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Emails with Fauci and Francis Collins


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13 minutes ago, badrouter said:

That’s just not the case. There’s a very long list of scientists- including epidemiologists and MPHs- who’ve been calling outcomes many months ahead of when the CDC got around to aligning themselves with reality. It’s long been understood that schools were  not major vectors of disease; it’s long been understood cloth masks are useless; it’s long been understood SARS-CoV-2 would become endemic and thus “ZeroCovid” was a futile, stupid and ultimately criminal pursuit. I could go on. 

Just like you don't name these people you also lie your ass off while not naming them.

The cloth mask claim continues to be a total lie.

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15 minutes ago, badrouter said:

It seems that, just as with the rest of politics, the more vocal, radical voices end up pulling the train off the tracks. Eric Feigl-Ding was a nobody who’s only “claim to fame” was a failed run for low level political office in Pennsylvania. Then he switched careers to become a professional alarmist on Twitter (who’s followed there by Rochelle Walensky!). He’s not an infectious disease doctor, and there’s absolutely no other reason to put any special credence into what he says. And yet he’s now a darling of major leftist media outlets. People forget that he’s a nobody without the incessant alarmism. 

I've never even heard of this person but he has a doctorate in Epidemiology from Harvard.

It's amazing to watch you savage experts who you don't like as clowns but then point to other experts who presumably agree with your preconceived positions.


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10 minutes ago, badrouter said:

The “whining” is necessary until these folks come forward and say, quite simply, “We intentionally worked to undermine certain ideas because we made a determination that those ideas circulating would make our jobs harder. We recognize the need for robust scientific debate, and apologize for working to squash it. We have a very hard job, and we allowed the stress of the job to lead us to be unfair, unjust and dishonest to individuals and groups at times.” Then, legacy and social media must also be exposed as agents of the government (only when they like the party in charge at the time) who’ve unfairly silenced or shamed people for sharing plausible ideas that were merely inconvenient to the people in charge. Mentioning that the virus may have emerged from a lab in Wuhan was long treated as “dangerous misinformation” worthy of derision and even being banned from a platform. And yet, all along, everyone in charge knee full well it was plausible.

This doesn't address anything I said.

But please continue, Unabomber.

  • Haha 1
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11 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is utterly mindless.

Rand Paul is currently trying to drag them into a partisan pig pen and would be doing so anyway regardless of what they said in 2020.

Your posts are unceasingly moronic.

They’ve asked for this through being less than honest. It seems pretty likely that money from NIH has been used to fund potentially unsafe research, which may have been what actually led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. If that’s the case, we should know about it. And it seems near certain they don’t want us to know about this, for obvious reasons. 

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Who are these perfectly reasonable people? For christ sakes the same people who are whining about being lied to are the same ones who didn't care one iota when Donald Trump lied to them every day for 4 years.

This angle of attack is so flimsy as to be laughable.

Countless people who’ve always voted Democrat and were 100% with public health and trying to take common sense measures to lessen the risk from the virus have done a complete flip as a result of all of this. Of course, the loyal leftist playbook requires you to now categorize all such folks as unreasonable, reprehensible lunatics. But we see right through it all.

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1 hour ago, badrouter said:

It seems pretty likely that money from NIH has been used to fund potentially unsafe research, which may have been what actually led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. If that’s the case, we should know about it. And it seems near certain they don’t want us to know about this, for obvious reasons. 

If you just lie and make stuff up then you can justify anything.

It's funny that you decry their certainly in the beginning and counter it with your certainty on an even less supportable claim.

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Just like you don't name these people you also lie your ass off while not naming them.

The cloth mask claim continues to be a total lie.

I suggest following Monica Ghandi and Marty Mackary for starters. Not because they are the only two worth following, but because it’s a good place to start. Some of the more well-known figures (John Ionnadis, Martin Kulldorf), while having been smeared through “quick, devastating published take downs” by the ruling class, have had most/all of their points go without refutation as well. 

