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Against t Democracy

Wildcat Will

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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I'm right, you're wrong and you're merely trying to justify Republican efforts to suppress the vote.

Those methods were preferred in much larger numbers by voters in metro Atlanta which is overwhelming Democratic.

The purposeful ignorance that concha routinely tries to employ is comical.


Your opinion is worth less than what we paid for it.

The fact is that with all the voting options available, if you don't vote in Georgia you weren't even trying.

And what's comical is shills like you acting like there is some repressive big brother out there when in fact all voters have several options to vote and the better part of 3 months to do it.



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Fun facts:

  • Not all states offer drop boxes.  In 2020, at least 10 did not. Georgia does.
  • As of 2020, 16 states did not offer early voting options or early drop off of absentee ballots. Georgia does.
  • Georgia is one of just 26 states that offers no-excuse absentee voting. States that have at least some excuse requirements include the likes of Connecticut, DELAWARE, Massachusetts and New York.



Seems like Georgia offers all kinds of options you don't necessarily find in other states.

So why is the looney left shitting itself over Georgia but not over a myriad of others?





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15 minutes ago, concha said:


Your opinion is worth less than what we paid for it.

The fact is that with all the voting options available, if you don't vote in Georgia you weren't even trying.

And what's comical is shills like you acting like there is some repressive big brother out there when in fact all voters have several options to vote and the better part of 3 months to do it.



White liberals like him think blacks are too stupid and poor to figure out how to vote. Hell they can’t even get an ID without some white savior like him or Buford. 

Will is just one of the black people who believe what CNN tell them, because he can’t think for himself. He plays victims for his own irresponsibilities and poor decisions. He blames whitey because he would rather watch Maury Povich to find out who the father is than go look for a job. 

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4 minutes ago, concha said:
  • Not all states offer drop boxes.  In 2020, at least 10 did not. Georgia does.

Maybe not for long.

Fewer voters used drop boxes after Georgia voting law limited them

Constrained by Georgia’s voting law, ballot drop box usage plunged in the fall elections.

Roughly half as many absentee voters returned their ballots in drop boxes in metro Atlanta’s core counties in 2021 compared with the 2020 general election, according to ballot collection forms obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Now, Georgia lawmakers are considering a bill that would eliminate drop boxes entirely in future elections.

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4 minutes ago, concha said:

Seems like Georgia offers all kinds of options you don't necessarily find in other states.

So why is the looney left shitting itself over Georgia but not over a myriad of others?

concha has completed the cycle.

He's stopped arguing about the intent of the law (because it's inarguable) and now he's just gone all-in on the "other states, that aren't Georgia, have other laws that don't have the provisions that Georgia does!"

The topic was Georgia curtailing methods that they previously had in order to suppress Democratic turnout.

concha going back to his source material (hack Karl Rove) to try to change the subject.

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Republican David Ralston = certified genius

Georgia voting law wasn’t enough for Republican legislators

“My goal is to never have a repeat of an election where 13 months after it’s over, you still have this degree of questioning the validity of an election, rightly or wrongly,” said Ralston, a Republican from Blue Ridge. “It’s time we look through the windshield rather than the rearview mirror.”

Translation: My goal is to suppress enough votes so my side never loses again so we don't question the validity of an election.

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What’s ironic or dishonest is big cities (who vote Democrat) have infinite more resources at their disposal to thrive than rural areas of a state do (vote Republican)

Big cities have city buses, trains, easy access to libraries and social programs. It’s virtually impossible to not get what you need unless you are handicap. And they even have accommodations for them as well. 

Rural areas in most states don’t have instant access to any of those things. Hell city buses don’t even drive through most rural areas. 

In a big city you can walk out your door jump over the needles and humans shit, stiff arm a junky and protestor, and hop on city bus with 30 of your closest friends and tell them to drop you off at the DMV, library, government office etc. you sit back and hit the button when they get you where you wanna go. 

rural areas you gotta walk 3 miles to get to a fucking gas station. 

All this voting suppression bitching and whining is just about not be able to cheat. That’s it. 

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Andy is like the guy on Spinal Tap who keeps saying "Yeah, but this one goes to 11".


The looney left - of which Andy is part and a shill for - wants the world to believe that Georgia is a repressive place and the people struggle to find ways to exercise their franchise.

The fact is Georgia offers a myriad of ways to vote over an extended time period and is arguably one of the states with the most options available anywhere.  That is the truth.

And - as with many things over the last several days - Simon Legree is looking silly over it and getting ever more shrill.





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14 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

White liberals like him think blacks are too stupid and poor to figure out how to vote. Hell they can’t even get an ID without some white savior like him or Buford. 

Will is just one of the black people who believe what CNN tell them, because he can’t think for himself. He plays victims for his own irresponsibilities and poor decisions. He blames whitey because he would rather watch Maury Povich to find out who the father is than go look for a job. 

Retired in comfort. My common sense eliminates taking you serious. Not a viable option.

