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Trump Tax Cuts benefited Middle Class the Most


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16 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I did.

I went brain dead for a minute and botched the calendar in my head and was *still* right.

Imagine getting beaten like that and thinking that you weren't proven a liar.


0.125% average monthly reductions over 5 quarters say that you are a dishonest buffoon.


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11 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

There was.

7 years.

4 years.

2 years.

18 months.

You have to arbitrarily narrow the time frame to make it come right for your preconceived narrative.


Well, hell. Why not go back 30 years? 

Trump inherited the trend from immediately before his inauguration.

The unemployment rate had hardly budged for 5 straight quarters.

15, even 16 straight unemployment reports where there was hardly any movement.

Economic reporting is generally done on monthly, quarterly and annual timeframes.

The period of stagnation was longer than a month, longer than a quarter and longer than a year.

Case closed.



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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Full employment is generally agreed to be between 4% and 6%.

I've seen *some* say it's around 4.5%.

It was already there.

And would've gotten there had Flavor Flav been elected President in November 2016.


See if you can do this math:

Average monthly unemployment reductions under Barry of 0.0125% per month for 5 straight quarters.

At that rate of decline, how many months would it have taken Barry (or Flava Flav) to get it to 3.5%?




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19 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Yes, again.

And any normal person would agree that this is a trend.


But we get it.

You're not a normal person.

You're a toady.


Andy is funny.

He is asked about materiality.

His response? "Yes, it's a trend".

Andy, what is your favorite color? "Polka dot". 🤣


As for the chart, all we have here is Andy trying to change the debate.

I have not argued "trend".

I have argued:

1) The materiality of the reductions immediately prior to trump's inauguration. (They were tiny for well over a year)

2) That the rate of reduction INCREASED after Trump took over (they did)


Now, Andy, please continue in your easily dismissed attempts to to shuck, jive, duck, dodge and deceive.


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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Yep, this is really all he's got.

And you just know that you're not going to get honest dialogue from somebody who refers to Obama as Barry.




That's like a murderer looking at the guys from CSI after they present finger print, DNA and video evidence proving his guilt, and then looking them in the eye and saying "That's all you've got?" 



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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Given that it declined a further 0.4% in Trump's first 6 months even though he didn't do anything material to cause the drop I'd say the same number of months that it took in reality.


You don't think businesses start making decisions immediately post election?

No wonder you're a pathetically paid gubmint clerk.



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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

Here's concha arguing trend.




Man you are desperate.

This must be where you start posting crap and hope that people read it and think it actually means something.

It went from "slow" to "faster". I correctly pointed it out then and have done so correctly today.


Andy is in "monkey throwing shit" phase now.




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