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Republicans are running scared....


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3 hours ago, concha said:
Kamala Harris So Disliked Nation Considering Hillary Clinton
January 14th, 2022 - BabylonBee.com



WASHINGTON, D.C.—Recent national indicators have hinted that the Biden Administration may not be as popular as hoped. These revelations have forced strategists for the Democrat party to face the truth that Vice President Kamala Harris is so disliked, the nation would rather consider Hillary Clinton.

“National polls, which never lie, have shown that Americans would prefer Hillary Clinton over Kamala Harris, which is pretty bad,” said political pollster Stanlip Bilksmear, “Even more disturbing, they both polled worse than ‘The propped up corpse of serial killer John Wayne Gacy.’ That wasn’t even an option in our poll; Americans wrote it in.”


Sucking your way to the top has it's disadvantages.

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8 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Mitt? Backbone? Brain?😂😂😂

You really are a blind follower. Did Lemon boy tell you to think that? Or Maddow during her twitch fits?

no...read the article above and see what he said...he doesn't buy the BIG lie like you...he's too smart for that....😉

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12 minutes ago, concha said:


Thanks President Brandon...



I guess Trump's lies continue to live in the minds of his clown posse...70% of Republicans think the election was stolen!?..LOL...who cares about the party of dumb Trumpers...I wonder of the 47% how many back Moscow Mitch vs. Donny...looks like they'll have to be making a choice soon....Trump had enough of Moscow Mitch...seems like Mitch committed a mortal sin and told the truth about the election....😉

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On 1/13/2022 at 1:38 PM, DBP66 said:

How Un-American of the Republican party....SAD....real SAD.

The Hill

RNC moves to require presidential candidates to skip traditional commission debates

Thu, January 13, 2022, 12:00 PM


The Republican National Committee (RNC) alerted the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) on Thursday that it plans to require GOP presidential nominees not to attend debates run by the commission going forward.

"The RNC will initiate the process of amending the Rules of the Republican Party at our upcoming Winter Meeting to prohibit future Republican nominees from participating in CPD-sponsored debates," wrote Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in the letter, which was obtained by The Hill.

McDaniel said GOP voters "have lost trust" in the commission and noted that the RNC has proposed a number of reforms to the debate process.


"Unfortunately, neither the tone nor substance of your latest response inspires confidence that the CPD will meaningfully address the serious issues which the RNC has raised," she said.

If the RNC moves to change its rules, the pullout would mark one of the greatest changes in the history of U.S. presidential debates.

McDaniel detailed the timeline of the RNC's communications with the commission, which included a letter from the committee in June and discussions between the commission's co-chair Frank Fahrenkopf and David Bossie, the chair of the RNC's temporary presidential debates committee.

Fahrenkopf served as RNC chairman in the 1980s.

McDaniel said the commission's response to the list of demands from the RNC "so far seem designed to delay any reform until it is too late to matter for the 2024 election."

The Commission on Presidential Debates responded in a statement on Thursday, noting that it "deals directly with candidates for president and vice president who qualify for participation."

"The C.P.D.'s plans for 2024 will be based on fairness, neutrality and a firm commitment to help the American public learn about the candidates and the issues," the commission said.

According to the RNC's letter, the CPD pushed back on the RNC's request to appoint a nonvoting observer from the RNC or Democratic National Committee to attend its board meetings.

"In furtherance of our position as a nonpartisan, neutral body, which neither favors nor disfavors any party or candidate, we do not negotiate the terms or conditions of our operations with anyone," a letter from the commission, obtained by The New York Times, read.

This is not the first time Republicans have voiced criticism about the commission. Most recently, former President Trump complained that moderators in the 2020 presidential debates were biased against him, while in 2016 he singled out one of the commission's co-chair, Mike McCurry, for previously working as a press secretary in the Clinton administration.

Add partisan gerrymandering and voter suppression laws by the new Klan.

Wait, wait, not new.


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8 hours ago, concha said:

Thanks President Brandon...


Here's the answer to the first question before they sorted the Independents. In other words, the second question merely tracks Presidential approval and/or national mood. As in, every midterm of a first-term President follows the same trend.

More people identified as Republican in November 2020. In fact, more people identified as a Republican in November 2021.


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The point of my thanks to President Brandon have to do with the upcoming mid-term elections.

Republicans are actually ahead in generic congressional polling for the first time since 2014, a year where they had solid gains in both the Senate and the House.  Anything close to such a result in 2022 will give the Republicans control of both chambers and shut down the crazy train even without the recent noble efforts of Manchin and Sinema.



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1 hour ago, concha said:


The point of my thanks to President Brandon have to do with the upcoming mid-term elections.

Republicans are actually ahead in generic congressional polling for the first time since 2014, a year where they had solid gains in both the Senate and the House.  Anything close to such a result in 2022 will give the Republicans control of both chambers and shut down the crazy train even without the recent noble efforts of Manchin and Sinema.



yea...everyone is looking forward to our gov't coming to a grinding halt once the obstructionists take over...no one wins. Back to spinless McCarthy and Moscow Mitch taking their marching orders from a twice impeached and 2-time loser of the popular vote...beautiful...looking forward to it!

