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Another example the GHSA could learn from.


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Just now, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

And even then isn't it only for like a year then they can go Varsity... 

Exactly. They have to sit Varsity for a year, but, they can play subvarsity in that year. Basically they are allowed to get the education and they aren't told they can't play at all. They're just halted from Varsity play for a year.

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30 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Let me make sure I'm understanding this correct.  The kid was playing for a private school and then wanted to attend his local public school and the AhSSa or whatever it's called said no?  And it's legal to deny a kid from going to his local private school?  In Cali this would totally fly.  Can't tell a kid he can't go to his local school.

Nobody has the money to sue I guess because this shit would get overturned quickly 

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If they were being told they couldn't attend the school or participate in sports period then maybe a suit would get traction. It's only ghsa sanctioned Varsity level sports they are banned from for one year. 

They can basically, live out of district, never move into the district, transfer to a school, play subvarsity for the one year they sit and the following year play Varsity. 

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What I don’t get is this AHSAA rule:

A student transferring from a failing school to non-failing is ineligible unless the transfer is within the same school system and is made within the time set forth by the local school.

So a kid can only leave a failing public school if he stays within the district? Failing schools are likely part of a failed district. 

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23 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

That's lame.  If I'm paying taxes in the district, and they say my kid can't play sports at his local high school after coming from a private, you can bet a lawsuit would be coming. 

Problem with a lawsuit the AHSAA uses Melton Espy & Williams  who in the past has had its house attorneys on the Alabama supreme court. They have only lost a few times at the supreme court level. Many have won at the local level but lose at the state level. Local judges will support the local school.  These big law firms donate big money to the supreme judges elections by proxy so they win there cases.

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1 minute ago, The Colonel said:

What I don’t get is this AHSAA rule:

A student transferring from a failing school to non-failing is ineligible unless the transfer is within the same school system and is made within the time set forth by the local school.

So a kid can only leave a failing public school if he stays within the district? Failing schools are likely part of a failed district. 

That is to prevent recruiting on the bases of a failing school when it really about sports.

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13 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

Problem with a lawsuit the AHSAA uses Melton Espy & Williams  who in the past has had its house attorneys on the Alabama supreme court. They have only lost a few times at the supreme court level. Many have won at the local level but lose at the state level. Local judges will support the local school.  These big law firms donate big money to the supreme judges elections by proxy so they win there cases.

Just grease the correct palms and anything is possible with money. 

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17 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Just grease the correct palms and anything is possible with money. 

Joe Espy their senior attorney has won several big time cases he beat the feds several times.

One of the most famous Alabama cases of the last 20 years.


Joe Espy killed the feds in this cases.

Guy is one the top 5 attorneys in Alabama he does not lose in Montgomery. He is the AHSAA main guy in cases.  


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47 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

Joe Espy their senior attorney has won several big time cases he beat the feds several times.

One of the most famous Alabama cases of the last 20 years.


Joe Espy killed the feds in this cases.

Guy is one the top 5 attorneys in Alabama he does not lose in Montgomery. He is the AHSAA main guy in cases.  


Bama ain't got nothing on Cali attorney's.  We got former White House chief of staff and director of the CIA just in my family.  Sorry playa, the big dogs live out here. 

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17 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Bama ain't got nothing on Cali attorney's.  We got former White House chief of staff and director of the CIA just in my family.  Sorry playa, the big dogs live out here. 

I read even those homeless people in California are attorneys.

After the OJ trial attorneys can do anything in California.

What years was he over the CIA.

CIA stands for Cocaine import Association.

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9 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

During Clinton Administration.

I was hoping he was during the Reagan era. Have you ever seen the movie American made starring Tom Cruise. It is about Barry Seal who flew guns for drugs during 80's. The CIA was in charge of this. Then when the drugs came into Arkansas they were shipped to Rick Ross the drug dealer in California and sold on the west coast. Reagan Bush Sr both Clinton's were involved. 

They guy who figured it out was killed by the feds.


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8 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

That's way overkill. Communist-like if you ask me. A student-athlete should never be prohibited from attending their local high school. At worst, they should be forced to sit out the first 30 days of their respective sport's season if they xfer in from another school. Those rules are nuts in this day and age. 

Cali could never be considered Communist, because their playas NEVER attend the school in their local town!

