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Against t Democracy

Wildcat Will

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5 minutes ago, concha said:

If someone had brought a case where none of the above was inextricably tied to the death of the deceased, then I likely would have had different views on the case.

You first tried to claim that your views followed the verdicts in these cases.

Then it was shown that even when the verdicts came in you were always on the same side: the one condemning the unarmed black person.

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17 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You first tried to claim that your views followed the verdicts in these cases.

Then it was shown that even when the verdicts came in you were always on the same side: the one condemning the unarmed black person.


In virtually every case the police were found to have been justified in their actions. 

In EVERY case the deceased did one of the following:

  • Did not follow police commands
  • Resisted arrest
  • Reached for a weapon
  • Assaulted an officer
  • Tried to disarm an officer/steal the officer's weapon
  • Were on on drugs in addition to the above


My point? Which was made ad nauseum?

Comply. Obey lawful commands. Don't resist arrest. Don't assault the officer.

Everyone goes home alive.

And I made the point many, many times.


And you've already been shown to be a liar about my stance on this anyway.



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36 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


ME: You did this (insert thing).

CONCHA: Liar! 

ME: OK, more clearly you did (insert thing).

CONCHA: Well, it's not my fault that what you say is true!



You made a dishonest accusation. You lied.

In fact you were called on it and (surprisingly) actually made an attempt to apologize.

Then you made a more specific lie:

"Every unarmed black person shot by police."


I made assessments about specific cases of specific people who did specific things.

You inserted the invalid ASSumption that it applies to all unarmed black people who are shot by police.

That is a lie.

You did it because you are a liar.



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18 hours ago, concha said:

In virtually every case the police were found to have been justified in their actions. 

Even when they weren't found to be justified you still claimed that they were.

Which was my entire point above.

You try to give your obvious biases cover by claiming it's rooted in verdicts, etc.

It's not.

It's always siding with cops over unarmed black men.


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17 hours ago, concha said:

Andy apparently didn't notice that on his chart, Black poverty levels were declining sharply from the late 50s right up until the point that the Great Society got rolling.

What happened after the Great Society?

The decline flatlined for over two decades.

Pictures are hard.

If concha has proven anything on this board it's that he loves lying about charts/graphs more than anything else.

It's almost like he gets off on the brazenness of lying about something so visceral and clear. 

A 25% decrease in the poverty rate (40% to 30%) is considered a flatlining to concha. This tracks with his past ineptitude at analyzing charts and graphs.

What's more is that he conveniently omits (a concha staple) the four recessions during those two decades and the fact that black poverty was reduced at a greater rate than every other demographic during the relevant period.


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16 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Even when they weren't found to be justified you still claimed that they were.

Which was my entire point above.

You try to give your obvious biases cover by claiming it's rooted in verdicts, etc.

It's not.

It's always siding with cops over unarmed black men.



You can just keep referring back to my earlier response about the behavior of these individuals.

You lied about me.

You even were challenged over the lie and had to puss out.

You obviously have no interest nor desire to be honest.



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8 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

If concha has proven anything on this board it's that he loves lying about charts/graphs more than anything else.

It's almost like he gets off on the brazenness of lying about something so visceral and clear. 

A 25% decrease in the poverty rate (40% to 30%) is considered a flatlining to concha. This tracks with his past ineptitude at analyzing charts and graphs.

What's more is that he conveniently omits (a concha staple) the four recessions during those two decades and the fact that black poverty was reduced at a greater rate than every other demographic during the relevant period.



In Andy world, once legislation is passed then things start happening immediately. All the infrastructure, people, systems etc are ready to go. All over the country.



Andy's stupidity and dishonesty never fail to disappoint.

But bless his heart, he'll spam with some more dumb shit and act like he's made a point.



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14 minutes ago, concha said:

In Andy world, once legislation is passed then things start happening immediately. All the infrastructure, people, systems etc are ready to go. All over the country.


The comedy of this joker making this claim while also claiming that Trump being elected almost *immediately* made jobs reappear in 2016.

It's also just stupid given that the black poverty rate continued to go down and was cut in half from 1965 to 2019.

Even just counting the time period *after* his initial 20 years lie, the poverty rate among blacks decreased by 37% (30% to 18.8%).


