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Prediction by @Socialdamus

Looking ahead, after a generation has genetically altered their sperm & fetuses ability to discern reality from fiction - due to their abuse of the many mind altering drugs that are trending today. 

The idea that human beings are living in an artificially generated reality will easily become the norm.

As a result, Christianity will overthrow all other religions by replacing the literary story of Jesus with the cinematic version - that we now know as the matrix movies. 

The whole of humanity will embrace it because In 100 years no one alive today will be alive to dispute that it is a fictional story.

In 2122 it will be regarded as a documentary of real events - just as the bible is today. 

Neo will replace Jesus as the Christ and figurehead of the religion of Christianity. 

And no one will be the wiser

These events will create a real life Matrix consisting of people living out their lives unknowingly trapped in a reality created by their own disabled minds. 

Minds damaged by their forefathers drug use - which attributes to their belief that this fictional character is real and that one day he will save them.


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