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Against t Democracy

Wildcat Will

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22 minutes ago, concha said:

And do you know what the biggest component (by far) to the high 4th quarter GDP growth number was? Inventory accumulation. That will, of course, mean nothing to you.


Caveats galore to explain away how "President Brandon" has the economy booming.

This kind of deep-dive scrutiny was employed with Trump zero point zero times.

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

It does by definition.

So concha continues his backtracking.

First, he tried to claim that, no, this bill is being lied about!

But now he's admitting that the facts are the facts and that people shouldn't complain!


This has been pointed out before. You are not a good liar, though you do it alot.

The claim from the left is that votes are being suppressed in Georgia.

This is absurd on its face.

Drop boxes are available as many as 12 hours a day.

Voter IDs are free. And Andy, of course, presented old voter ID numbers without explaining what they actually represent (because the truth didn't work in his favor).

Absentee voting is 'no excuse needed" (unlike New York, for example, which he doesn't whine about) and available two-and-a-half months (78 days!) prior to election day.

Andy also will never point out that roughly 2/3 of Democrats support voter ID.  And y is just a boot-licking shill supporter of the looney and lying left.


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7 minutes ago, concha said:

The claim from the left is that votes are being suppressed in Georgia.

This is absurd on its face.

That's the only purpose of such a bill after an election that said to be the most secure in modern history.

And it's being done, in lock step, in other Republican controlled states.

The purpose is to make it harder for certain voters to vote.

Curtail enough voting practices from 2020 and try to get a small edge in turnout.

This isn't even disputed by anybody with common decency which is why you're opposing it.

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6 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


Caveats galore to explain away how "President Brandon" has the economy booming.

This kind of deep-dive scrutiny was employed with Trump zero point zero times.


Andy will shill for the high-level numbers that support Dems and never, ever think of opening up the kimono to see the truth behind them.

Why? Well, it's because he is dishonest about them and wouldn't understand any deeper-then-headline analysis anyway.

Examples? Here's a few quick ones:

  • Andy will shill nominal wage increase numbers and never ask nor care about the REAL wage numbers as long as the nominal looks good for him.
  • Andy will always poo-poo the fact that unemployment rates under Obama, reflected in the LFPR, benefitted from a large LFPR reduction.  Folks who understand the LFPR and its relationship to the unemployment rate understand this.  Andy is either too stupid or too dishonest (I vote both) to acknowledge this fact.
  • Andy is pounding his chest recently over job growth, without pointing out that these jobs in large part are simply jobs are returning to after losing them to government shut downs. Or pointing out that we are literally still millions of jobs below the work force highs under Trump. In Andyland, if you fire some guy and then hire him back you've net created a job.





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10 minutes ago, concha said:

Andy also will never point out that roughly 2/3 of Democrats support voter ID.  And y is just a boot-licking shill supporter of the looney and lying left.

I don't know the numbers but would stipulate as long as you tell me what the approval numbers are for drop boxes, early voting and absentee voting as used in 2020.

I always love when concha suddenly loves public polling.

He hates popular opinion whenever it disagrees with him but immediately loves if if it agrees.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:
  • Andy will always poo-poo the fact that unemployment rates under Obama, reflected in the LFPR, benefitted from a large LFPR reduction.  Folks who understand the LFPR and its relationship to the unemployment rate understand this.  Andy is either too stupid or too dishonest (I vote both) to acknowledge this fact.

concha was celebrating job numbers when the LFPR was the exact same under Trump as it was under Obama.

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4 minutes ago, concha said:
  • Andy is pounding his chest recently over job growth, without pointing out that these jobs in large part are simply jobs are returning to after losing them to government shut downs. Or pointing out that we are literally still millions of jobs below the work force highs under Trump. In Andyland, if you fire some guy and then hire him back you've net created a job.

I'm mocking you.

And the above has never been disputed aby anybody. In fact I've probably pointed it out myself.

You're really struggling.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

That's the only purpose of such a bill after an election that said to be the most secure in modern history.

And it's being done, in lock step, in other Republican controlled states.

The purpose is to make it harder for certain voters to vote.

Curtail enough voting practices from 2020 and try to get a small edge in turnout.

This isn't even disputed by anybody with common decency which is why you're opposing it.


The vote is not being suppressed by any reasonable account, as I have demonstrated.

The 2020 Covid election was hardly a normal situation.


Andy has provided literally no evidence to show that certain voters will be "suppressed".

They have drop boxes.

If using drop boxes is an issue, they can vote through "no excuse" absentee ballots for a period of 2-3 months before election day.

Any people who might not have IDs can get them for free, and the actual number of such potential people is far, far lower than Andy wants anyone to believe.


Given the above, how is anyone being "suppressed", Andy?

Shall we look at the policies in some blue states to see if Andy thinks they are suppressing voters also?






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8 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I'm mocking you.

And the above has never been disputed aby anybody. In fact I've probably pointed it out myself.

You're really struggling.


I find pointing out facts to be easy, Andy.

To you, they are ass-chapping inconveniences to your lies.




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11 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I must say that if I'm stupid then, boy, you've got a lot to explain.

Must be embarrassing to be consistently exposed by a stupid person.


That which does not happen.

Tell us, Andy.  Why would you tout a wage growth number when any knowledgeable, competent and honest person knows that the underlying truth about Americans' financial situations is just the opposite?

