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3 minutes ago, Troll said:

You do realize that map is Monday morning

of just what was STILL burning

and not yet even under control, 

right dumbass ?



PS: Now picture that map with around 400...instead of 24...

for a nice weekend of "no city being burned down"  peacefulness, LOL.



BTW: A month later the same thing...

...terrorist actions = terrorist history 👍

  Main Line Photographer Captures Iconic Photo of Philly Riots

These fires are still burning from the BLM protest? And I'm the dumbass.

So you're saying that BLM is starting forest fires in Philly? 

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1 hour ago, Wildcat Will said:

What amount of money is a human life worth? Definently a question you have your answer for.



How many innocents were killed in these protests riots? 

How many are unjustly killed by police every year vs unjustly by their own neighbors?

How many innocent police are dead due to the BLM movement?





Where do you fall here?

Most of the people pushing the mayhem have NO EFFING CLUE ABOUT THE REALITY.



According to the Washington Post database, that number was 12. The Mapping Police Violence database says the number was 27.  


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52 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

You see any BLM protest taking place?




The National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia Amid the Riots, Fires and Looting

And yet your trash will be picked up right on schedule. (Supposedly.)

By Victor Fiorillo· 6/1/2020, 10:02 a.m.

Get a compelling long read and must-have lifestyle tips in your inbox every Sunday morning — great with coffee!

a member of the national guard in philadelphia

A member of the National Guard on patrol in Philadelphia after two days and nights that included peaceful protests as well as fires, violence and looting. (Image courtesy 6ABC; video embedded below)

A roundup of Philadelphia news. This post may be updated as more information becomes available.

National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia

They call what’s been happening in Philadelphia an “evolving situation.” And that situation continues to evolve with the National Guard arriving in Philadelphia overnight.


Well-armed troops and their Humvees are stationed at strategic areas in the city, including outside City Hall and the Philadelphia Municipal Services Building (MSB) in Center City.

Officials hope that the mere presence of the National Guard in Philadelphia will deter further acts of violence and looting. The troops also allow members of the Philadelphia Police Department to patrol other neighborhoods and provide numbers where needed.

The sudden appearance of the National Guard in Philadelphia has some residents appalled, the idea of United States military patrolling its own citizens. Others are relieved to see the troops come here amid such a chaotic weekend.

The weekend began quietly enough, with a peaceful George Floyd protest in Center City early on Saturday. But by Saturday evening, the city descended into anything but peacefulness. Buildings and police cars were set ablaze, stores looted, bottles thrown. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. Riot shields. You get the picture.

At a Sunday press conference, both Mayor Jim Kenney and police commissioner Danielle Outlaw were quick to separate the actions of those participating in the violent riots from those of the peaceful protesters seen earlier in the day. And when asked if it was true that a large percentage of those arrested on Saturday (we’re still waiting for the final numbers to come in) were white people who don’t live in Philadelphia, Outlaw, who is African American said, “They did not look like me.”

A City On Fire

While much of the attention has been paid to people looting large screen TVs from Walmart and sneakers from shops all over the city, The Philadelphia Fire Department has been working on overdrive to keep up with blazes around town.

As of 7:30 a.m. on Monday, the Philadelphia Fire Department reported that firefighters were still trying to put out 24 fires, with the densest cluster in West Philadelphia. The fire department released the following map showing those active fire locations:


For Saturday, the fire department reported 703 total EMS incidents and 156 fire incidents. The EMS incidents went way down on Sunday — from 703 to 52 — but the fire count went up, with the fire department reporting 223 fire incidents on Sunday.

And Yet Your Trash Will Be Picked Up

Say what you will about trash pickup in Philly. But even with everything that is going on right now, the city says that trash pickup will proceed on a normal schedule. I frankly find that a little hard to believe, but since today is my normal trash day in West Philly, I’ve got some stinking bags on the curb. We’ll see what happens.

So Sanitation is apparently working today but most other city employees are not. The city announced that all municipal offices would be closed on Monday due to the aforementioned fires, looting, and other forms of civil unrest and the cleanup that is now required.

