere of the women that have been linked to Trump his whole life. It’s just common sense 

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11 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I’m not saying Trump is a good looking guy but he has been rich his whole life. You seen the women he has went after, been with or is attracted to. I highly doubt the accuser who looks disgusting was forced to do anything against her will. Imagine if this lady accused Hugh Hefner of assault. It just doesn’t make sense. Being filthy rich will get you top notch looking women no matter how fugly you look. And this accuser isn’t in the stratosphere of the women that have been linked to Trump his whole life. It’s just common sense 

Doesn’t matter. How the accusers looked nor the wealth of Bill Cosby (his age too)  didn’t stop the system from convicting him. If trump is guilty I expect the same/similar legal treatment.  

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5 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I’m not saying Trump is a good looking guy but he has been rich his whole life. You seen the women he has went after, been with or is attracted to. I highly doubt the accuser who looks disgusting was forced to do anything against her will. Imagine if this lady accused Hugh Hefner of assault. It just doesn’t make sense. Being filthy rich will get you top notch looking women no matter how fugly you look. And this accuser isn’t in the stratosphere of the women that have been linked to Trump his whole life. It’s just common sense 

Bro… during a deposition Donald Trump looked at a photo of the accuser when she was younger and said it was his ex wife. 

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The cases both center on the same incident, which allegedly took place at the Bergdorf Goodman department store in Manhattan sometime in 1995 or 1996. At the time, Carroll was a recognizable magazine columnist and TV talk show personality.

According to Carroll's complaint, the two had a chance run-in at the store, where Trump was shopping for a gift for "a girl." He asked for her advice, and the two shopped together before he pushed her into a dressing room and raped her, she alleges.

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2 hours ago, Slotback Right said:

I call BS. He pretty much claimed exactly what Nolebull813 said a few posts above. He wouldn't do her with your dick, much less his own.

You can call it whatever you want. It was recorded on audio, it’s in the court record, and it will almost certainly come out during the court proceedings. You’d call call BS on the sun rising if it fit your political narrative.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/12/2023 at 4:32 AM, Slotback Right said:

I call BS. He pretty much claimed exactly what Nolebull813 said a few posts above. He wouldn't do her with your dick, much less his own.

Do you still call BS? It was played in court for the jury and all to see. I wonder what it would take for you not to call BS on something you don’t like.

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On 4/11/2023 at 7:17 PM, Nolebull813 said:

I’m not saying Trump is a good looking guy but he has been rich his whole life. You seen the women he has went after, been with or is attracted to. I highly doubt the accuser who looks disgusting was forced to do anything against her will. Imagine if this lady accused Hugh Hefner of assault. It just doesn’t make sense. Being filthy rich will get you top notch looking women no matter how fugly you look. And this accuser isn’t in the stratosphere of the women that have been linked to Trump his whole life. It’s just common sense  ↳

It doesn't work like that. 

Do you remember Todd Hodne? No one believed his accuser at first because he was popular with women. Just common sense.

Do you remember Harvey Weinstein?

I'm not saying Trump's a rapist. I'm saying guys who can get women can also be rapists. 

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80's 90's, The second Trump stepped out of a building there was always a buzz & within minutes Sharpton,Schumer & others would show up for the media photo op with The Don.There is no way in hell he wasn't seen walking into a women's dressing room at a store like that.Trump always had people with him when out walking the streets.

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