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OT: Teens taunt man as he drowns.


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I'm just gonna start by saying making fun of someone drowning is morally deplorable. In no way is what I am about to say meant as excusing the behavior seen, and sure they could have done something to help. Now onto the part I hope won't get me downvoted to oblivion:

Obviously we can't know for sure, but I honestly think a lot of folks watching this are misinterpreting what's going on because of our own personal experiences growing up. For all I know, this could be an elite swim team with several state championships under their belt.

However, their dialect would imply that these are youth of a socially disadvantaged background. I currently live in and grew up in a similar community that I personally feel gives me some useful insight on context here. I would wager that based on the number of people I've met from my community who can swim, its very likely that not only are these kids not good swimmers, they are totally unfamiliar with swimming, treading water, and the very real risks of water too deep to touch bottom. Another common thing I see is kids who don't know how to swim try it in deep water once, almost die, and are extremely afraid of swimming and refuse to go past waist deep water even into adulthood. What's going on here, at least from my personal experience (while anecdotal), seems to be a combination of both as the video progresses.

I think these kids legitimately don't understand the guys life is in danger because they have little if any experience in deep water. It's not unreasonable to assume initially that someone willingly entering a body of water, would do so without knowing what they are doing, especially an older man. I think if this was a child the reaction initially would have been very different, but thats just speculation. On top of that, their tone definitely seems to imply a degree of surprise, later bordering on total disbelief that someone just drowned before their eyes. I don't think it totally set in before the video ended, but there was a clear shift in at least some of their tone. The idiotic comments are totally insensitive throughout, and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that is how kids deal with nervous situations these days; just mindlessly uttering some stupid punchline or linguistic fad they hear in the snapchats they watch (like "RIP" for example), but I also feel that might be giving them too much leeway.

As for swimming out to help the guy, anyone who is unsure of their own ability to swim, should NEVER attempt to rescue a drowning victim. Ever. That's how you get a multiple drowning.

So what I believe is going on here is a combination of teens who are totally unfamiliar with water and how quickly people can drown, being cast in a totally unexpected circumstance they are not prepared to know how to handle, and making very infuriating remarks while its happening. The point I'm trying to make is that a person who can truly knowingly watch someone walk into a situation where theyre going to die and not attempt to assist them in any way, but instead take legitimate pleasure from that experience; that is a sociopath. I don't think this group of teens are sociopaths. I think they didn't actually know what they were seeing, didn't understand the scene and what was transpiring, and by the time they did the jokes had been made and it was time to split. Its also possible the person stopped recording when they did in an effort to contact rescue. Just my two cents.

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34 minutes ago, BobbySanchez said:

I'm just gonna start by saying making fun of someone drowning is morally deplorable. In no way is what I am about to say meant as excusing the behavior seen, and sure they could have done something to help. Now onto the part I hope won't get me downvoted to oblivion:

Obviously we can't know for sure, but I honestly think a lot of folks watching this are misinterpreting what's going on because of our own personal experiences growing up. For all I know, this could be an elite swim team with several state championships under their belt.

However, their dialect would imply that these are youth of a socially disadvantaged background. I currently live in and grew up in a similar community that I personally feel gives me some useful insight on context here. I would wager that based on the number of people I've met from my community who can swim, its very likely that not only are these kids not good swimmers, they are totally unfamiliar with swimming, treading water, and the very real risks of water too deep to touch bottom. Another common thing I see is kids who don't know how to swim try it in deep water once, almost die, and are extremely afraid of swimming and refuse to go past waist deep water even into adulthood. What's going on here, at least from my personal experience (while anecdotal), seems to be a combination of both as the video progresses.

I think these kids legitimately don't understand the guys life is in danger because they have little if any experience in deep water. It's not unreasonable to assume initially that someone willingly entering a body of water, would do so without knowing what they are doing, especially an older man. I think if this was a child the reaction initially would have been very different, but thats just speculation. On top of that, their tone definitely seems to imply a degree of surprise, later bordering on total disbelief that someone just drowned before their eyes. I don't think it totally set in before the video ended, but there was a clear shift in at least some of their tone. The idiotic comments are totally insensitive throughout, and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that is how kids deal with nervous situations these days; just mindlessly uttering some stupid punchline or linguistic fad they hear in the snapchats they watch (like "RIP" for example), but I also feel that might be giving them too much leeway.

As for swimming out to help the guy, anyone who is unsure of their own ability to swim, should NEVER attempt to rescue a drowning victim. Ever. That's how you get a multiple drowning.

So what I believe is going on here is a combination of teens who are totally unfamiliar with water and how quickly people can drown, being cast in a totally unexpected circumstance they are not prepared to know how to handle, and making very infuriating remarks while its happening. The point I'm trying to make is that a person who can truly knowingly watch someone walk into a situation where theyre going to die and not attempt to assist them in any way, but instead take legitimate pleasure from that experience; that is a sociopath. I don't think this group of teens are sociopaths. I think they didn't actually know what they were seeing, didn't understand the scene and what was transpiring, and by the time they did the jokes had been made and it was time to split. Its also possible the person stopped recording when they did in an effort to contact rescue. Just my two cents.