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13 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

So you always side with the cops against unarmed black men but try to couch it in something else.

So exactly what I said.



No need to continue this with a guy already proven (and admitted!) to be a liar about it.

You have no interest in the truth.  Even in your attached post, you have to interject your dishonest interpretations.



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1 minute ago, concha said:

You have no interest in the truth. 

I quoted you directly and made you backtrack and you still deny the facts and call me a liar.

You lie about a flatlining poverty rate that is literally going down in a chart. You respond by calling me a liar.

You lie about Trump's sexist Supreme Court pick. Then respond by calling me a sexist/racist.


Par for the course.

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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


The comedy of this joker making this claim while also claiming that Trump being elected almost *immediately* made jobs reappear in 2016.

It's also just stupid given that the black poverty rate continued to go down and was cut in half from 1965 to 2019.

Even just counting the time period *after* his initial 20 years lie, the poverty rate among blacks decreased by 37% (30% to 18.8%).



So now Andy is demonstrating how his colossal (lack of) intellect believes that companies hiring new employees takes as long as establishing the government (known for its agility 🤡 ) establishing the modern welfare state, with all its departments, buildings, systems...

Hey, Dimwit66... I have an apology to make to you.  You are not, in fact, the dumbest human on the planet. I give you... Andy.



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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

I quoted you directly and made you backtrack and you still deny the facts and call me a liar.

You lie about a flatlining poverty rate that is literally going down in a chart. You respond by calling me a liar.

You lie about Trump's sexist Supreme Court pick. Then respond by calling me a sexist/racist.


Par for the course.


You were challenged about your accusation and had to retreat. Because you lied.

And then you lied again. Because you can't help yourself.

And then you proved you are not smart enough to realize that passing legislation for a massive welfare state does not make it appear overnight. 🤡 🤣

And you've been humiliated over the SCOTUS pick but you keep on truckin'.  As they say here in the South, "Bless your heart".


I understand you are all worked up about the $2 hooker level beatings you're taking, but do yourself a favor and take some time off.


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3 minutes ago, concha said:

So now Andy is demonstrating how his colossal (lack of) intellect believes that companies hiring new employees takes as long as establishing the government (known for its agility 🤡 ) establishing the modern welfare state, with all its departments, buildings, systems...

See the concha cycle above.

Deflect, lie, avoid.

Your explanation for the "implementation of the welfare state" is monumentally stupid since the rate of decline *increased* in the time after your 20+ years lie.

You literally just fished this explanation out of your ass when confronted with the graph that you certainly had no idea existed.

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

Of course there's no need for concha to continue because he'll never address his lies or admit his fault.

I have quoted him in falsehoods and lies so many times that I could write a book. Yet his response is always to either (1) deflect and reflexively call someone else a liar or (2) completely dodge the issue altogether.




Andy, since you've obviously just lost the plot entirely, I'll do you a favor and give you a cooling off period.

"Bless your heart"


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7 minutes ago, concha said:

Hey, Dimwit66... I have an apology to make to you.  You are not, in fact, the dumbest human on the planet. I give you... Andy.


Squirming concha.

Lies about Trump's Supreme Court pick.

Lies about a flatlining poverty rate.

Lies about the modern roots of the Republican Party.

And responds to all of this by calling people dumb.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

And then you proved you are not smart enough to realize that passing legislation for a massive welfare state does not make it appear overnight. 

concha will never *ever* address this. response.


14 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


The comedy of this joker making this claim while also claiming that Trump being elected almost *immediately* made jobs reappear in 2016.

It's also just stupid given that the black poverty rate continued to go down and was cut in half from 1965 to 2019.

Even just counting the time period *after* his initial 20 years lie, the poverty rate among blacks decreased by 37% (30% to 18.8%).



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2 minutes ago, concha said:




Andy, since you've obviously just lost the plot entirely, I'll do you a favor and give you a cooling off period.

"Bless your heart"


concha now trying to couch his cowardice, and hide his embarrassment, by claiming that he's giving *me* a break.

Classic concha.

Completely flabbergasted by charts that he didn't know existed crushing his life-long narrative.

We'll be here waiting for his next lie about a flatlining chart.

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