Briefly Noted






58 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

You see any BLM protest taking place?


Oct 29, 2020... four men with arson in connection with the burning of police vehicles ... is a prominent Black Lives Matter activist and teacher in West ...

West Philly activist among four men charged with arson for allegedly igniting police cars during George Floyd protests


Michael Tanenbaum Headshot
By Michael Tanenbaum
Arson Police Philly Chris Naris/for PhillyVoice

Federal arson charges charges were filed Thursday against four men allegedly involved in the burning of police vehicles in Philadelphia on May 30, 2020. What began as peaceful demonstrations for George Floyd became chaotic that afternoon, sparking a wave of civil unrest in the city. Above, a vehicle was flipped amid the demonstrations.

Four men are facing federal arson charges stemming from the civil unrest in Philadelphia last May








53 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

How idiotic can one be to assocoiate these current events with those of yesrs ago, don't you think?

Stop talking about slavery,


and yer ancient history

like that...



PS: ya know it aint got nuttin ta do wit being a terrorist...

...making yer own 🔥 history today


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4 hours ago, concha said:


How many innocents were killed in these protests riots? 

How many are unjustly killed by police every year vs unjustly by their own neighbors?

How many innocent police are dead due to the BLM movement?





Where do you fall here?

Most of the people pushing the mayhem have NO EFFING CLUE ABOUT THE REALITY.



According to the Washington Post database, that number was 12. The Mapping Police Violence database says the number was 27.  


We found no evidence that the toll from protests against police brutality is as high as the numbers in the post. The U.S. Justice Department told us it does not have numbers on officer injuries or property damage resulting from civil disturbances.

Black Lives Matter protests attract not only BLM members but supporters and opponents, making it difficult to assign blame to BLM for particular incidents.

Try again.

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3 hours ago, Troll said:



The National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia Amid the Riots, Fires and Looting

And yet your trash will be picked up right on schedule. (Supposedly.)

By Victor Fiorillo· 6/1/2020, 10:02 a.m.

Get a compelling long read and must-have lifestyle tips in your inbox every Sunday morning — great with coffee!

a member of the national guard in philadelphia

A member of the National Guard on patrol in Philadelphia after two days and nights that included peaceful protests as well as fires, violence and looting. (Image courtesy 6ABC; video embedded below)

A roundup of Philadelphia news. This post may be updated as more information becomes available.

National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia

They call what’s been happening in Philadelphia an “evolving situation.” And that situation continues to evolve with the National Guard arriving in Philadelphia overnight.


Well-armed troops and their Humvees are stationed at strategic areas in the city, including outside City Hall and the Philadelphia Municipal Services Building (MSB) in Center City.

Officials hope that the mere presence of the National Guard in Philadelphia will deter further acts of violence and looting. The troops also allow members of the Philadelphia Police Department to patrol other neighborhoods and provide numbers where needed.

The sudden appearance of the National Guard in Philadelphia has some residents appalled, the idea of United States military patrolling its own citizens. Others are relieved to see the troops come here amid such a chaotic weekend.

The weekend began quietly enough, with a peaceful George Floyd protest in Center City early on Saturday. But by Saturday evening, the city descended into anything but peacefulness. Buildings and police cars were set ablaze, stores looted, bottles thrown. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. Riot shields. You get the picture.

At a Sunday press conference, both Mayor Jim Kenney and police commissioner Danielle Outlaw were quick to separate the actions of those participating in the violent riots from those of the peaceful protesters seen earlier in the day. And when asked if it was true that a large percentage of those arrested on Saturday (we’re still waiting for the final numbers to come in) were white people who don’t live in Philadelphia, Outlaw, who is African American said, “They did not look like me.”

A City On Fire

While much of the attention has been paid to people looting large screen TVs from Walmart and sneakers from shops all over the city, The Philadelphia Fire Department has been working on overdrive to keep up with blazes around town.