They didn't call for help after. He wasn't found til several days later after video was being passed around. 


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40 minutes ago, BobbySanchez said:

I'm just gonna start by saying making fun of someone drowning is morally deplorable. In no way is what I am about to say meant as excusing the behavior seen, and sure they could have done something to help. Now onto the part I hope won't get me downvoted to oblivion:

Obviously we can't know for sure, but I honestly think a lot of folks watching this are misinterpreting what's going on because of our own personal experiences growing up. For all I know, this could be an elite swim team with several state championships under their belt.

However, their dialect would imply that these are youth of a socially disadvantaged background. I currently live in and grew up in a similar community that I personally feel gives me some useful insight on context here. I would wager that based on the number of people I've met from my community who can swim, its very likely that not only are these kids not good swimmers, they are totally unfamiliar with swimming, treading water, and the very real risks of water too deep to touch bottom. Another common thing I see is kids who don't know how to swim try it in deep water once, almost die, and are extremely afraid of swimming and refuse to go past waist deep water even into adulthood. What's going on here, at least from my personal experience (while anecdotal), seems to be a combination of both as the video progresses.

I think these kids legitimately don't understand the guys life is in danger because they have little if any experience in deep water. It's not unreasonable to assume initially that someone willingly entering a body of water, would do so without knowing what they are doing, especially an older man. I think if this was a child the reaction initially would have been very different, but thats just speculation. On top of that, their tone definitely seems to imply a degree of surprise, later bordering on total disbelief that someone just drowned before their eyes. I don't think it totally set in before the video ended, but there was a clear shift in at least some of their tone. The idiotic comments are totally insensitive throughout, and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that is how kids deal with nervous situations these days; just mindlessly uttering some stupid punchline or linguistic fad they hear in the snapchats they watch (like "RIP" for example), but I also feel that might be giving them too much leeway.

As for swimming out to help the guy, anyone who is unsure of their own ability to swim, should NEVER attempt to rescue a drowning victim. Ever. That's how you get a multiple drowning.

So what I believe is going on here is a combination of teens who are totally unfamiliar with water and how quickly people can drown, being cast in a totally unexpected circumstance they are not prepared to know how to handle, and making very infuriating remarks while its happening. The point I'm trying to make is that a person who can truly knowingly watch someone walk into a situation where theyre going to die and not attempt to assist them in any way, but instead take legitimate pleasure from that experience; that is a sociopath. I don't think this group of teens are sociopaths. I think they didn't actually know what they were seeing, didn't understand the scene and what was transpiring, and by the time they did the jokes had been made and it was time to split. Its also possible the person stopped recording when they did in an effort to contact rescue. Just my two cents.

This is nonsense and excuse making. They knew EXACTLY what was going on because thats why they were filming it in the 1st place... you think they just started filming some guy swimming?

Nobody was contacting rescue... they were busy trying to find a lighter to light a blunt. 

They knew the guy was in trouble.... they even made fun of the sound he made in the water. He let out a cry, and they laughed saying "He just died". This kind of behavior is coming far too common.

Personally, if I had the power... Id round up every person in America like this and remove them from society, permanently.


You are a tool Sanchez... if thats garbage you posted is what you gathered watching that video.

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50 minutes ago, Ararar said:

Drummer just couldn't help himself...Had to insert racial undertones.They sound like a bunch of kids who didn't or couldn't grasp the seriousness of the situation 


They knew exactly what the situation was. Thats why they were filming. They just never been taught the value of a human life. 

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6 minutes ago, ECHS05 said:


They knew exactly what the situation was. Thats why they were filming. They lve just never been taught the value of a human life.

Of course because you know these kids and how they were raised.They were definitely  wrong on not calling for help once they realized what happened,I just think they didn't understand how serious the situation was at first.

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4 minutes ago, Ararar said:

Of course because you know these kids and how they were raised.They were definitely  wrong on not calling for help once they realized what happened,I just think they didn't understand how serious the situation was at first.


It takes about 15 seconds to understand exactly how they were brought up. 

Why would they be filming the guy? He was SCREAMING for help. They laughed at the guy when he went under and didnt come back up.

There are people all over like this. I can understand if they didnt want to put themselves at risk... but to LAUGH at somebody dying... imagine if that were you and some pothead douchebags were over there smoking laughing at you screaming for help.

It doesnt take that long to access the situation. Theres also no reason to film unless you know the guys in trouble... they thought this man struggling for his life was amusing... it went on for 10 minutes, this video was just the end of it.


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3 minutes ago, Bones said:

I wonder if ECHS would round up his POS worthless grand pappy x5. He was far worse than these kids.

Sticking up for them because they share your skin color? 

Nevermind they laughed as a man was screaming for help and lost his life. They share your skin tone so they must be stood up for, right? Nevermind their character (or lack thereof). Nevermind a man died screaming for help as they laughed.

