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America! Does BLM?


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Why didn't white Christians show up?" he recalled wondering.

To his dismay, Cross learned that many of the people in the white mob were regular churchgoers. In the years that followed, he made it part of his ministry to educate his fellow Christians about the attack and prompt them to reflect on its meaning.

"You think about the South being Christian, but this wasn't Christianity," Cross said. "So what happened here in the white church? How did we get to that point?" It's a question he explored in his 2014 book, When Heaven and Earth Collide: Racism, Southern Evangelicals, and the Better Way of Jesus

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4 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

They look like twins.  It comes from derivative of the Greek word meaning.  Hail Zeus



Does the name “Jesus” actually mean “Hail, Zeus”?

Jesus Hail Zeusaudio

There are several strange and misleading teachings that make their rounds concerning the name of God and of Jesus Christ; one such false doctrine is the idea that the name of Jesus actually means “Hail, Zeus.” Promoters of this bizarre concept claim that anyone who uses the name Jesus is offering praise to a false god and is not saved. They go so far as to say a person must use only the Hebrew name for Jesus, since there is only one name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12).

First, we will explain the “Jesus-means-hail-Zeus” theory, the best we can. Then we will look at the truth of the matter from a biblical perspective.

Those who teach that the name Jesus means “Hail, Zeus” usually start with the name of God, YAH (see Isaiah 26:4, NET). From that name of God, they take the Messiah’s name to be YAHSHUA, which they say means “YAH Is Salvation.” They contend that is the name used by the apostles and by the Messiah Himself; however, after the apostles were dead and gone, the Roman Church took over Christianity. In order to make their brand of religion more palatable to the pagans, the Roman leaders changed the name of the Messiah into a Greek/Latin hybrid, Iésous, which (supposedly) means “Hail, Zeus.” Since Zeus (or Jupiter) was the chief god in the Greco-Roman pantheon, the pagans had little trouble accepting this new demigod. By changing the Savior’s name, Christianity had been effectively stripped of its Hebrew roots, and the melding with paganism was a success. The Greeks’ savior could still be Zeus. In time, the word Iésous was further corrupted into Jesus in English.

As “proof” for their conspiracy theory that Jesus means “Hail, Zeus,” advocates point to the fact that the second syllable of Jesus (-sus) sounds similar to the name of the chief Greek god. Especially when Jesus is pronounced in Spanish, it becomes “evident” that people are “actually” saying “Hey, Zeus.” Added to these “proofs” is the fact that ancient sculptures of Zeus show him with a beard—just like modern-day pictures of Jesus!

What can we say to such far-fetched nonsense? First, not everyone who has a beard is trying to take the place of Jesus. Second, just because a certain word or word part sounds like another word is no proof of commonality. Basing theories of word origin on pronunciation is preposterous. Humorous sounds exactly like humerus, but there’s nothing particularly funny about the bone that goes from the shoulder to the elbow. Third, the Messiah’s Hebrew name is Yeshua, not Yahshua—the latter being a fabrication in order to make the name sound more like YAH.

Fourth, the Hebrew name Yeshua translates into Greek as Iésous. This is the name that the angel Gabriel commanded Joseph to name Mary’s child: “You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The name Jesus is a simply a Greek form of Joshua, a common name among Jews. The same verse also alludes to the meaning of the name: the Lord was to be named Jesus because “he will save his people from their sins.” The name Jesus means “The Lord Saves” or “The Lord Is Salvation.” Whether you spell it Jesus or Joshua or Yeshua, the meaning stays the same, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Zeus.

Names can and do translate. Changing a name from one language to another does not change the meaning of the name, nor does it change the character or identity of the person. Elizabeth becomes Elixabete, Isabella, Zsoka, or Eliska, depending on the language. But she remains the same girl. A man named Stephen can be called Stephanos, Stefan, Estevao, Teppo, or Estebe, depending on where in the world he is. But he is the same person, regardless of what we call him. Similarly, Jesus and Yeshua refer to the same Person—and it’s not Zeus.

We use the name Jesus, an Anglicized transliteration of the Greek, because Greek is the language that Matthew and Mark and Luke and John wrote their Gospels in and because English is the language we speak. The best translation of Iésous into modern English is “Jesus.”

Part of Timothy’s work as a pastor was to “command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer or to devote themselves to myths” (1 Timothy 1:3–4). Paul was concerned that “such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith” (verse 4). Conspiracy theories and myths regarding the etymology of Jesus’ name are distractions from the true work of God. We should not pay any heed to claims that the name Jesus means anything but what Scripture says it means: “The Lord Saves.”
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11 minutes ago, DevilDog said:


Why didn't white Christians show up?" he recalled wondering.

To his dismay, Cross learned that many of the people in the white mob were regular churchgoers. In the years that followed, he made it part of his ministry to educate his fellow Christians about the attack and prompt them to reflect on its meaning.

"You think about the South being Christian, but this wasn't Christianity," Cross said. "So what happened here in the white church? How did we get to that point?" It's a question he explored in his 2014 book, When Heaven and Earth Collide: Racism, Southern Evangelicals, and the Better Way of Jesus


So lots of white people in the South went to church and were racist.

