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Against t Democracy

Wildcat Will

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The library is a key point of access to public transportation. There are volunteers that can help you with numerous things you need help with. You can apply for a job no issue. 

The library is full of “smelly Walmart people” so Canes can’t be bothered. He drinks his $10 coffee at Barnes and Noble pretending to have empathy for the downtrodden 

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11 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The library is a key point of access to public transportation. There are volunteers that can help you with numerous things you need help with. You can apply for a job no issue. 

The library is full of “smelly Walmart people” so Canes can’t be bothered. He drinks his $10 coffee at Barnes and Noble pretending to have empathy for the downtrodden 


His gubmint clerk salary is a joke (but no doubt still more than he is worth). He can't afford a $10 cup of joe.


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14 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I’m just a guy who thinks people of all races make their own choices and their decisions good or bad directly affect the trajectory of their life. I don’t believe in systemic victimhood. Black people that choose to make the right decisions become just as successful as any race. Same goes for everyone else. There isn’t race issues, there’s class issues. Low class, bad decisions makers come in all colors. 

I know you were taught for a long time to play victim, but the gig is up. You are more privileged now than at any point in recorded history. So quit whining. You sound like a little bitch. The stench of your tampon is nauseating me  

No, you are a guy that thinks everyone should be like you or think the way you think they should. If you were failed as a child by the adults in your life, don't project or intimate you know what others were taught.

If you are naive enough to believe that race issues don't exist, you are part of the reason the bridge will never be gapped. You yourself have proven on these pages your disposition so we no longer wonder.

Be patient, puberty of the brain is left behind at maturity.

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

Maybe not for long.

Fewer voters used drop boxes after Georgia voting law limited them

Constrained by Georgia’s voting law, ballot drop box usage plunged in the fall elections.

Roughly half as many absentee voters returned their ballots in drop boxes in metro Atlanta’s core counties in 2021 compared with the 2020 general election, according to ballot collection forms obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Now, Georgia lawmakers are considering a bill that would eliminate drop boxes entirely in future elections.


One guy is referenced pushing such a measure.


Any evidence of broad-based support?


Even if it happened, there's still no-excuse absentee voting and early voting (including on weekends).

Georgia would remain well within the mainstream nationwide when it comes to flexibility of voting.


But keep pushing the canard.





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9 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The library is one of the best resources you can have. You get free access to the internet. Most libraries have at least a dozen computers. That alone makes it a a valuable resource. I wasn’t talking about being able to go check out To Kill a Mockingbird

This is what someone with a GED-level education would claim is the key to everything.

This is why Republicans don't govern large cities. They're not serious about addressing issues.


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44 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I don’t believe in systemic victimhood.

There is no systemic racism against black people in a country founded by White Europeans who owned African Slaves and then, once freed, subjected them to 100 years of Jim Crow.

But there *is* pervasive anti-white racism.



On 11/7/2020 at 9:43 AM, Nolebull813 said:

Racism against white people has been normalized so it is no surprise that there has been a rise anti-white violence. 


On 4/8/2021 at 10:51 AM, Nolebull813 said:

When will our leaders speak out about this growing Anti-White rhetoric that is literally killing people? 


On 9/13/2018 at 9:26 AM, Nolebull813 said:

Now more than ever there is unwarranted criticism, hatred and exclusion of white people.


On 7/6/2020 at 3:44 PM, Nolebull813 said:

I don’t want to hear about some fucking white supremacy bullshit plaguing the southside of Chicago.  Or the inner city of Baltimore and Philly. That is useless garbage that only anti-white racist like to spew


On 10/29/2017 at 11:18 AM, Nolebull813 said:

Meaning it's not about social justice. Its more of an anti-white, anti-conservative crusade. 


On 6/7/2020 at 7:26 PM, Nolebull813 said:

Thats why I will never take these protests seriously. They are rooted in anti-white racism that will never truly attempt to fix and heal.


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

There is no systemic racism against black people in a country founded by White Europeans who owned African Slaves and then, once freed, subjected them to 100 years of Jim Crow.

But there *is* pervasive anti-white racism.









Thanks for reminding me that this revenge racism is alive and well and it’s a problem that not many people are talking about 

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16 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Democrats actually think government could and should address problems and try to solve them.