 I can't wait for them to order more state audits of the 2020 election to finally prove Trump won once and for all!!.....🙄

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23 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

yea...everyone is looking forward to our gov't coming to a grinding halt once the obstructionists take over...no one wins. Back to spinless McCarthy and Moscow Mitch taking their marching orders from a twice impeached and 2-time loser of the popular vote...beautiful...looking forward to it!

 I can't wait for them to order more state audits of the 2020 election to finally prove Trump won once and for all!!.....🙄


I'm hoping the number of vacation days from stupid that you have banked is really, really high.



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34 minutes ago, concha said:


I'm hoping the number of vacation days from stupid that you have banked is really, really high.



what you clown Trumpers call "stupid" the rest of the country calls reality champ....but you're too busy calling names and acting like a child to know that...Kevin and Mitch will lead the way huh?...can't wait!....will Trump still be calling Mitch a "loser"??

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3 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

what you clown Trumpers call "stupid" the rest of the country calls reality champ....but you're too busy calling names and acting like a child to know that...Kevin and Mitch will lead the way huh?...can't wait!....will Trump still be calling Mitch a "loser"??


Newsflash, Sport.

Dems are underwater - big time - in presidential approval, vice presidential approval and congressional balloting.  They are doing a shit job and the American public notices. Your party has gone looney left and America wants nothing of it.



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1 hour ago, concha said:


Newsflash, Sport.

Dems are underwater - big time - in presidential approval, vice presidential approval and congressional balloting.  They are doing a shit job and the American public notices. Your party has gone looney left and America wants nothing of it.



and Mitch is in Trump's dog house and will be paying the price for telling the truth....the fun has just begun! Let the chips fall where they may.

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2 hours ago, concha said:

Dems are underwater - big time - in presidential approval, vice presidential approval and congressional balloting.  They are doing a shit job and the American public notices. Your party has gone looney left and America wants nothing of it.

This is concha being dishonest again to prop up his fragile psyche.

There's nothing out of the ordinary with Biden's approval rating or the generic ballot. They're basically where they always are for the incumbent party in January of a midterm year.

Partisan hacks like him always oversell these things.

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10 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is concha being dishonest again to prop up his fragile psyche.

There's nothing out of the ordinary with Biden's approval rating or the generic ballot. They're basically where they always are for the incumbent party in January of a midterm year.

Partisan hacks like him always oversell these things.


Nothing dishonest about what I wrote at all.

Biden was handed a "Direction of Country" poll number of ~-16% and has taken it to ~-33%. And that is with a generally sycophantic and supine media behind him.

I liked the funny of YOU calling someone a "partisan hack", btw. Appreciate the laugh.


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23 minutes ago, concha said:

Nothing dishonest about what I wrote at all.

Yes, there is which is why you never provide anything to prove otherwise.

A thought experiment.

When Trump had worse approvals than Biden and the generic ballot was just as bad or worse for Republicans did concha ever say what he did in this thread?

Of course not.

You don't even have to look it up. You already know.

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14 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Yes, there is which is why you never provide anything to prove otherwise.

A thought experiment.

When Trump had worse approvals than Biden and the generic ballot was just as bad or worse for Republicans did concha ever say what he did in this thread?

Of course not.

You don't even have to look it up. You already know.


Why would I, you dumbass?


"A thought experiment".  Or not.  🤡


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29 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The direction of the country polling is always bad.

And what's more is it was worse in the summer of 2020, about the same on election day 2020 and worse again after Trump's insurrection stunt in January 2021.


As I mentioned. The "bad number" is twice as bad as when it was handed off to Joe. And the current trend is down.



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47 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


Happy to admit I misread dates (I looked at the January 2020 number as a starting point in error).

In fact, the number had gone to shit during 2020 due to Covid and then January 6th shit. It improved sharply post the 2021 inauguration and has for several months trended back strongly negative from a low of -6% in mid-April, 2021 to its current below -33%.


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Red wave alert for Senate Democrats

In 2021, Democrats were looking at a favorable Senate map and the possibility of extreme GOP challengers. In 2022, the dismal political environment for Democrats may trump it all.


...The (realistic) best-case scenario for Democrats now looks like simply holding their 50-seat majority, capitalizing on weak GOP candidates in a few key races, but inevitably losing at least one of their own. Cortez Masto looks like the most vulnerable Democratic senator right now, but perhaps they can make up a loss by winning the open GOP-held seat in Pennsylvania.

The worst-case scenario for Democrats could mean four or more GOP Senate pickups, moving into the bluer parts of the map. That would entail Republican pickups in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, the three most favorable states on the map, holds in the two GOP-held states Biden carried, along with an upset in New Hampshire or Colorado. This is the “wave scenario” that’s looking more likely. Adding insult to injury, the Senate map gets downright brutal for Democrats in 2024, with the party defending seats in Republican-friendly West Virginia, Ohio, and Montana, along with other swing-state challenges. It’s a formula for Democrats to sink into a long-term Senate minority, unless Biden starts tending to the interests of his most vulnerable members. 


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