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Trump Tax Cuts benefited Middle Class the Most


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16 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Again, as I already said, you can use July 2015 (which is what I originally meant to) and it still refutes your lies.


I don't have to use your arbitrary point of reference.

Five quarters is a long time.

0.0125% average monthly declines are NOT material.

Results under Trump were much better.



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9 minutes ago, concha said:

If you use July of 2015 (you appear to be admitting to your mathematical buffoonery here) until Trump took over, the average monthly decline under Obama was 0.0287% per month. Under Trump it was double that.

That's not what you said, though.

But I know that its hard to make your lies come right.

You said that there was no material decline when there clearly was. You've been lying about this for years. Then when you're proven wrong and you just laugh, post emojis and dodge the bullets.

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11 minutes ago, concha said:

I never said there was no reduction. I said it had hardly moved, which is absolutely true. You basically got a 0.1% drop every 5 months or so over a 16-month period.

You said there was "no material decline."

There was.

You lieĀ about this purposefully to make it seem like no trend existed prior to Trump's Presidency.

But there was a trend.Ā 


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12 minutes ago, concha said:

Andy wants you to believe that pointing toĀ 15 or 16 straight months of hardly noticeable movement in unemployment isĀ dishonest.

5.2% to 4.7% (practically full employment) is not "hardly noticeable."

But I get it that you have to try to change your words now because what you said before was so blatantlyĀ dishonest.

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9 minutes ago, concha said:

In Andy World, declining at 0.0125% per month over 5 quarters is material.

Getting to full employment is material.

Again, I get that you have to hysterically flail around and post emojis all day because you have no other recourse.

History hasn't been kind to your hero Trump and you're trying to lie about the record.

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16 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

No, I used your words against you to prove that you're lying about the numbers.

As usual.

July 2015 (5.2%) to January 2017 (4.7%).


A material decline.

An existing trend.

concha will continue to flail and post emojis to ignore the *material* fact that he's lying.


It's funny watching Andy fuck up and then get self-righteous.

I have proven that there was a lengthy periodĀ of time (at least 5 full quarters) at the end of Obama's presidency where unemployment hardly budged (just 0.125% per month on average).


All Andy has done is show that you can go back a little further and find material declines.

Congrats, buffoon.

Trump inherited 5 straight quarters of hardly any movement.



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9 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

That's not what you said, though.

But I know that its hard to make your lies come right.

You said that there was no material decline when there clearly was. You've been lying about this for years. Then when you're proven wrong and you just laugh, post emojis and dodge the bullets.


There was not.

Trump took over after 5 straight quarters of 0.0125% average monthly declines.

Are you seriously calling 0.0125% material?

You are a dishonest buffoon, so of course you are.


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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You said there was "no material decline."

There was.

You lieĀ about this purposefully to make it seem like no trend existed prior to Trump's Presidency.

But there was a trend.Ā 



Yes, 0.0125% per month on average for at least 5 quarters.

Are you telling everyone that 0.0125% per month os material, Andy?



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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

5.2% to 4.7% (practically full employment) is not "hardly noticeable."

But I get it that you have to try to change your words now because what you said before was so blatantlyĀ dishonest.


That is not what happened over the 5 quarters i reference, Andy.

SoĀ why are you trying to making it look like I was using numbers IĀ did not? Oh, because you are dishonest.

And there Andy goes again making up shit about me changing words.

The dishonesty from Andy is endless.


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13 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Your opinion is noted.

After being proven a liar you then try to challenge the definition of words or the materiality of full employment.



Noted and correct.

You need eight straight months of 0.0125% declines just to get to 0.1%. EIGHT months.Ā Ā šŸ˜‚

You're doing great, Andy.




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15 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Getting to full employment is material.

Again, I get that you have to hysterically flail around and post emojis all day because you have no other recourse.

History hasn't been kind to your hero Trump and you're trying to lie about the record.


Which is what TRUMP did, seeing as he got the number down to 3.5%.





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8 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I admit that I fucked up by 2 months.

The fuck up was immaterial.

There *was* a material decline in the right time period.

I can admit my mistakes and still stat the truth.


0.125% average monthly reductions for well over a year are "material" in Andy World.



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3 minutes ago, concha said:

You need eight straight months of 0.0125% declines just to get to 0.1%. EIGHT months.Ā Ā 


You need to use 8 months because anyĀ reasonable or material time frame doesn't work for your narrative.

The thing is that you've done this so much that people know this about you. They know that you lie about this stuff to make your hopes come right.

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