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OT: Unemployment at a 16 year low


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Guest LOSer
2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

 Never said anything like that.  You sound like a politician  or a CNN reporter.

So what is this supposed to mean?

11 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Just look at the red part real closely. You will see that the remaining blues spots are where the highest concentration of minorities live. Most of them brainwashed to think republicans are racist. 

When talking about "real'" American and vote totals you said this about minorities.

It's hard not to connect the dots here.

See, I never claimed that Trump's voters don't count. I say that they didn't have the highest vote totals. You claim that Hillary's voters don't count.

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Guest LOSer
1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

 Of course if you twist around the rules  you can have someone else win. 

Having an Electoral College itself is the ultimate twisting of the rules.

There isn't another office in the entire world where the highest vote getter doesn't get to govern.

It's the ultimate fluke.

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Guest LOSer
2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

You can say STA had more yards than Bosco  so if more yards were to determine the winner that STA would have won. 

That's your Hillary argument 

I never said Hillary won the Presidency and I never said STA won those games.

So if you intended to be completely wrong then you nailed it.

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Guest LOSer
2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

And the electoral college is there to stop crazy ass melting pot backward states like New York and California which are like foreign countries from choosing who the entire country has in power 

No it's not since those melting pots didn't exist when the Electoral College was created. You just completely made that up.

In fact California wasn't even a state at that time.

Again, you just called a lot of American citizens "like foreigners" and you complain when people call you racists and xenophobic.

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2 minutes ago, LOSer said:

I never said Hillary won the Presidency and I never said STA won those games.

So if you intended to be completely wrong then you nailed it.

 I didn't say you said that.  I said anyone can change the rules  after the outcome  to make a completely different outcome to fit their narrative 

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Guest LOSer
1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

I said anyone can change the rules  after the outcome  to make a completely different outcome to fit their narrative 

Which I didn't do since I never said that Hillary won the Presidency.

I said she got more votes.

This is a subject that really bothers Trump supporters (and Trump himself) and it should.

He's an illegitimate President who never had enough popular support to govern and it's showing. 

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Guest LOSer
4 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

when they voted for one of the most corrupt politicians in history. 

The day that Trump announced his candidacy he became the most criminal and corrupt politician in American history..

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Just now, LOSer said:

The day that Trump announced his candidacy he became the most criminal and corrupt politician in American history..

 Based off of no facts at all. 

 Sound like a girlfriend who got scorned  when a guy dumped her. 

 If you can honestly sit there and believe that Trump  has done more evil things than  Hillary Clinton  then there is no saving you from those thoughts 

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44 minutes ago, taojoe said:

16 years...hmmm...that would be right after another GOP president took over from another Dem president...just sayin'.  To be fair, it did take more than 7 years of almost exclusive GOP rule before the Great Recession hit.

"But wage growth is sluggish. Wages grew only 2.5% in July compared with a year earlier. The Federal Reserve would like to see wage growth kick up to 3.5%."

(ed. note: except for CEOs and Wall Streeters).

"The good economic news comes days after Trump endorsed an immigration plan aimed at lowering the number of foreign-born workers by designing a skills-based system to determine who gets into the United States. Last year, there were 27 million foreign-born workers in the United States.

Several economists say the plan would put U.S. economic growth at risk if it meant there would be fewer workers in America. Economic growth is already paltry, and Trump has promised to boost it to 3% from its current range of about 2%.

"It would definitely slow economic growth if you slow the number of people coming in," Rick added." 

(ed. note: who wants to venture a guess on how long it will be before exclusive GOP rule in DC screws up the economy this time?)

A little over 3 years is my guess.  I'm afraid by that time people will have already forgot like they do every time this happens.  Every damn time.  

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Guest LOSer
5 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

 It's so hilarious how all the liberals  didn't mind the electoral college until Trump won. 

Were you asleep in 2000?

Or were you a toddler?

I've always believed that the Electoral College is stupid. I don't make decisions based on what's beneficial to me. I make it on the principle.

If you want to look at results then we've had 5 Presidents who lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. All 5 were disasters: Quincy Adams, Hayes, Harrison, W. Bush and Trump.

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Guest LOSer
5 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Based off of no facts at all. 

The majority of his investments are with foreign (mostly Russian) oligarchs. He is bought and paid for by foreign interests (and refuses to disclose any of it).

He admitted to sexual assault being his "go-to" move.

After he was elected he refused to divest in any of his businesses. He's been breaking the Emoluments Cause since the day he took office.

He lies constantly. As in every single day.

I bet I could make a much more "factual" case about him then you could about Hillary Clinton.

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Guest LOSer
19 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

If you can honestly sit there and believe that Trump  has done more evil things than  Hillary Clinton  then there is no saving you from those thoughts 

I can.

And "evil" is a stupid word in this context. Criminal and corrupt are the proper words.

It's not even close really.

All you can do is talk about fake Seth Rich murder conspiracies and whine about a Foundation that has raised millions for AIDS patients in Africa.

Trump's "Foundation" is a proven scam. His "University" was a proven scam. His National Security Adviser was a proven crook. His Attorney General is a proven liar. As are his Son and Son-in-Law. Basically everybody he has appointed (save a few) are corrupt and/or criminal.

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Guest LOSer
7 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

what is the most important stat on that scoreboard? The score. President Trump won the score that mattered.

The votes constitute the score.

The Electoral College just allocates them differently (and in an incoherent way).

The fact that this bothers you is a good thing because it means you're capable of shame.

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35 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Just look at the red part real closely. You will see that the remaining blues spots are where the highest concentration of minorities live. Most of them brainwashed to think republicans are racist. And republicans like to hold people accountable while democrats enable them to sit home and trade government benefits for drugs. Sitting at home watching Maury Povich in the middle of the day when they could be working. A huge majority of democratic voters are blood suckers of the tax payers 

Just look at the red part real closely. You will see that those are where the highest concentration of blue collar, non-college educated whites live. Most of them brainwashed to think democrats are blood suckers of the tax payers.  A huge majority of republican voters are ignorant, racist dupes of the upper classes.  

Well, one absurd stereotype deserved another.

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Guest LOSer
1 minute ago, taojoe said:

Just look at the red part real closely. You will see that those are where the highest concentration of blue collar, non-college educated whites live. Most of them brainwashed to think democrats are blood suckers of the tax payers.  A huge majority of republican voters are ignorant, racist dupes of the upper classes.  

Well, one absurd stereotype deserved another.

Well done.

Although only about half of yours is a stereotype.

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20 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Like i said, California, New York and Brownsville Texas shouldn't get to choose the entire country's leadership for the next 4-8 years 

so...overlooking the fact that many hundreds of other communities voted for Clinton...you think that a minority of voters should get to choose?

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