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Against t Democracy

Wildcat Will

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1 hour ago, concha said:

None of this prevents anyone from voting.

The ultimate weasel response.

The intent is to suppress the vote by making it more difficult. These are small margins but they determine election outcomes. The Republicans in these states know exactly what they're doing.

concha's intent was to show that Biden's claims (that it's intended to make it harder to vote) were fallacious.

Of course that's their obvious intent as any cursory look at the bill will show.

When confronted with this how does concha respond?

"None of this prevents anyone from voting."

As if that was the intent.

It wasn't.

He's lying.

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1 hour ago, concha said:

And Georgia laws are in areas more open than in many blue states.

Georgia's law purposefully curtails voting methods that were used in 2020. In some cases it curtails them up to 75%.

And this was done with intent to hurt larger counties that vote Democratic.

This cannot be argued.

So instead concha tries to nibble.

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1 hour ago, concha said:

The high number of drop boxes were an anomaly in the scramble to do the election under Covid.  Drop boxes still exist and are available to all. The Dems don't like the idea of the increased security involved.

An anomaly that Georgia voters liked and so the Republicans swiftly moved to restrict them as much as possible.

A drop box's purpose is to be available to *drop* a ballot off at any time *outside* of the physical location.

Just like a drop box at a bank is located *outside* and is available *24/7* to use.

If a bank decided to put their drop box inside and only allow it to be used during normal banking hours you'd likely conclude that it was the dumbest drop box policy on Earth.

And you'd be right.

The difference of course is that a bank would never do that and the Republicans are *only* doing it to restrict it's use.

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1 hour ago, concha said:

And complaints about a 2+ month window for absentee voting? TWO MONTHS+? Seriously? 🤣

Not complaints.

Just accurate description of it's intention.

You've gone from claiming that the bill is totally different than what people are claiming to now saying that "yeah, it's what they're saying but you shouldn't complain!"

As usual.

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1 hour ago, concha said:

And, sorry, but voter ID is favored by the vast majority of citizens, including a majority of Dems. It is common sense. And in Georgia, voter IDs are free of cost.

Also, the number of voters with "no ID" is actually 154k. And that number is for people who don't have an ID linked to their voter registration. They may actually have ID. Of those 154k, 93k never bother to vote anyway. 

Heaven forbid that people actually go get an ID (free!) to vote for the guy with the nuclear football following him around, right?  Nearly 2/3 of Democrats even recognize the stupidity of the anti voter ID crowd.

So, again, the bill is *exactly* what people say but now you're pivoting to an argument that they just shouldn't complain about it.


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6 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The ultimate weasel response.

The intent is to suppress the vote by making it more difficult. These are small margins but they determine election outcomes. The Republicans in these states know exactly what they're doing.

concha's intent was to show that Biden's claims (that it's intended to make it harder to vote) were fallacious.

Of course that's their obvious intent as any cursory look at the bill will show.

When confronted with this how does concha respond?

"None of this prevents anyone from voting."

As if that was the intent.

It wasn't.

He's lying.


Literally every point I made is a fact.

Andy hates facts.

Like when he tries to be pom-pom boy for wage numbers that don't account for inflation. He's tucked his tail and run away from that one.



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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

Why isn’t Stacey Abrams and Canes in Georgia helping these minorities to obtain IDs? 

Seems like you two are more worried about them voting once every 2 years for your leaders than helping them get the proper Identification to get a job or government assistance that could help them the other 364 days. 

If they needed an ID to get a job or needed "government assistance" then they would have one.

They don't have IDs precisely because they haven't needed them.

But this is common sense.

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Simon Legree is complaining about supposed voter suppression.

But people have literally months to vote early.

And voter IDs are free and their use is even supported by most Dems (and Andy posted outdated and misleading information about them).

It's a political and racial canard that Dems and their media lackeys use. Pure and simple.


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1 minute ago, concha said:

Literally every point I made is a fact.

This is typical concha.

His op-ed is dishonest and lies by omission.

When presented with the *actual* facts of the bill, concha responds that his dishonest take was technically factual despite all of the proven omissions. 

concha loves to be technically factual while lying by omission.