I'm going to need some time to absorb this, DD. This is both new and shocking to me.

Next thing you'll be telling me that there used to be slavery there and there was a civil war or something.

Crazy talk.



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9 minutes ago, concha said:


So lots of white people in the South went to church and were racist.

I'm going to need some time to absorb this, DD. This is both new and shocking to me.

Next thing you'll be telling me that there used to be slavery there and there was a civil war or something.

Crazy talk.



It ties in sir to the wrongful convictions.  Many are in the South.  Actually the prisons from La thru Alabama are atrocious to this very day.  Angola Prison.   Hell I believe they named it that mockingly has a frightening history with black men and these atrocities.  Like Nazi atrocious.  Now I throw out digs purposely often times to get those who wouldn't read to actually read.  Evangelicals have been behind these draconian acts.  I have grown to have disdain for America's peculiar Christianity.  Not because I suddenly had an epiphany.  I have years of study.  Dr. King who they now lovingly quote was hated by them.  I will assure you I have spent decades in books and in tutorship from a Giant of the Civil rights struggle.   it's as rotten as rotten can be.  Preachers leading Lynch mobs in N.C. and elsewhere.  I can share documents after documents of African Americans sharing stories of the so called Christians for the Last 450 years.  Including 2022.  I use that image to show the absurdity.  And I refuse tutelage on it in any form. It will be another form of trickery.  It was never meant to lift me up.  It was meant to enslave my mind, break my spirit.  Nat Turner's revolt is tied to those evil intentions.  When he learned to read he rose up.  Prior to that they paraded him from plantation to plantation convincing slaves to submit to their will.  I love Nat Turner

who conveniently was not in one of my history books.  I love Gabriel Prosser he didn't make it either.  I love the Stono Robellion.  You see when people get tired of trying to explain their pain points.  They erupt.  But no matter how much B.S. is pushed about BLM and riots.  They would need to riot once a month for 400 years to catch up to the real rioters.  I will happily explain..Black Wall Street is just a start, Red Summer was another doozy.  Whole communities murdered from Ark to N.C. It pales in comparison to this so called BLM horrors you keep pimping. And  no Tricknology can convince me that was in the past and don't matter. The Penal System (13th Amendment) is modern day slavery sickly wrapped in a blind justice system.  Ran by many racists.  IT MATTERS TO US.  We have stories from our grandparents.  And they are not from 1850.   One thing about knowledge it doesn't make you a coward.  Matter of fact it makes one brave and unafraid to speak truth.  I never seen a NOI Mosque set on fire or a German Shepard biting one of them sisters in the 60s or any era.  You know why because they would fight back.  Farrakhan spews all kind of vitriol but has never been touched.  And many times stating no one dare.  MLK with all that forgiving and begging got him murdered.  

It's only crazy talk to deniers, deflectors and  Liars. I teach  to plenty people and none think it's crazy.  What they usually discover shocks them.  Funny a white church near my home asked me to speak in their church after two of their disinformation minions came to my door to teach me about old White Jesus.  1hr later their asses were in shock.  And sent a Black guy back the next week to unvite me.  I gave them 3 questions for their Pastor. 


 "If a man won't treat you right he won't teach you right"

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These same tricks used today.  Immediately you quickly post something about some Liberals and African Americans as a diversion.  Read posts here and see how many times it happens.  No one gives a damn about Liberals and Consrvative but your foolish selves.  This is proof you don't listen.  Brilliant mind.  Take out the 60s cultural references and it's just the same trickery.  Shocking!  I love him more than Reagan or Clinton. 👍


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50 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

It ties in sir to the wrongful convictions.  Many are in the South.  Actually the prisons from La thru Alabama are atrocious to this very day.  Angola Prison.   Hell I believe they named it that mockingly has a frightening history with black men and these atrocities.  Like Nazi atrocious.  Now I throw out digs purposely often times to get those who wouldn't read to actually read.  Evangelicals have been behind these draconian acts.  I have grown to have disdain for America's peculiar Christianity.  Not because I suddenly had an epiphany.  I have years of study.  Dr. King who they now lovingly quote was hated by them.  I will assure you I have spent decades in books and in tutorship from a Giant of the Civil rights struggle.   it's as rotten as rotten can be.  Preachers leading Lynch mobs in N.C. and elsewhere.  I can share documents after documents of African Americans sharing stories of the so called Christians for the Last 450 years.  Including 2022.  I use that image to show the absurdity.  And I refuse tutelage on it in any form. It will be another form of trickery.  It was never meant to lift me up.  It was meant to enslave my mind, break my spirit.  Nat Turner's revolt is tied to those evil intentions.  When he learned to read he rose up.  Prior to that they paraded him from plantation to plantation convincing slaves to submit to their will.  I love Nat Turner