Nevermind not ONE of them told a soul about the man dying. A missing persons report was filed 3 days after this man drowned.... and there was no word from these "boys" that this man died. 

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2 minutes ago, ECHS05 said:

Sticking up for them because they share your skin color? 

Nevermind they laughed as a man was screaming for help and lost his life. They share your skin tone so they must be stood up for, right? Nevermind their character (or lack thereof). Nevermind a man died screaming for help as they laughed.

Nevermind not ONE of them told a soul about the man dying. A missing persons report was filed 3 days after this man drowned.... and there was no word from these "boys" that this man died. 

Who stuck up for these kids? I dont even know what color they were. It's just ironic that if we did to pieces of shit what you were talking about you wouldnt exist. And thats just a fact.

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Just now, Bones said:

Who stuck up for these kids? I dont even know what color they were. It's just ironic that if we did to pieces of shit what you were talking about you wouldnt exist. And thats just a fact.


If you are referring to my Grandfather x5... he served his country, the United States of America.

NO ONE would exist in your scenario. The human race would be extinct.

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1 minute ago, ECHS05 said:


If you are referring to my Grandfather x5... he served his country, the United States of America.

NO ONE would exist in your scenario. The human race would be extinct.

Not necessarily. But we know for a fact your grand pappy x5 was a worthless POS. These kids are likely better than he was.

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All we need to know about Bones ---

 Ok Bones, who deserves to be criticized more... the people smoking weed and laughing at a drowning man screaming for his life, and never told the police or any authority that he died.... or the guy criticizing them for it?

Bones: This asshole criticizing them,  because I didnt like his Great x5 Grandfather.

But Bones... they literally laughed and made fun of the sound this man made while screaming for his life... and were more concerned about who had the lighter for the blunt than this 32 year old human being losing his life in front of them... they watched for approximately 7-8 minutes before deciding it was good entertainment, and began to video themselves laughing and making fun of this man drowning...

Bones: yeah... but his gran-pappy...

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All we need to know about ECHS

Okay ECHS who deserves to be criticized more... the kids who happened to be in the same area at the same time a guy drowned, or a guy who helped implement and maintain a system of slavery and discrimination which resulted in millions of deaths and countless pain and suffering for centuries

ECHS: the kids who happened to be in an area because I come from a long line of pieces of shit 

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33 minutes ago, Ararar said:

Of course because you know these kids and how they were raised.They were definitely  wrong on not calling for help once they realized what happened,I just think they didn't understand how serious the situation was at first.

I appreciate your perspective but believe they perfectly understood they just watched a guy die from drowning while watching and joking about it, and then not alerting anyone afterward 

honestly, not sure how you can see that any differently 

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Just now, Bones said:

All we need to know about ECHS

Okay ECHS who deserves to be criticized more... the kids who happened to be in the same area at the same time a guy drowned, or a guy who helped implement and maintain a system of slavery and discrimination which resulted in millions of deaths and countless pain and suffering for centuries

ECHS: the kids who happened to be in an area because I come from a long line of pieces of shit 

The kids who happened to be in the same area? What about the rest? 

They didnt just happen to be in the same area... they pulled out a phone and recorded this man drowning, while they laughed... and they never told anyone that a man had drown. 

What you are saying is hypocritical as fuck... read your response again. 

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Just now, Pops said:

I appreciate your perspective but believe they perfectly understood they just watched a guy die from drowning while watching and joking about it, and then not alerting anyone afterward 

honestly, not sure how you can see that any differently 


Exactly... you dont just pull out a phone and record some guy going for a swim. They made it clear they knew the guy was drowning. And made even more evident by the fact they told no one a man had died.

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22 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Yeah I do not see any way in which these kids were not wrong?  I couldn't watch the whole thing.  Took only a few seconds.  And drummer race should have zero to do with this but I guess some people are just who they are and bring race into everything. 

Unfortunately by legal standards they did nothing wrong and being an asshole is not a punishable offense. 

By moral standards this is sickening. And inhumane.

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17 minutes ago, ECHS05 said:

The kids who happened to be in the same area? What about the rest? 

They didnt just happen to be in the same area... they pulled out a phone and recorded this man drowning, while they laughed... and they never told anyone that a man had drown. 

What you are saying is hypocritical as fuck... read your response again. 

If you would admit your grand pappy x5 was a worthless piece of shit then I wouldnt even use it against you unless you brought it on yourself. But I cant take your moral outrage serious when you continue to defend such a garbage savage animal.

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6 minutes ago, Bones said:

If you would admit your grand pappy x5 was a worthless piece of shit then I wouldnt even use it against you unless you brought it on yourself. But I cant take your moral outrage serious when you continue to defend such a garbage savage animal.


Continue to defend?

You are higher than these kids were... You brought it up.

Who cares about my moral outrage... where is your own?

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3 minutes ago, ECHS05 said:


Continue to defend?

You are higher than these kids were... You brought it up.

Who cares about my moral outrage... where is your own?

I am morally outraged that you would continue to defend such a piece of shit as your granddad x5. Dont think I dont notice you avoiding that.

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