At no point in history has there been a single randomized controlled trial demonstrating efficacy for cloth masks on humans seeking protection from SARS-CoV-2. There have been a couple such studies demonstrating zero statistically significant impact. So, I’m not sure what “lie” you think you’re referring to.


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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

I've never even heard of this person but he has a doctorate in Epidemiology from Harvard.

It's amazing to watch you savage experts who you don't like as clowns but then point to other experts who presumably agree with your preconceived positions.


He’s been a darling of leftist propaganda platforms like MSNBC and CNN. He’s not an infectious disease doctor. And he moved to Austria in the middle of the pandemic so his kids could attend school in person. And, there’s absolutely ZERO reason to elevate him above the aforementioned Ghandi, Makary, Ionnadis or Kulldorf…EXCEPT for ideological purity. 

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3 minutes ago, badrouter said:

Some of the more well-known figures (John Ionnadis, Martin Kulldorf), while having been smeared through “quick, devastating published take downs” by the ruling class, have had most/all of their points go without refutation as well.

 The irony of the claims of smearing when juxtaposed with this.


2 hours ago, badrouter said:

Eric Feigl-Ding was a nobody who’s only “claim to fame” was a failed run for low level political office in Pennsylvania. Then he switched careers to become a professional alarmist on Twitter (who’s followed there by Rochelle Walensky!). He’s not an infectious disease doctor, and there’s absolutely no other reason to put any special credence into what he says. And yet he’s now a darling of major leftist media outlets. People forget that he’s a nobody without the incessant alarmism. 


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4 minutes ago, badrouter said:

At no point in history has there been a single randomized controlled trial demonstrating efficacy for cloth masks on humans seeking protection from SARS-CoV-2. There have been a couple such studies demonstrating zero statistically significant impact. So, I’m not sure what “lie” you think you’re referring to.

Claiming that cloth masks are useless is a total lie that you spout because the only thing that meets your delusion is your lack of discipline.

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

It would curry them no favor. There's no point in litigating this in the middle of the pandemic.

Again, it's being feverishly pushed by bad-faith actors with political motivations.

The point of litigating it ASAP is that valuable information/documents etc may cease to be available after time.

And there is most certainly a point in NOT suppressing criticism and questions from interested observers. It’s one thing to stay out of a debate; it’s another thing entirely to  actively work to suppress and forbid anyone else from the debate.

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3 minutes ago, badrouter said:

He’s been a darling of leftist propaganda platforms like MSNBC and CNN. He’s not an infectious disease doctor. And he moved to Austria in the middle of the pandemic so his kids could attend school in person. And, there’s absolutely ZERO reason to elevate him above the aforementioned Ghandi, Makary, Ionnadis or Kulldorf…EXCEPT for ideological purity. 

This is comic gold.

So the guy badrouter shit on earlier is an actual Epidemiologist. He has a degree from Harvard.

Marty Makary? He's a surgical oncoclogist! Not an Epidemiologist or infectious disease expert of *any* kind.

INTERNATIONAL CLOWN WEEK - August 1-7, 2022 - National Today


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11 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Doctors and scientists have said this should be investigated as has Biden.

The claims or a cover-up are Unabomber level silliness.

Except the claims clearly aren’t that. It’s abundantly obvious why scientists wouldn’t want the prospect of a catastrophic error occurring in scientific study, funded in part by the agency they lead, to see the light of day. And it’s clear they worked to suppress debate, shame those asking questions, and employ the media and social media as attack dogs in service of this objective.

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1 minute ago, badrouter said:

Except the claims clearly aren’t that. It’s abundantly obvious why scientists wouldn’t want the prospect of a catastrophic error occurring in scientific study, funded in part by the agency they lead, to see the light of day. 

But they've all called for it to be investigated.

There's this inconvenient thing called reality. It tends to render any badrouter claim as moot.

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