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OT: Android and iPhone users have personality differences


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"iPhone users are nearly twice as likely to be female. iPhone users are also more worried about the social consequences of their phones, seeing it as a status symbol, whereas Android users don't care as much, according to the study.

iPhone users also have less interest in honesty and humility and are more emotional......Android users............. tend to be more honest and have higher agreeability"

I read the report last week but can't find it now. 

Here is a link to a story about it. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865668316/Android-and-iPhone-users-do-have-personality-differences-according-to-study.html?pg=all 

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7 hours ago, Reb72 said:

Android although not as "updated" as ECHS05, mine is a Galaxy S5  :P

From Technical stand point the one thing that no one wants to admit. 

Iphone is not ahead of android by any means. 

Iphones are designed to look pretty. that is quite literaly it.  

Iphones have tried to "innovate" so much that they "innovated" themselves into a corner so much to the point where theyve made their own Operating System thats not as good as Android. 

The MAC OS from a Technical standpoint is not terrible but its not good either. its limited within the personal freedoms it allows and it also is connected through 1 giant server. which is why backdooring Iphones is not recommended.  it could be devastating. yes Jail Breaking and Backdooring are 2 different things. thats why Apple is still trying to sue the FBI. thats why Apple also wouldnt Backdoor the Iphone of the San Bernardino Terrorist. It wouldve also let them see everyone elses information as well. 

Now android is not scotch free in this department either. But Android phones Bar information to the phone itself not a server.... Take note Apple.

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