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State Champions πŸ’


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

You can't do it.

We all know that you make large claims but can never back them up with reason or substance of any kind.


I don't have to prove an opinion, Andy.

You know this and are just counting on stupid people not knowing it.

It's your bread and butter.


Andy thinks transferring up teams and beating the great majority of teams who do not is just fine. As is pounding their chests about how great their program is.

I think that is against the spirit of high school sports and competition.


It's that simple.

It simply chaps Andy's ass that the worthiness and nobility of the approach his team takes is actually questioned.

We're all supposed to act like it's fine and admirable.

Well, many don't.

Therefore Andy's ass = chapped.


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2 minutes ago, Ararar said:

I’ve read it.

why the vitriol towards MD?

you just don’t like their transfers?

don’t believe this alone would upset someone so muchΒ 

There is always that one person who walks their "show dog" with the rest of the people who walk theirΒ hounds and mutts.Β 

I hate show dogs........they look stupid as do show dog fans really. Should be a special park andΒ street for those people.

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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

There it is.

concha using his family as a human shield to cover for his demonstrated bigotry.

Love it.

Notice how he never actually denies these charges. HeΒ just throws out pathetic "black friend" tropes.


You haven't demonstrated bigotry. You lie.

And my family and friends (try getting some) would strongly indicate a distinct lack of bigotry.


My actual life vs Andy's fantasies and lies.

Folks can believe whichever they like.



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5 minutes ago, concha said:

I think that is against the spirit of high school sports and competition.

Is it against he spirit of highΒ school sports to have all the best swimmers in the greater Cincinnati area and win 900 straight state championships?

concha will now explain to us why it's OK to be an unfairly dominant St. X program.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

You also don't seem to think that you need to provide *anything* to support what you say.

You just make moral statements and then we're all supposed to think it's reasonable.


Folks can read my opinions and viewpoints and agree or disagree.

That you disagree with this one surprises nobody asΒ your preferred football program is one of the most noted transferred-up football factories in the country.

Were you a fan of a non-transferring program, your bleating and whining might be less surprising and carry more weight.



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3 minutes ago, concha said:

You haven't demonstrated bigotry. You lie.

This is rich.

concha knows that I could quote all of his screeds against Catholic schools that don't operate like St. Xavier.

HeΒ also knows that I could quote similar screeds against black people, Democrats, "leftists", protesters, Alec Baldwin, etc.

This is what he does.

He vomits thousands of posts of evidence and then just denies that any of those posts exist.

Kinda like a President we just had.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

Were you a fan of a non-transferring program, your bleating and whining might be less surprising and carry more weight.

I'm not a miserable person who hates my life so how a high school fills it's seats has no bearing on my mental state.

In other words, I wouldn't care about it just as I didn't care when STA *didn't* have many transfers and still won.

The only person whining here is you.

Everybody can see that.

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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Is it against he spirit of highΒ school sports to have all the best swimmers in the greater Cincinnati area and win 900 straight state championships?

concha will now explain to us why it's OK to be an unfairly dominant St. X program.


You tell me.

If other schools don't have natatoriums, then that might be an advantage. But many do.

X doesn't recruit nor take in transfers to jack up the team.Β 

And the team is good due to history.

The natatorium on X's campus is used by a noted swim team called the Cincinnati Marlins and has been for decades.


It's funny that you point to what is considered a minor sport (where X doesn't transfer in athletes) to compare to football factories.Β  Especially given that swimming is a sport where many awards/titles are individual, not team.

Kids can win individual state titles at their own schools without going to X.

The same is not true for football.

There is one state champion trophy in football to win.

If you are not on the transferred-up team, then more often than not you are fucked.


Try harder Andy.





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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I could quote your posts.


Seems like a lot of work to me just because the guy doesn't like All Star teams.......

You haven't changed anything, Atticus. I'm not really thrilled about them either, but have accepted theΒ fact that high school football will be a joke one day like high school basketball.



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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is rich.

concha knows that I could quote all of his screeds against Catholic schools that don't operate like St. Xavier.

HeΒ also knows that I could quote similar screeds against black people, Democrats, "leftists", protesters, Alec Baldwin, etc.

This is what he does.

He vomits thousands of posts of evidence and then just denies that any of those posts exist.

Kinda like a President we just had.


Feel free.

This is from the guy who runs around going after conservatives like his life depends on it.


Since you are a lying asshole and have decided to throw the race card, please focus on my alleged "screeds against black people".



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11 minutes ago, Ararar said:

I’ve read it.

why the vitriol towards MD?

you just don’t like their transfers?

don’t believe this alone would upset someone so muchΒ 

So you read the first 2 posts of this thread? This hurricanenick boob is the focus of the vitriol.

Spoiled, cocky, stereotypically materialistic SoCal bro. He has shown in numerous threads toΒ not be an impressive ambassador for Mater Dei, rather an ostentatious joke.

Mater Dei is who they are -- they've been successful for quite some time, and are currently taking it to the next level. That is fine, but don't have someone behave like a grade school brat and not expect any flak.

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

That's just a side hate.

The core of his hatred comes from bigotry.

He's one of the most obvious bigots on this forum.

He is no worse than blockhead813 (aka nolebull813), but you keep him in your wallet and use him like a no-name credit card when you try to destroyΒ states/teams.Β 

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