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Trump Tax Cuts benefited Middle Class the Most


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

No, you said there was no trend and no material decline.

Both proven wrong.

And now I've proven that you're lying about not denying the trend.


Flail and flail some more, Andy!

I said it was slow and under Trump got faster.

Just like I've (re)proven all day today

It's literally there in print.

You are a lying buffoon.




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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha lies.

I post receipts.

concha claims that they prove nothing.

Rinse, repeat.


Andy reverting to living in "opposite world".



I argue all day that declines were slow and then got faster under Trump.

Andy posts something from way back by me that says EXACTLY THE SAME THING.


It's surreal watching someone be this stupid and dishonest.



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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

You denied the trend.

Then you claimed that there was no material decline.

Both wrong.

And now you're lying about not denying the trend.

Which proves that concha lies and then lies about his lies.


I denied that the SLOW trend from 2016 continued.

It did not.

Under Trump the declining trend accelerated.

It is exactly what I said then and what I've said today.

Read it again.


Sound it out. 🤡


Are you just lying or are you truly this stupid and confused?



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No need to continue here now that Andy cannot even comprehend simple points.



Trend under Obama was slow. Under Trump is was faster. (proven)



Trend under Obama was slow. Under Trump is was faster. (proven again)


Yet Andy sees a contradiction in the above.

What a buffoon.




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12 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Someone tell concha that this is still a downward trend.

And those who are interested in the actual truth would put this into a larger context to see that, yep, the trend preceded it and continued after.


Someone explain to Andy that I've not denied trends.

I've pointed out the severity (or lack thereof) of trends and changes in them.


Since you don't like the reality of that, you are forced to lie about what I've done.


A strong declining trend hit the brakes for well over a year and that was what Trump inherited (and improved upon).




I love the fact that it makes you wet yourself like this.





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