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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

Says the guy who *only* celebrates black people if they don't actually espouse majority black opinions.


I tend to focus on the opinions first. Skin color is not a focus.

You hear a viewpoint you don't like and see a skin color that appears to be off the plantation, and it's crack the whip time.

Right, Simon Legree?


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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

The response of kkkconcha who has no solutions whatsoever and just wants votes for his side.

Apparently, he thinks this isn't pandering.


Simon Legree couldn't care less that his party's welfare state policies, relationships with teacher's unions and control of inner city schools and police have condemned so many that don't look like him to poverty and crime and shattered families for generations now.

Simon's all about cracking the whip and keeping them in line.

Right, Simon?


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21 minutes ago, concha said:


Simon Legree couldn't care less that his party's welfare state policies, relationships with teacher's unions and control of inner city schools and police have condemned so many that don't look like him to poverty and crime and shattered families for generations now.

Simon's all about cracking the whip and keeping them in line.

Right, Simon?


and what about the tax cuts for the rich we get every time a Republican takes over the Presidency?...and we get to learn how "trickle down" economic policies don't work....that's why families have been living in poverty so long...tax cuts that always went to the rich...and we can see how the gap has gotten wider between the rich and poor.

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14 hours ago, concha said:

I tend to focus on the opinions first. Skin color is not a focus.

As I said. You will tout anybody who has the same opinions as you. Call them smart, brilliant, etc.

The second part is a common refrain from conservatives who want to ignore the role of race in the history of America.

A useful quote in this situation is: when someone says they're blind it's important to inform them that to be blind means you can't see.

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14 hours ago, concha said:

Simon Legree couldn't care less that his party's welfare state policies, relationships with teacher's unions and control of inner city schools and police have condemned so many that don't look like him to poverty and crime and shattered families for generations now.

This is a pandering opinion without support.

It's the quintessential concha position.

Make a lot of claims that have no backing whatsoever and then rage when people dismiss them out of hand.

kkkoncha desperately wants people to think he's smart and sophisticated but he's terribly inept at projecting it.

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5 hours ago, Slotback Right said:


That was posted by the guy who liked this post claiming that Trump had a 35% approval rating among black voters.


On 2/7/2020 at 9:30 AM, concha said:

The new Emerson poll puts Trump at 35 percent with black voters and 38 percent with Hispanics. “If you add in Asian voters at 28 percent approval,” notes Emerson’s director of polling Spencer Kimball, “our number is very close to the new Marist poll,” which finds Trump’s approval at 33 percent among non-white voters.  A recent RasmussenReports poll has Trump support among black voters at 34 percent, and even the new CNN poll has Trump’s approval among non-white voters at 26 percent.

Trump got 12% of the black vote.

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41 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

As I said. You will tout anybody who has the same opinions as you. Call them smart, brilliant, etc.

The second part is a common refrain from conservatives who want to ignore the role of race in the history of America.

A useful quote in this situation is: when someone says they're blind it's important to inform them that to be blind means you can't see.


Of course I will tout someone with whom I agree. Hey, everyone! Simon Legree got something right!

Your second part is laughable given the party you support.

And I didn't say I was blind. 🤡


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43 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


In reality, you are confronted with obvious cases of tokenism and grifting and you can't mount a competent defense so you resort to the above tactics.


Simon Legree being the good plantation enforcer he is.

He never actually bothered to explain why Winsome Sears (for example) - who won her position as Virginia's Republican candidate for lieutenant governor on the fifth ballot - is to him a token and grifter. She beat a female and minority Dem candidate in the election (making her a token and a grifter, apparently).

She is a former marine and had beaten an incumbent Democrat is a state representative election. She has also run a homeless shelter and served as an advisor to the VA regarding women's affairs and served on the Virginia Board of Education.


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55 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

That was posted by the guy who liked this post claiming that Trump had a 35% approval rating among black voters.


Trump got 12% of the black vote.



Which was the highest percentage for a Republican since 1996 and, along with Hispanic shifts to the Republicans, has the DNC soiling itself.



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17 minutes ago, concha said:

And I didn't say I was blind. 🤡


Not in that particular post, no, but you know what's coming, right?

concha is the #1 user of the phrase "color blind" having used it 8 times as a positive marker or something to strive for.


On 2/2/2022 at 9:01 PM, concha said:


It's not a mathematical process. There is subjectivity involved. 

The main objective is to provide the best proven and accomplished legal and constitutional minds in the country who will properly interpret the constitution. This process should be color-blind and regardless of sex.

After that, given truly comparable candidates, then pick who the hell you want.

Qualifications first.

President Brandon is paying off a political debt to James Clyburn and doing things bassackwards.




On 2/2/2022 at 9:28 PM, concha said:

I am not a dumbass liberal who let's race obsession run his life.

Have you noticed (of course not) that the objective used to be a color-blind society, judging by the content of one's character and all that?

Now the left's obsession is injecting race and division into everything. Guess what? It's backfiring. "Yuge".


On 1/31/2022 at 9:36 PM, concha said:

Your problem here, Simon, is that Trump had already done a vetting and selection process that included people of all colors and both sexes. 

Trump process:

  1. Find qualified and acceptable candidates first on a sex and color-blind basis.
  2. Release selections publicly for all to see for widespread vetting ahead of any actual opening on the court being available.
  3. Select a final candidate.

Brandon process:

  1. Pander to vocal and powerful group in the party.
  2. Eliminate ~94% of Americans from any consideration at all based on immutable physical characteristics.
  3. Look for candidates.
  4. Select a candidate.