As of 7:30 a.m. on Monday, the Philadelphia Fire Department reported that firefighters were still trying to put out 24 fires, with the densest cluster in West Philadelphia. The fire department released the following map showing those active fire locations:


For Saturday, the fire department reported 703 total EMS incidents and 156 fire incidents. The EMS incidents went way down on Sunday — from 703 to 52 — but the fire count went up, with the fire department reporting 223 fire incidents on Sunday.

And Yet Your Trash Will Be Picked Up

Say what you will about trash pickup in Philly. But even with everything that is going on right now, the city says that trash pickup will proceed on a normal schedule. I frankly find that a little hard to believe, but since today is my normal trash day in West Philly, I’ve got some stinking bags on the curb. We’ll see what happens.

So Sanitation is apparently working today but most other city employees are not. The city announced that all municipal offices would be closed on Monday due to the aforementioned fires, looting, and other forms of civil unrest and the cleanup that is now required.

Briefly Noted







Oct 29, 2020... four men with arson in connection with the burning of police vehicles ... is a prominent Black Lives Matter activist and teacher in West ...

West Philly activist among four men charged with arson for allegedly igniting police cars during George Floyd protests


Michael Tanenbaum Headshot
By Michael Tanenbaum
Arson Police Philly Chris Naris/for PhillyVoice

Federal arson charges charges were filed Thursday against four men allegedly involved in the burning of police vehicles in Philadelphia on May 30, 2020. What began as peaceful demonstrations for George Floyd became chaotic that afternoon, sparking a wave of civil unrest in the city. Above, a vehicle was flipped amid the demonstrations.

Four men are facing federal arson charges stemming from the civil unrest in Philadelphia last May








Stop talking about slavery,


and yer ancient history

like that...



PS: ya know it aint got nuttin ta do wit being a terrorist...

...making yer own 🔥 history today


"You do realize that map is Monday morning

of just what was STILL burning

and not yet even under control, 

right dumbass "?


Who's words are those above? Are you the fool thinking fires are still burning from those events..........not slavery  YOU IDIOT!!!

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52 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

We found no evidence that the toll from protests against police brutality is as high as the numbers in the post. The U.S. Justice Department told us it does not have numbers on officer injuries or property damage resulting from civil disturbances.

Black Lives Matter protests attract not only BLM members but supporters and opponents, making it difficult to assign blame to BLM for particular incidents.

Try again.



Cheap deflection.

Just one city...  https://www.startribune.com/a-deeper-look-at-areas-most-damaged-by-rioting-looting-in-minneapolis-st-paul/569930671/


And noted that you dodge the fact that the very basis for BLM's existence is a grossly inflated lie and the real carnage (black on black violence) is all but ignored.


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Yahoo News

Republican-controlled states have higher murder rates than Democratic ones: study

Ben Adler
Ben Adler
·Senior Editor
Mon, April 4, 2022, 5:21 PM

Republican politicians routinely claim that cities run by Democrats have been experiencing crime waves caused by failed governance, but a new study shows murder rates are actually higher in states and cities controlled by Republicans.

“We’re seeing murders in our cities, all Democrat-run,” former President Donald Trump asserted at a March 26 rally in Georgia. “People are afraid to go out.”

In February, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., blamed Democrats for a 2018 law that reduced some federal prison sentences — even though it was signed by Trump after passing a GOP-controlled Congress. “It’s your party who voted in lockstep for the First Step Act that let thousands of violent felons on the street who have now committed innumerable violent crimes,” Cotton said during a speech in the Senate.

Last December, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Tex., told Fox News viewers that “America’s most beautiful cities are indeed being ruined by liberal policies: There’s a direct line between death and decay and liberal policies.”

Former President Donald Trump at a rally at a rally on March 26 in Commerce, Georgia, in front of a sign reading
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at a rally on March 26 in Commerce, Ga. (Megan Varner/Getty Images)

But a comparison of violent crime rates in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats and Republicans tells a very different story. In fact, a new study from the center-left think tank Third Way shows that states won by Trump in the 2020 election have higher murder rates than those carried by President Biden. The highest murder rates, the study found, are often in conservative, rural states.

