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States losing most population in 2021


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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Problem is when people move from blue states they don’t automatically stop supporting illegal immigration, infanticide, socialism and defunding police. 


Most of the people fleeing blue states appear to be centrist and right.  They are logically less tolerant of increasingly ridiculous left-wing politics. Look at the example of California:

...What set the Berkeley poll apart is that it also asked residents their party affiliation and how they characterized themselves politically—revealing a sharp divide. Conservatives and moderates are the most unhappy with the state and most anxious to leave. Liberals, by contrast, are mostly staying put, and some think life in California is just great. Only 38 percent of Democrats said that they were considering leaving, compared with 55 percent of independents and 71 percent of Republicans. Similarly, those characterizing themselves as “somewhat liberal” were least likely to say that they want to go—fewer than four in ten are considering leaving. But 53 percent of moderates, 66 percent of the “somewhat conservative,” and 74 percent of the “very conservative” would like to migrate. Political affiliation, in fact, was more of a predictor of who wants to go or stay than other demographic information, such as race. The poll found, for instance, that 56 percent of white residents and 58 percent of African-Americans would like to leave; and 54 percent of men, compared with 50 percent of women, are thinking of going.

The results also suggest, however, that a political revolution that reverses the direction of California government is becoming increasingly difficult because it’s experiencing the state version of the Curley Effect. That phrase, coined by economists Edward Glaeser and Andrei Shleifer, describes how big-city mayors like James Michael Curley in Boston in the early twentieth century and Coleman Young in Detroit in the mid-to-late twentieth century managed to solidify their political dominance, even as their cities deteriorated because their policies drove out the people most likely to vote against them. That may explain why, despite California facing rising homelessness, increasing drug use, outbreaks of infectious diseases, blackouts, soaring housing costs, and high energy prices, voters and elected officials endorse still-higher taxes and fees, lighter penalties for crimes like drug use and shoplifting, and a government takeover of bankrupt power company Pacific Gas & Electric.

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Of course if you dig deeper (which for Bormio would be actually reading an article and linking it) the insinuations made here by the usual hacks are just that: hackery.

First, this data is from July 1st, 2020 to July 1st, 2021 and *not* from 2021.

California population continues decline, driven by lower immigration, fewer births and pandemic deaths

Almost two-thirds of California's net loss came from COVID-19 deaths (55,000) and international restrictions (53,000) due to COVID-19.


Here's another example of these bozos being poked in the eye by the facts.

Net migration to Connecticut (+15,000), New Hampshire (+14,000), Vermont (+4,600), Rhode Island (+900), and Maine (+15,000) all increased.

Also, New Jersey (-28,000) and Pennsylvania (-3,000) had decreases that were far *below* their averages from the 2010s.

Net domestic migration losses in Maryland and Virginia in 2021 were similar to their 2010s averages. This means that every state from Virginia and West Virginia to Maine had a substantial improvement in net domestic migration or remained about the same , except for the big losses in New York and Massachusetts.

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