Republicans have consistently proven that they don't care in the least bit.


Dems have proven that they can act like they care while pandering, creating government dependence, shattering the black family with their policies, providing shitty schools, and point the finger at the police forces THEY fund and control when it comes to crime.



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17 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

A bill has been introduced by a member of the Republican majority to end drop boxes for good in Georgia.

concha screams indignantly that there's no "broad-based support" for it.



Another lie from Andy.

I asked a question.

You just made shit up.  🤡





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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

A laundry list of concha tropes without a shred of supporting evidence. 

chef's kiss - Dictionary.com


Andy has never been to a major US city, apparently.

But Andy's logic is very sound. [Be sure to only include this when you quote this post, Simon Legree 🤡 ]

You absolutely cannot point out the obvious that Dems have controlled the governments, policies, police departments and schools of the overwhelmingly majority of our major cities, and at the federal level have driven the growth of the welfare state, and in no way can anyone connect them to the state of the very places they have governed for generations now and the suffering therein.


Talk about chef's kisses.



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9 minutes ago, concha said:

You absolutely cannot point out the obvious that Dems have controlled the governments, policies, police departments and schools of the overwhelmingly majority of our major cities, and at the federal level have driven the growth of the welfare state, and in no way can anyone connect them to the state of the very places they have governed for generations now and the suffering therein.

And when Republicans have been in charge of these very same places, some for decades, they haven't changed anything about the culture of those places.

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

I basically live in one and have had to correct you several times about Miami itself.

You're the kind of unserious conservative-type who just caricatures everything.

You went to San Francisco once so you're totally hip to big city life!


Been several times actually.

I lived for several years in Philly and Chicago.

I now live very close the city of Atlanta.

All those cities have major issues the Dems have promised for decades to address and solve and their biggest accomplishments so far have been mass incarceration and the crushing of the black family. Oh, and making sure that Planned Infanticide clinics are on every street corner in brown and black neighborhoods.


You and yours have been true friends to the Black community.



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12 minutes ago, concha said:

All those cities have major issues the Dems have promised for decades to address and solve and their biggest accomplishments so far have been mass incarceration and the crushing of the black family. Oh, and making sure that Planned Infanticide clinics are on every street corner in brown and black neighborhoods.


I wasn't sure concha could stoop any lower but here he is.

For years, he argued that we can't defund the police, in fact, the problem is that black people don't follow instructions when being arrested.

But now, the problem is mass incarceration of black people! And the culprit is the Democratic Party!

Of course this mass incarceration, totally *not* supported by Republicans, is crushing black families.

This is on the same day that concha's allies started a thread decrying harm reduction methods and promoting more arrests for drug offenses.

In fact, it's almost unanimous among concha and his allies: we need more policing, more arrests, more prisons.

Yet, somehow, concha can make this claim with a straight face.

The chef's kiss of chef's kisses.

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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


I wasn't sure concha could stoop any lower but here he is.

For years, he argued that we can't defund the police [Unwise. Pushed by Dems. Results predictably awful], in fact, the problem is that black people don't follow instructions when being arrested. [Andy dishonestly ascribing my accurate takes on a small number of high-profile cases and making a blanket lie]

But now, the problem is mass incarceration of black people! And the culprit is the Democratic Party! [Andy obviously dodging the environments the Dems have failed to address little items such as the 1994 crime bill penned by none other than Brandon]

Of course this mass incarceration, totally *not* supported by Republicans, is crushing black families. [What has the welfare state to the black family, Andy?  Has it promoted marriage and fathers staying home? 🤡 ]

This is on the same day that concha's allies started a thread decrying harm reduction methods and promoting more arrests for drug offenses.  [My "allies"? I kick your ass on my own, Andy]

In fact, it's almost unanimous among concha and his allies: we need more policing, more arrests, more prisons. [Reduced dependency on the state, better schools, school vouchers, expansion of opportunity zones etc would go a long way., but Dems would rather keep people poorly educated and on the dole. Have you ever noticed how the welfare state just grows and grows, by the folks the Dems purport to want to help stay poor in in dangerous Dem-run communities?]

Yet, somehow, concha can make this claim with a straight face.  

The chef's kiss of chef's kisses.



Shitty liar.

Shitty chef.

Dedicated shill.



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