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6 hours ago, The Colonel said:

What I don’t get is this AHSAA rule:

A student transferring from a failing school to non-failing is ineligible unless the transfer is within the same school system and is made within the time set forth by the local school.

So a kid can only leave a failing public school if he stays within the district? Failing schools are likely part of a failed district. 

There is an interesting situation in the Augusta-Richmond County school district, here in Georgia! They have a mandate where ANY kid attending the ten public high schools in the city/county district, are eligible to attend the designated turnaround school, Lucy C. Laney! The only criteria are, that there be a space for the student, and he/she has reliable transportation to Laney. And ironically, FEW take advantage of this advantage to play for a former football powerhouse in AA! Were these kids to take advantage, lil Lucey Laney would have a Bufordesque type talent poll!

Ironically, if those same students were driven just by academia! One of the best high schools in the STATE, resides across the street from Laney, Johnson Magnet! And those students have NO issues with finding a way. And it's my understanding, that it is funded by the same tax dollars as Laney. And three blocks away, yet another of the best schools in the state resides as well, Davidson Fine Arts!(a private entity) But due to county leadership, nearly EVERY ASPECT of Augusta-Richmond county, appears to be a REAL CLUSTERFUCK! A major reason why the city lost the Augusta Green Jackets to NORTH Augusta, population 30,000! And have passed upon developing a tourist attraction akin to San Antonio, Texas, an inland canal through the city.

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7 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I think that is how they avoid serious lawsuit challenges to the eligibility rules. 

Of course, I'm much like @HooverOutlaw on the way the GHSA handles it using an honor system when people are not generally honorable. Lol. Parents can't be trusted to not lie on eligibility forms and some coaches and AD's can't either. 

It would be preferable to have a clearing house at the GHSA to mostly get that under control.

Did you break out into uncontrollable laughter, when you typed that LAST sentence?

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7 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

This is true in Georgia too. Nobody is stopping the kids from getting an education. It's encouraged. 

However, there are rules as it pertains to sports that are meant to keep good sportsmanship and fair play. They can go to school and not be eligible to play Varsity sports. 

DIN, HOW do you splain the carte blanche given to the Bufordians? Whoever came up with THEIR shtick, needs to be PRESIDENT! They seem to have covered EVERY base imaginable.

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Couple of things.  First, the GHSA does have attendance boundaries when transferring from a private to a public.  I need to go look at it again but I think I remember if the private is in the same serving area, they can make 1 transfer.  If the private is outside the serving area, then it gets treated like any other transfer and the transfer rules kind.

Second, the GHSA has a rule that a student cannot transfer to regain eligibility.  If the student is not eligible at the current school be it private or public, they cannot gain eligibility when transferring to the public school.

Personally I'm glad the GHSA tends to rule in the favor of the student and doesn't have excessively stringent rules that don't take into consideration that things happen.  If there is no more to it that @HooverOutlawpresents (and that's a big if) then this is an arbitrary rule with no flexibility that cause as much if not more harm to the student and that's not what the governing bodies are supposed to do.  Hoover seems to be proud that Alabama has such draconian rules that serve to keep the students down.  Silly me, I thought school was about helping the students to grow and do well not restrict things just because they can.

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7 hours ago, Fred said:

Couple of things.  First, the GHSA does have attendance boundaries when transferring from a private to a public.  I need to go look at it again but I think I remember if the private is in the same serving area, they can make 1 transfer.  If the private is outside the serving area, then it gets treated like any other transfer and the transfer rules kind.

Second, the GHSA has a rule that a student cannot transfer to regain eligibility.  If the student is not eligible at the current school be it private or public, they cannot gain eligibility when transferring to the public school.

Personally I'm glad the GHSA tends to rule in the favor of the student and doesn't have excessively stringent rules that don't take into consideration that things happen.  If there is no more to it that @HooverOutlawpresents (and that's a big if) then this is an arbitrary rule with no flexibility that cause as much if not more harm to the student and that's not what the governing bodies are supposed to do.  Hoover seems to be proud that Alabama has such draconian rules that serve to keep the students down.  Silly me, I thought school was about helping the students to grow and do well not restrict things just because they can.

There is no flexibility did you not read the articles.  You like the loose anything goes rules of the GHSA because 99.9% it favors the Grayson transfer machine.  The rest of Georgia does not like it.

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