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Trump Tax Cuts benefited Middle Class the Most


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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

Again, you can use the search function to see all the times concha has been left with egg on his face.

Just a note: concha *hates* the search function with a passion.


It's funny when Andy thinks he's doing well and all he is doing is advertising to everyone that he is a liar who can't perform grade school math.




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6 minutes ago, concha said:

5.6% as a starting point is ANDY's arbitrary starting point. Not mine. 🤣  An Andy lie.

You said "well over a year."

I picked a conservative time frame for what constitutes "well over" a year.

A year itself is an arbitrary number that you picked to serve your narrative. Obama was President for 8 years and Trump was President for 4.

One year is totally self-serving and obviously misleading given the 18-month number and basically any number longer than that.

These are the things that make you a liar.

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9 minutes ago, concha said:

62.8% to 63.3% IS an increase you complete buffoon. 🤡  You call this a lie? So we have yet ANOTHER Andy lie.

It's a weasel phrase as I mentioned.

5.6% to 4.7% is "not a material decline" but 62.8% to 63.3% is "INCREASING" in ALL CAPS.

You do this *all* the time.

You lie, manipulate, misonstrue, etc.

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

It was 4.7% and it had dropped 0.9% in 18 months.


1) 18 months is not a year. So you've done nothing to refute me. 🤡 LMAO

2) Obama's final month in office was January 2017.  To demonstrate a 0.9% decline you have to go back to May of 2015.  So let's do the simple math that Andy is too fucking stupid to handle:

June-December 2015 = 7 months

2016 = 12 months

January 2017 =1 month

That's 20 months.


Using Andy Math, it's 18.




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6 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You said "well over a year."

I picked a conservative time frame for what constitutes "well over" a year.

A year itself is an arbitrary number that you picked to serve your narrative. Obama was President for 8 years and Trump was President for 4.

One year is totally self-serving and obviously misleading given the 18-month number and basically any number longer than that.

These are the things that make you a liar.


YOU picked the first number that showed up that you could possibly make a case for.


16 months is well over a year.

And you didn't even use 18 months.

You couldn't even figure out what month 18 months fell on.




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14 minutes ago, concha said:

Because if you go back in time from Trump's inauguration, it is the first month Andy can use to show anything like a material decline under Obama.  🤣 

This is obviously false.

I could use January 2015 (5.7%) or July 2015 (5.2%). Almost any time period more than a year works to prove that there was an existing trend.

What's funny is that in trying to claim cherry-picking you expose yourself as the cherry-picker.

Why does concha use a year? Because he's lying to you.

He wants to claim that there wasn't an existing downward trend so he picks an arbitrary number (nobody of any character would pick a year for an 8-year President transitioning to a 4-year President) to purposefully make it come right for him.

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7 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

It's a weasel phrase as I mentioned.

5.6% to 4.7% is "not a material decline" but 62.8% to 63.3% is "INCREASING" in ALL CAPS.

You do this *all* the time.

You lie, manipulate, misonstrue, etc.


I never addressed YOUR timeframe.

In fact, YOU didn't even get your 18-month timeframe correct, you buffoon. 🤡

And 63.3% > 62.8%.


This is priceless.

1) You change the timeframe, act like it's mine and call me liar about it. What a dishonest turd.

2) Then, you don't even get YOUR OWN timeframe correct. Hilarious. 🤣

3) The then you act like 63.3% is not an increase from 62.8%.


Your dishonestly and stupidity know no bounds.






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8 minutes ago, concha said:


I never addressed YOUR timeframe.

In fact, YOU didn't even get your 18-month timeframe correct, you buffoon. 🤡


I have.

You're just too busy trying to change the subject and flail around.


14 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is obviously false.

I could use January 2015 (5.7%) or July 2015 (5.2%). Almost any time period more than a year works to prove that there was an existing trend.


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9 minutes ago, concha said:

1) You change the timeframe, act like it's mine and call me liar about it. What a dishonest turd.

No, I used your words against you to prove that you're lying about the numbers.

As usual.

July 2015 (5.2%) to January 2017 (4.7%).


A material decline.

An existing trend.

concha will continue to flail and post emojis to ignore the *material* fact that he's lying.

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6 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is obviously false.

I could use January 2015 (5.7%) or July 2015 (5.2%). Almost any time period more than a year works to prove that there was an existing trend.

What's funny is that in trying to claim cherry-picking you expose yourself as the cherry-picker.

Why does concha use a year? Because he's lying to you.

He wants to claim that there wasn't an existing downward trend so he picks an arbitrary number (nobody of any character would pick a year for an 8-year President transitioning to a 4-year President) to purposefully make it come right for him.


I am crying laughing.

If you use July of 2015 (you appear to be admitting to your mathematical buffoonery here) until Trump took over, the average monthly decline under Obama was 0.0287% per month. Under Trump it was double that.

And - wait for it - we ANOTHER Andy lie.  I never said there was no reduction. I said it had hardly moved, which is absolutely true. You basically got a 0.1% drop every 5 months or so over a 16-month period.


Andy wants you to believe that pointing to 15 or 16 straight months of hardly noticeable movement in unemployment is dishonest.

What a dishonest buffoon.


Remember, Andy is the guy who can't figure out how long 18 months is. 🤣




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