The study found that murder rates in the 25 states Trump carried in 2020 are 40% higher overall than in the states Biden won. (The report used 2020 data because 2021 data is not yet fully available.) The five states with the highest per capita murder rate — Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama, and Missouri — all lean Republican and voted for Trump.

There are some examples of states Biden won in 2020 that also have high per-capita murder rates, including New Mexico and Georgia, which have the seventh- and eighth-highest murder rates, respectively. And there are Trump-supporting states with low murder rates, such as Idaho and Utah. Broadly speaking, the South, and to a lesser extent the Midwest, have more murders per capita than the Northeast, interior West and West Coast, the study found.

Those findings are consistent with a pattern that has existed for decades, in which the South has had higher rates of violent crime than the nation as a whole.

Demonstrators march in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2021 to protest the shooting death of Daunte Wright.
Demonstrators march in Atlanta, Ga., on April 14, 2021, to protest the shooting death of Daunte Wright three days earlier. (Megan Varner/Getty Images)

“We as criminologists have known this for quite some time,” Jennifer Ortiz, a professor of criminology at Indiana University Southeast, told Yahoo News. “States like Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama have historically had high crime rates.”

Criminologists say research shows higher rates of violent crime are found in areas that have low average education levels, high rates of poverty and relatively modest access to government assistance. Those conditions characterize some portions of the American South.

“They are among the poorest states in our union,” Ortiz said of the Deep South. “They have among the highest rates of child poverty. They are among the least-educated states. They are among the states with the highest levels of substance abuse. All of those factors contribute to people engaging in criminal behavior.”

“I thought that was a very good study,” Richard Rosenfeld, a professor of criminology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and former president of the American Society of Criminology, told Yahoo News about the Third Way report. “In Republican states, states with Republican governors, crime rates tend to be higher. I’m not certain that’s related to the fact that the governor is a Republican, but it’s a fact nonetheless.”

Police and emergency personnel work on a crime scene in November 21 in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Police and emergency personnel work on a crime scene in November 2021 in Waukesha, Wisc. (Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)

(While the Third Way study divided states by presidential vote in 2020, using gubernatorial party affiliation leads to similar results because most states have recently chosen the same party for governor and for president. Based on presidential vote, eight of the 10 states with the highest murder rates lean Republican, versus seven of the top 10 if one uses the governor’s party.)

Although murder rates tend to be highest in the South, the biggest increases in 2020 were found in the Great Plains and Midwest, according to Third Way. The largest jumps were in Wyoming (91.7% higher than in 2019), South Dakota (69%), Wisconsin (63.2%), Nebraska (59.1%), and Minnesota (58.1%). Wyoming, South Dakota and Nebraska all voted for Trump and have Republican governors. Wisconsin and Minnesota voted for Biden and are led by Democrats.

Few large cities are governed by Republicans — only 26 of the 100 largest U.S. cities have Republican mayors — making apples-to-apples comparisons difficult. But cities that do have Republican mayors do not have lower murder rates than similarly sized Democrat-led cities, the study found.

Some experts warn against the impulse to use crime data to score quick political points.

“Being a Republican or Democratic state or city is correlated with many other issues,” David Weisburd, a professor of criminology and executive director of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University, wrote in an email to Yahoo News. “That means that the murder rate may be due to the state being Republican, or it may be due to the fact that Republican states have many other risk factors related to crime or murder rates. Even with a very comprehensive modeling of all of these factors, it is very difficult to get a valid causal result for explaining crime rates.”

Police tape blocks a street where a person was shot in a drug-related incident in Philadelphia in 2021.
Police tape blocks a street where a person was shot in a drug-related incident in Philadelphia in 2021. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

That argument cuts both ways, however. Weisburd also thinks the claims of Trump and other Republicans who say that Democrats have caused a crime wave in the cities and states they govern are unfounded. “I don't think this argument can be supported no matter which way you go,” Weisburd said.