Are you just stupid and ignorant?

Or are you just dishonest?



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53 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I don't know the numbers but would stipulate as long as you tell me what the approval numbers are for drop boxes, early voting and absentee voting as used in 2020.

I always love when concha suddenly loves public polling.

He hates popular opinion whenever it disagrees with him but immediately loves if if it agrees.


Just being clear that you are supporting a stupid claim from the looney left of your party.



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3 hours ago, concha said:


Unemployment is not at record lows.

And do you know what the biggest component (by far) to the high 4th quarter GDP growth number was? Inventory accumulation. That will, of course, mean nothing to you.



it doesn't get much lower than 4%....it will be at record level soon enough....6.6 million jobs the last year under Joe?!...the most ever in US history in a one year period...For the full-year 2021, GDP grew at a 5.7% rate, 6.9 the last quarter....🤡

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19 hours ago, concha said:

Given the above, how is anyone being "suppressed", Andy?

Cutting 3/4 of all droboxes in the large counties around Atlanta, removing them from curbside locations and cutting their availability in half is a concerted effort by Republicans to reduce the vote in those counties.

This is common sense and has been copied in some form in almost every single Republican controlled state.

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17 hours ago, DBP66 said:

it doesn't get much lower than 4%....it will be at record level soon enough....6.6 million jobs the last year under Joe?!...the most ever in US history in a one year period...For the full-year 2021, GDP grew at a 5.7% rate, 6.9 the last quarter....🤡

Don't given an inch to the liar-in-chief.

He claimed that unemployment was at record lows about a billion times under Trump and it wasn't true.

On 2/18/2021 at 5:27 PM, concha said:

He pushed unemployment to record lows and to the point where there were more jobs available than people looking.


It was lower in the 1950s and 1960s.

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Cutting 3/4 of all droboxes in the large counties around Atlanta, removing them from curbside locations and cutting their availability in half is a concerted effort by Republicans to reduce the vote in those counties.

This is common sense and has been copied in some form in almost every single Republican controlled state.


The same rules apply to the entire state.

The drop boxes were a one-off response to Covid.

Early voting days are expanded and include some weekend days including the option of Sundays.

No-excuse absentee voting is available (unlike some blue states you don't bleat about).

People have options to vote starting the better part of 3 months before election day. 

The new law includes efforts to mitigate the issue of long lines.


It is common sense that with all this time to vote and different options how to vote, the Democrats are whining about a fantasy.



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20 hours ago, concha said:


This has been pointed out before. You are not a good liar, though you do it alot.

The claim from the left is that votes are being suppressed in Georgia.

This is absurd on its face.

Drop boxes are available as many as 12 hours a day.

Voter IDs are free. And Andy, of course, presented old voter ID numbers without explaining what they actually represent (because the truth didn't work in his favor).

Absentee voting is 'no excuse needed" (unlike New York, for example, which he doesn't whine about) and available two-and-a-half months (78 days!) prior to election day.

Andy also will never point out that roughly 2/3 of Democrats support voter ID.  And y is just a boot-licking shill supporter of the looney and lying left.


You lie. Drop boxes are being removed. Under the new law, each county is allowed one (1) drop box per 100,000 people. At early voting locations, the boxes will be placed INSIDE. Early voting is the only time the boxes are allowed. The boxes will be available only during business hours between 9 am and 6 pm, from October 12 thru October 29. No boxes will be used after October 29.

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6 minutes ago, concha said:


The same rules apply to the entire state.

The drop boxes were a one-off response to Covid.

Early voting days are expanded and include some weekend days including the option of Sundays.

No-excuse absentee voting is available (unlike some blue states you don't bleat about).

People have options to vote starting the better part of 3 months before election day. 

The new law includes efforts to mitigate the issue of long lines.


It is common sense that with all this time to vote and different options how to vote, the Democrats are whining about a fantasy.



You are once again wrong.

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11 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Don't given an inch to the liar-in-chief.

He claimed that unemployment was at record lows about a billion times under Trump and it wasn't true.


It was lower in the 1950s and 1960s.


Possible it was lower. Maybe. Maybe not.  Calculations for the unemployment rate have changed over time.

Feel free to look into it.

What we do know is that Biden's (Dimwit's claim) is not yet as low as under Trump in the modern era.

Hey Andy, do you need any help with that nominal vs real wages thing?  It seemed to confuse you.


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8 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

You lie. Drop boxes are being removed. Under the new law, each county is allowed one (1) drop box per 100,000 people. At early voting locations, the boxes will be placed INSIDE. Early voting is the only time the boxes are allowed. The boxes will be available only during business hours between 9 am and 6 pm, from October 12 thru October 29. No boxes will be used after October 29.


I never said that wasn't the case, shit-for-brains.

I have said that drop boxes still are available (they are).

Early voting opportunities have been expanded and include weekends.

Georgia has nearly 3 effing months for NO EXCUSE absentee ballot voting (unlike some oppressive blue states).


The fact is that if you live and Georgia and you don't vote, it's not because there weren't options for you. It's because you were too fucking lazy and disinterested.


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21 minutes ago, concha said:

The same rules apply to the entire state.

I'm right, you're wrong and you're merely trying to justify Republican efforts to suppress the vote.

Those methods were preferred in much larger numbers by voters in metro Atlanta which is overwhelming Democratic.

The purposeful ignorance that concha routinely tries to employ is comical.

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