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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

The issue is you and people like you want cheat in ballots, left wing harvesting that can toss heavily Republican area drop boxes, illegals voting, dead people voting, and no vetting or checking who’s voting as long as they vote dem. 

The only voter fraud cases I'm aware of in 2020 were of Republicans committing voter fraud.

In 2018 too.

Interesting how this always gets blamed on Democrats when Republicans lose elections despite no evidence of any of it.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

This is typical concha.

His op-ed is dishonest and lies by omission.

When presented with the *actual* facts of the bill, concha responds that his dishonest take was technically factual despite all of the proven omissions. 

concha loves to be technically factual while lying by omission.


I lied about nothing. 

Drop boxes available to all.  Dems simply don't like the added security.

There are over two months to vote early.

Voter IDs are free of charge to all.

People can bring their own food and refreshments and there are no restrictions to self-serve water stations.


What Andy won't admit is the dishonesty of Democrats trying to twist the above into voter suppression and making poor black votes have to stand in line in the Georgia heat (which is in the 50s and 60s at election time). Andy even used outdated and deceptive no ID numbers (people surprised - zero).




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5 minutes ago, concha said:

It's a political and racial canard that Dems and their media lackeys use. Pure and simple.

There's nothing unfounded about Republicans attempting to pass restrictive voting laws in every state they can to suppress voter turnout.

It's just a fact.

concha can't dispute the actual facts and the actual intent of these bills because they're so transparently political.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

There's nothing unfounded about Republicans attempting to pass restrictive voting laws in every state they can to suppress voter turnout.

It's just a fact.

concha can't dispute the actual facts and the actual intent of these bills because they're so transparently political.


Just see my post above.



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1 minute ago, concha said:

Drop boxes available to all.  Dems simply don't like the added security.

This is the kind of weasel that concha is.

He's too much of a sissy to address the racist origins of the modern Republican Party and now he's being purposefully misleading on drop boxes.

An inside drop box that's only available during business hours is so laughable as to be a joke. 

concha pretends that this is reasonable.

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8 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is the kind of weasel that concha is.

He's too much of a sissy to address the racist origins of the modern Republican Party and now he's being purposefully misleading on drop boxes.

An inside drop box that's only available during business hours is so laughable as to be a joke. 

concha pretends that this is reasonable.


You've already has your ass handed to you on your lies about Republicans taking over the South in the 60s and the whopper about Dixiecrats switching to the Republicans right after the civil rights acts of the 60s. 🤡

The hours for drop boxes vary by county and can be as long a 7AM to 7PM.

And if this makes voting difficult (right 🙄 ), then there is the no-excuse Georgia absentee system which starts over two months (78 days!) prior to the election date.

After a certain point, the excuses just run out.




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12 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha having to rely on political hack op-eds on the batshit Wall Street Journal editorial page is comical.

In fact, has concha ever backed anything up *without* using a batshit op-ed?

That's a serious question.


You mean like this from just yesterday?

Which you ran away from like the pussy you are?




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20 minutes ago, concha said:


Your opinion.

Worth less than we paid for it, Andy.

Hey, tell us story again about how 5% wage increases show that Brandon is doing great.  Is it True??? Really, Uncle Andy???




you forgot the GDP and record low unemployment??....🤡

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12 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

you forgot the GDP and record low unemployment??....🤡


Unemployment is not at record lows.

And do you know what the biggest component (by far) to the high 4th quarter GDP growth number was? Inventory accumulation. That will, of course, mean nothing to you.



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48 minutes ago, concha said:

You've already has your ass handed to you on your lies about Republicans taking over the South in the 60s and the whopper about Dixiecrats switching to the Republicans right after the civil rights acts of the 60s. 

We're still waiting for you to address the topic of that thread.

We won't hold our breath because you will *never* do it.

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48 minutes ago, concha said:

The hours for drop boxes vary by county and can be as long a 7AM to 7PM.


So the drop boxes are inside and aren't available after hours.

So exactly what I said.

Or in other words, the dumbest drop box policy ever invented.

But that would be naive.

This policy is exactly what Republicans intended.

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