Murder rates in the U.S. rose dramatically in 2020 from record lows, and the increases are similar across states — regardless of partisan preference. For homicides in 2020, Third Way found a 32.2% uptick in Trump-backing states versus a 30.8% rise in those that voted for Biden. Some states with large cities, such as New York and Pennsylvania, saw larger-than-average increases: New York went up 47% and Pennsylvania is up 39%. But the largest increases were in rural, Republican-led states, including Montana (+84%) and South Dakota (+81%).

The higher national murder rate is naturally causing public concern, although violent crime does remain far below its early 1990s high point. “Using the FBI data, the violent crime rate fell 49% between 1993 and 2019,” from 757 incidents per 100,000 people to 379 per 100,000, the Pew Research Center noted last November. Between 2019 and 2020, the murder rate jumped from 6 homicides per 100,000 people to 7.8 homicides per 100,000, but that was still 22% below the rate in 1991 of 10 homicides per 100,000

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For Saturday, the fire department reported 703 total EMS incidents and 156 fire incidents. The EMS incidents went way down on Sunday — from 703 to 52 — but the fire count went up, with the fire department reporting 223 fire incidents on Sunday.

4 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

"You do realize that map is Monday morning

of just what was STILL burning

and not yet even under control, 

right dumbass "?

Is that minor word... WAS...

a present tense,

or past tense

indicator ....




4 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

Who's words are those above?


and you forgot the PS:

PS: Now picture that map with around 400...instead of 24...

for a nice weekend of "no city being burned down"  peacefulness, LOL.



4 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

 Are you the fool thinking fires are still burning from those events..........not slavery  YOU IDIOT!!!


WAS...   Dumb and Dumber (1994) - Atomic Peppers (Movie Clip) [HD 1080p] animated gif


9 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

Yes, it is my malfunction of thought that makes the difference 💩

We Know 👍





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10 hours ago, Troll said:



The National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia Amid the Riots, Fires and Looting

And yet your trash will be picked up right on schedule. (Supposedly.)

By Victor Fiorillo· 6/1/2020, 10:02 a.m.

Get a compelling long read and must-have lifestyle tips in your inbox every Sunday morning — great with coffee!

a member of the national guard in philadelphia

A member of the National Guard on patrol in Philadelphia after two days and nights that included peaceful protests as well as fires, violence and looting. (Image courtesy 6ABC; video embedded below)

A roundup of Philadelphia news. This post may be updated as more information becomes available.

National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia

They call what’s been happening in Philadelphia an “evolving situation.” And that situation continues to evolve with the National Guard arriving in Philadelphia overnight.


Well-armed troops and their Humvees are stationed at strategic areas in the city, including outside City Hall and the Philadelphia Municipal Services Building (MSB) in Center City.

Officials hope that the mere presence of the National Guard in Philadelphia will deter further acts of violence and looting. The troops also allow members of the Philadelphia Police Department to patrol other neighborhoods and provide numbers where needed.

The sudden appearance of the National Guard in Philadelphia has some residents appalled, the idea of United States military patrolling its own citizens. Others are relieved to see the troops come here amid such a chaotic weekend.

The weekend began quietly enough, with a peaceful George Floyd protest in Center City early on Saturday. But by Saturday evening, the city descended into anything but peacefulness. Buildings and police cars were set ablaze, stores looted, bottles thrown. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. Riot shields. You get the picture.

At a Sunday press conference, both Mayor Jim Kenney and police commissioner Danielle Outlaw were quick to separate the actions of those participating in the violent riots from those of the peaceful protesters seen earlier in the day. And when asked if it was true that a large percentage of those arrested on Saturday (we’re still waiting for the final numbers to come in) were white people who don’t live in Philadelphia, Outlaw, who is African American said, “They did not look like me.”

A City On Fire

While much of the attention has been paid to people looting large screen TVs from Walmart and sneakers from shops all over the city, The Philadelphia Fire Department has been working on overdrive to keep up with blazes around town.