Under Trump's process, acceptable and viable candidates are chosen and can be compared to the others to determine if any appear to be clearly lesser-qualified than the rest, regardless of their color or gender.

Under Brandon's process, you eliminate the overwhelming bulk of the potential candidate pool EXPRESSLY based on color and gender, THEN you pick candidates and the only comparison is between those few.


On 2/1/2022 at 12:39 PM, concha said:

Nice see that Andy/Simon doesn't dispute the fact that he is a racist who will look upon Biden's nominee as a token.



Noted that Simon the plantation enforcer also won't address this...

Trump process:

  1. Find qualified and acceptable candidates first on a sex and color-blind basis.
  2. Release selections publicly for all to see for widespread vetting ahead of any actual opening on the court being available.
  3. Select a final candidate.

Brandon process:

  1. Pander to vocal and powerful group in the party.
  2. Eliminate ~94% of Americans from any consideration at all based on immutable physical characteristics.
  3. Look for candidates.
  4. Select a candidate.

Under Trump's process, acceptable and viable candidates are chosen and can be compared to the others to determine if any appear to be clearly lesser-qualified than the rest, regardless of their color or gender.

Under Brandon's process, you eliminate the overwhelming bulk of the potential candidate pool EXPRESSLY based on color and gender, THEN you pick candidates and the only comparison is between those few.

Notice, also, how in doing so he also lied about Trump's process.

There is not situation in which he will not lie.

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is a pandering opinion without support.

It's the quintessential concha position.

Make a lot of claims that have no backing whatsoever and then rage when people dismiss them out of hand.

kkkoncha desperately wants people to think he's smart and sophisticated but he's terribly inept at projecting it.


Dems have controlled the local governments, schools and police forces for decades, but nothing to see here.




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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Not in that particular post, no, but you know what's coming, right?

concha is the #1 user of the phrase "color blind" having used it 8 times as a positive marker or something to strive for.


Notice, also, how in doing so he also lied about Trump's process.

There is not situation in which he will not lie.


So, having misquoted me, Andy does a search to find that since I used the phrase in the past, it's OK to misquote.

Typical Simon Legree.


And it still chap's his ass that Trump (very publicly) used a process of qualifications first while his guy Brandon is sold a SCOTUS seat for a an endorsement by a black politician and a federal job for that guy's daughter.



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9 minutes ago, concha said:

Which was the highest percentage for a Republican since 1996 and, along with Hispanic shifts to the Republicans, has the DNC soiling itself.

This is totally irrelevant to the point that I was refuting.

But thanks for the laugh, kkkoncha.

This is more proof that his entire existence is to just post wishful thinking.

One election does not constitute a trend.

Trump goes from 8% to 12% in the black vote and 28% to 32% in the Hispanic vote and concha claims that the Democratic Party is soiling itself.

concha claims that it's the largest percentage since 1996 which means that it was lower in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016.

I bet concha said that the Democratic Party was soiling itself in 2004 when Bush got 44% of the Hispanic vote.

Meant nothing. It was a one-off.

Imagine how poorly you have to by perceived by certain groups that you're celebrating *only* losing by 75 points.

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8 minutes ago, concha said:


Dems have controlled the local governments, schools and police forces for decades, but nothing to see here.


This isn't an argument of any kind.

You really don't have anything more or at the very least you're totally incapable of anything else.

As the saying goes, anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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7 minutes ago, concha said:

And it still chap's his ass that Trump (very publicly) used a process of qualifications first while his guy Brandon is sold a SCOTUS seat for a an endorsement by a black politician and a federal job for that guy's daughter.

You will continue to lie about this because you're a sissy.

Everybody else saw that Trump said he was going to name a woman without any process whatsoever.

Biden did the same thing.

They will both be impeccably qualified but concha will continue to claim, falsely, that the processes are different.

Because he's a liar to his core.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

This isn't an argument of any kind.

You really don't have anything more or at the very least you're totally incapable of anything else.

As the saying goes, anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


It must have been the Martians.

Couldn't have been the people in charge of local economic policy, the local schools or the police being responsible for lack of job opportunities, the schools being awful or high crime.



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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You will continue to lie about this because you're a sissy.

Everybody else saw that Trump said he was going to name a woman without any process whatsoever.

Biden did the same thing.

They will both be impeccably qualified but concha will continue to claim, falsely, that the processes are different.

Because he's a liar to his core.


Simon Legree lying. "Tuesday"

Trump had named and vetted potential candidates in advance and very publicly well before any seats on SCOTUS became available.

Brandon sold a seat for a race-based favor to win an election, and then went hunting for potential candidates later.



That chap Simon Legree's ass.


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17 minutes ago, concha said:


So, having misquoted me, Andy does a search to find that since I used the phrase in the past, it's OK to misquote.

Typical Simon Legree.


And it still chap's his ass that Trump (very publicly) used a process of qualifications first while his guy Brandon is sold a SCOTUS seat for a an endorsement by a black politician and a federal job for that guy's daughter.



Process??...LOL..Trump was given a list of who to pick from...he was way to dumb to "process" picking a judge....The Federalist Society picked his choices for him...5-0....🤡

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

A normal person would be embarrassed or ashamed to be so publicly outed as a buffoon with no ability to support his arguments.

But concha is not normal.

Instead he doubles down on having no argument.

"You think that argument lacked merit, well, get a load of this one!"


To Andy, a party being in charge of local policy and law, the schools and the police for decades and generations is NOT evidence of culpability for economic decay, poor schools nor high crime in the same place they govern.  

Who buys this?

It is literally his "argument".



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