who conveniently was not in one of my history books.  I love Gabriel Prosser he didn't make it either.  I love the Stono Robellion.  You see when people get tired of trying to explain their pain points.  They erupt.  But no matter how much B.S. is pushed about BLM and riots.  They would need to riot once a month for 400 years to catch up to the real rioters.  I will happily explain..Black Wall Street is just a start, Red Summer was another doozy.  Whole communities murdered from Ark to N.C. It pales in comparison to this so called BLM horrors you keep pimping. And  no Tricknology can convince me that was in the past and don't matter. The Penal System (13th Amendment) is modern day slavery sickly wrapped in a blind justice system.  Ran by many racists.  IT MATTERS TO US.  We have stories from our grandparents.  And they are not from 1850.   One thing about knowledge it doesn't make you a coward.  Matter of fact it makes one brave and unafraid to speak truth.  I never seen a NOI Mosque set on fire or a German Shepard biting one of them sisters in the 60s or any era.  You know why because they would fight back.  Farrakhan spews all kind of vitriol but has never been touched.  And many times stating no one dare.  MLK with all that forgiving and begging got him murdered.  

It's only crazy talk to deniers, deflectors and  Liars. I teach  to plenty people and none think it's crazy.  What they usually discover shocks them.  Funny a white church near my home asked me to speak in their church after two of their disinformation minions came to my door to teach me about old White Jesus.  1hr later their asses were in shock.  And sent a Black guy back the next week to unvite me.  I gave them 3 questions for their Pastor. 


 "If a man won't treat you right he won't teach you right"


If you are ever in the Atlanta area on a Sunday, I suggest you swing by Northpoint Community Church. It's one of the largest mega-churches in the nation.

You know what you don't find adorning the church? Crosses with images of Jesus (who has nothing to do with Zeus).

I happen to attend the Buckhead campus, which is nearest my house.  What you will find there is a very, very diverse congregation.

Your "giant of the civil rights movement" is, I imagine, a very old man with lots of memories.  How do they translate to today?  The Klan is good as dead.  There are many high school football stadia in Texas that could accommodate the entire national membership of the KKK and have plenty of seats left over. Lynchings in our nation of over 330M people are all but gone.

The biggest threat to black men in the country is other back men. 5x more of a threat than a white man is to another white. And that may have an effect on the number of false convictions.  A group that statistically commits far more crime per capita is going to see far more bad convictions.

"Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country."

Entirely believable.

Blacks also commit over 50% of murders in the country and, depending on the source and definition, somewhere between 30% and 40% of violent crimes.

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11 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

These same tricks used today.  Immediately you quickly post something about some Liberals and African Americans as a diversion.  Read posts here and see how many times it happens.  No one gives a damn about Liberals and Consrvative but your foolish selves.  This is proof you don't listen.  Brilliant mind.  Take out the 60s cultural references and it's just the same trickery.  Shocking!  I love him more than Reagan or Clinton. 👍



I don't think I've mentioned liberals this evening, DD.

Are you feeling upset about the Zeus thing imploding?



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5 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

Was this the turning point to shut him up?



DD, do you think someone's arguing that the Jim Crow South and Southern racism didn't exist or something?

Or are you just venting about things that have happened and our lack of a time machine to go back and change?


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5 hours ago, concha said:


If you are ever in the Atlanta area on a Sunday, I suggest you swing by Northpoint Community Church. It's one of the largest mega-churches in the nation.

You know what you don't find adorning the church? Crosses with images of Jesus (who has nothing to do with Zeus).

I happen to attend the Buckhead campus, which is nearest my house.  What you will find there is a very, very diverse congregation.

Your "giant of the civil rights movement" is, I imagine, a very old man with lots of memories.  How do they translate to today?  The Klan is good as dead.  There are many high school football stadia in Texas that could accommodate the entire national membership of the KKK and have plenty of seats left over. Lynchings in our nation of over 330M people are all but gone.

The biggest threat to black men in the country is other back men. 5x more of a threat than a white man is to another white. And that may have an effect on the number of false convictions.  A group that statistically commits far more crime per capita is going to see far more bad convictions.

"Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country."

Entirely believable.

Blacks also commit over 50% of murders in the country and, depending on the source and definition, somewhere between 30% and 40% of violent crimes.

They would not lead in exonerations if they were not wrongly convicted in the first place.

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19 hours ago, concha said:


DD, do you think someone's arguing that the Jim Crow South and Southern racism didn't exist or something?

Or are you just venting about things that have happened and our lack of a time machine to go back and change?


We're always going to be good whether Con or Pro.  You are too smart for some posts without context.  Now stop eating swine and we might break bread in the ATL.  😄 Stay blessed  Man!  I've been in this side to long. 

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5 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

We're always going to be good whether Con or Pro.  You are too smart for some posts without context.  Now stop eating swine and we might break bread in the ATL.  😄 Stay blessed  Man!  I've been in this side to long. 


Had a nice meal at a soul food place earlier today up in Athens. Best fried chicken I've ever eaten.

I try to keep it real, DD. We made our donations for the Thanksgiving dinner for the needy, of course. It's possible to take care of one another without the gubmint's greedy mits in the way.





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