Is this projection? Are you an idiot of the first degree? A bigot beyond reproach.

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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Republican David Ralston = certified genius

Georgia voting law wasn’t enough for Republican legislators

“My goal is to never have a repeat of an election where 13 months after it’s over, you still have this degree of questioning the validity of an election, rightly or wrongly,” said Ralston, a Republican from Blue Ridge. “It’s time we look through the windshield rather than the rearview mirror.”

Translation: My goal is to suppress enough votes so my side never loses again so we don't question the validity of an election.


It never gets old watching watching Simon Legree tell us people said thigs they didn't actually say because - in fact - Simon just made shit up.



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26 minutes ago, concha said:

Fun facts:

  • Not all states offer drop boxes.  In 2020, at least 10 did not. Georgia does.
  • As of 2020, 16 states did not offer early voting options or early drop off of absentee ballots. Georgia does.
  • Georgia is one of just 26 states that offers no-excuse absentee voting. States that have at least some excuse requirements include the likes of Connecticut, DELAWARE, Massachusetts and New York.



Seems like Georgia offers all kinds of options you don't necessarily find in other states.

So why is the looney left shitting itself over Georgia but not over a myriad of others?




Simon doesn't like this.

It fucks up the looney left narrative.


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1 minute ago, concha said:

The looney left - of which Andy is part and a shill for - wants the world to believe that Georgia is a repressive place and the people struggle to find ways to exercise their franchise.

The fact is Georgia offers a myriad of ways to vote over an extended time period and is arguably one of the states with the most options available anywhere.  That is the truth.

concha has been utterly defeated in his initial effort and has now pivoted to this.

The charge has always been that these laws are purposefully trying to suppress Democratic turnout especially in Metro Atlanta.

He has no counter to this because it's obviously true.

So instead of admit the truth, something concha will almost *never* do, he instead changes the subject and/or tries to make immaterial points.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

It never gets old watching watching Simon Legree tell us people said thigs they didn't actually say because - in fact - Simon just made shit up.

His base wrongly questioned the validity of the election because their candidate lost.

He wants to make sure this never happens again.

To do that, he will try to restrict the vote even more.

concha pretending to be ignorant of motives is one of the most entertaining things on this forum.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

Simon doesn't like this.


25 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Maybe not for long.

Fewer voters used drop boxes after Georgia voting law limited them

Constrained by Georgia’s voting law, ballot drop box usage plunged in the fall elections.

Roughly half as many absentee voters returned their ballots in drop boxes in metro Atlanta’s core counties in 2021 compared with the 2020 general election, according to ballot collection forms obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Now, Georgia lawmakers are considering a bill that would eliminate drop boxes entirely in future elections.


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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

Besides crime and bad left wing policy, what more do big cities have to “deal with”?

More people, more schools, more roads, bigger budgets, larger voter turnout, more diversity, etc.

Your stupidity is actually comical.

How many times have you cited "access to a library" as some kind of magical fixer for big cities?

You act like poor people having access to a library means all of their problems are solved.

"Stop bitching! You have the John Q. Public Library Branch one short bus ride away!"

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5 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

Retired in comfort. My common sense eliminates taking you serious. Not a viable option.

Is this projection? Are you an idiot of the first degree? A bigot beyond reproach.

I’m just a guy who thinks people of all races make their own choices and their decisions good or bad directly affect the trajectory of their life. I don’t believe in systemic victimhood. Black people that choose to make the right decisions become just as successful as any race. Same goes for everyone else. There isn’t race issues, there’s class issues. Low class, bad decisions makers come in all colors. 

I know you were taught for a long time to play victim, but the gig is up. You are more privileged now than at any point in recorded history. So quit whining. You sound like a little bitch. The stench of your tampon is nauseating me  

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Nolebull813 thinks "access to  public libraries" is the key to poverty, or something.

What, with their vast and "infinite resources" available.


On 2/21/2021 at 11:05 AM, Nolebull813 said:

Robles Park is the most crime stricken neighborhood in all of Tampa. Drugs, violence, crime and poverty all wrapped up in one. 

And they even have a beautiful and plush public library in walking distance that provides infinite resources including internet access and public service help for free. 

And handicap people have countless services they can use for transportation and assistance for mobility to get help. 

Even in the smallest most rural towns in the country, they have public libraries with free internet access. 

no excuses. Your leaders just want people trapped in dependence in exchange for blind loyalty. It’s sickening 


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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

More people, more schools, more roads, bigger budgets, larger voter turnout, more diversity, etc.

Your stupidity is actually comical.

How many times have you cited "access to a library" as some kind of magical fixer for big cities?

You act like poor people having access to a library means all of their problems are solved.

"Stop bitching! You have the John Q. Public Library Branch one short bus ride away!"

The library is one of the best resources you can have. You get free access to the internet. Most libraries have at least a dozen computers. That alone makes it a a valuable resource. I wasn’t talking about being able to go check out To Kill a Mockingbird

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