As of 7:30 a.m. on Monday, the Philadelphia Fire Department reported that firefighters were still trying to put out 24 fires, with the densest cluster in West Philadelphia. The fire department released the following map showing those active fire locations:


For Saturday, the fire department reported 703 total EMS incidents and 156 fire incidents. The EMS incidents went way down on Sunday — from 703 to 52 — but the fire count went up, with the fire department reporting 223 fire incidents on Sunday.

And Yet Your Trash Will Be Picked Up

Say what you will about trash pickup in Philly. But even with everything that is going on right now, the city says that trash pickup will proceed on a normal schedule. I frankly find that a little hard to believe, but since today is my normal trash day in West Philly, I’ve got some stinking bags on the curb. We’ll see what happens.

So Sanitation is apparently working today but most other city employees are not. The city announced that all municipal offices would be closed on Monday due to the aforementioned fires, looting, and other forms of civil unrest and the cleanup that is now required.

Briefly Noted







Oct 29, 2020... four men with arson in connection with the burning of police vehicles ... is a prominent Black Lives Matter activist and teacher in West ...

West Philly activist among four men charged with arson for allegedly igniting police cars during George Floyd protests


Michael Tanenbaum Headshot
By Michael Tanenbaum
Arson Police Philly Chris Naris/for PhillyVoice

Federal arson charges charges were filed Thursday against four men allegedly involved in the burning of police vehicles in Philadelphia on May 30, 2020. What began as peaceful demonstrations for George Floyd became chaotic that afternoon, sparking a wave of civil unrest in the city. Above, a vehicle was flipped amid the demonstrations.

Four men are facing federal arson charges stemming from the civil unrest in Philadelphia last May








Stop talking about slavery,


and yer ancient history

like that...



PS: ya know it aint got nuttin ta do wit being a terrorist...

...making yer own 🔥 history today


Check the dates of your stories.

You are not wrapped tight enough, are you?

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6 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

Check the dates of your stories.

You are not wrapped tight enough, are you?

WAS...in 2020...Dumb and Dumber (1994) - Atomic Peppers (Movie Clip) [HD 1080p] animated gif

as BLM turns George Floyd protests into all out riotsMain Line Photographer Captures Iconic Photo of Philly Riots


with literally hundreds of arson fires burning every weekendfires-960x816.jpeg

(with literally dozens being still uncontrolled on Monday morning for morons 👍


Creating today's terrorists 🔥...





20 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

I want to know what US city burned down during the BLM protest.

Tell us please.

...as I said, that's just one example 👍


BTW: You lern to reeeed yet ???

...and that's still no excuse for ignorant stupidity. 💩

You wrapped a little too tight ....👌

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4 hours ago, Troll said:

WAS...in 2020...Dumb and Dumber (1994) - Atomic Peppers (Movie Clip) [HD 1080p] animated gif

as BLM turns George Floyd protests into all out riotsMain Line Photographer Captures Iconic Photo of Philly Riots


with literally hundreds of arson fires burning every weekendfires-960x816.jpeg

(with literally dozens being still uncontrolled on Monday morning for morons 👍


Creating today's terrorists 🔥...





...as I said, that's just one example 👍


BTW: You lern to reeeed yet ???

...and that's still no excuse for ignorant stupidity. 💩

You wrapped a little too tight ....👌

Stay ignorant. Continue to indulge in the absurd.

It fits you.

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That's called a link


A: It's not his claim

B: The evidence has already been presented

😄 You missed it

😧 Ignorance looks good on you



PS: Bowers also maintained in the statement that BLMGNF had 'always planned' to disclose the house in legal filings this May.






WAS...  Dumb and Dumber (1994) - Atomic Peppers (Movie Clip) [HD 1080p] animated gif

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2 hours ago, Troll said:



That's called a link


A: It's not his claim

B: The evidence has already been presented

😄 You missed it

😧 Ignorance looks good on you



PS: Bowers also maintained in the statement that BLMGNF had 'always planned' to disclose the house in legal filings this May.






WAS...  Dumb and Dumber (1994) - Atomic Peppers (Movie Clip) [HD 1080p] animated gif

Evolve man. It's 2022.

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