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Do you think Biden is doing a great job?


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On 7/21/2021 at 9:42 AM, Atticus Finch said:

Imagine being dumb enough to think that lumber prices have anything to do with Joe Biden.


ALL of Biden's moronic moves since inauguration Day are intertwined! And it ALL started to disintegrate with the stoppage of the Keystone Pipeline on DAY ONE!

1. Fuel prices skyrocketed.

2. Truckers had to pay those rising fuel prices, thus causing a domino effect that caused ALL types of commodities, INCLUDING Lumber to skyrocket! And it's only going to get WORSE!

3. And the BIGGEST boner of ALL, is the current insanity, where he is permitting tens of thousands of illegal, Covid prone migrants across the border, and dispersing them though out the country, via bus and plane! EXPLAIN THAT one fool?

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2 hours ago, Old Rabid One said:

Name ONE SPECIFIC instance of his being an asshole? And since WHEN is being a great president, got ANYTHING to do with bedside manner, BOZO?

For a second there, I thought that you were talking about THOSE alliances being with SLICK WILLY, who made TWENTY FIVE DOCUMENTED flights to Epstein's pleasure Island! SEEMS as though Slick Willy had a sweet tooth for mid teen lassies! And Craaazy Joe likes um even younger, so they'll fit on his lap of erection! DAYUM, JFK, Johnson, Slick Willy, Cuomo, and Craazy Joe! There APPEARS to be a pattern forming, among those DIMM perverts!

Google Trump, that should keep you busy. 


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6 hours ago, Old Rabid One said:

3. And the BIGGEST boner of ALL, is the current insanity, where he is permitting tens of thousands of illegal, Covid prone migrants across the border, and dispersing them though out the country, via bus and plane! EXPLAIN THAT one fool?

Border apprehensions are the highest in 15 years.

I keep hearing people with agendas saying that Biden needs to lock down the border. What exactly would that entail beyond what's already happening?

Crossers are being apprehended and our holding facilities are well over capacity.

See, my thoughts on this are that it's just a giant political football.

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7 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Border apprehensions are the highest in 15 years.

I keep hearing people with agendas saying that Biden needs to lock down the border. What exactly would that entail beyond what's already happening?

Crossers are being apprehended and our holding facilities are well over capacity.

See, my thoughts on this are that it's just a giant political football.

Old Rab is not the most astute poster here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/20/2021 at 10:56 PM, noonereal said:

Obviously he is but some for whatever reason will say otherwise. 

Anyway, I think Milwaukee will close it out tonight. 




YEAH, he's doing a GREAT job if:

You like our troops being defeated in Afghanistan after 20 years in country. And leaving the loyal Afghan people to fend for themselves! At the risk of incarcerations, beheadings, and rape of that population!

Are about to turn a blind eye to the Cuban people, in their fight for freedom from oppression.

Let China take control of the South China Sea, while taking over Taiwan.

And allowing 40,000,000 illegal aliens who are Covid positive, to storm the Southern border of the USA, to be dispersed to who KNOWS fucking where!

And LASTLY, his cutting off the Keystone Pipeline, which stopped America's fuel independence, thereby raising the prices on EVERY commodity known to man in the process! 


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On 7/21/2021 at 9:38 AM, Atticus Finch said:

That's a cute story but the last President just had another grifter of his arrested for acting as a foreign agent.

Trump adviser Tom Barrack arrested on foreign-agent charges

Tom Barrack, a longtime supporter of and adviser to former President Donald Trump, was arrested Tuesday on charges he secretly acted in the U.S. as an agent for the United Arab Emirates.

Barrack, 74, is accused of failing to register as a foreign agent, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and four counts of making false statements to the FBI.

How is THAT different than Hunter Biden acting as a foreign agent to the Chinese Communist Party? And in the interim, glean millions of untaxed dollars for he and his daddy!

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On 7/21/2021 at 7:26 AM, Atticus Finch said:

If I was playing a drinking game that required even the slightest bit of evidence for claims made I'd have died of cirrhosis of the liver by now.

PROOF you want? PROOF you'll GET!

The U.S. Border Patrol said last week, that the influx of illegal migrants from all OVER the WORLD, is the worst it has EVER been! And a majority of which are polluting the country with Covid 19 and the Delta Variant!

On DAY ONE, Craaazy Joe curtailed the Keystone Pipeline, which perpetuated a domino affect in inflation, that is growing by the day! Because fuel cost effect EVERY commodity on the planet! Couple THAT, with the downfall of Afghanistan, affecting the lives and deaths of thousands who were loyal to the USA! The imminent prospects of Taiwan being invaded and taken over by Craaaazy Joes buds, the CHICOMS! And last but not least, the crickets heard from Craaazy Joe's Administration, regarding the freedom of the Cuban people, from Communist tyranny!

And I said THAT to say THIS! Craaaaazy Joe has, in a short period of time since Inauguration Day, to place THIS country, in the most peril it has seen since WWII! He has emboldened Iran, emboldened the Taliban in Afghanistan, the North Koreans, under Kin Jun Dung, and placed our country and Japan and Taiwan in imminent danger, from the Chinese Communist and the Rooskies, who will now have a great foothold in two strategic areas of the world, Cuba and Taiwan!!

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8 hours ago, Old Rabid One said:

The U.S. Border Patrol said last week, that the influx of illegal migrants from all OVER the WORLD, is the worst it has EVER been! And a majority of which are polluting the country with Covid 19 and the Delta Variant!

The influx of migrants being *apprehended* at the border is the highest it's ever been.

That's not what you said, think tank. You said that 10,000 migrants are allowed to cross over into McAllen, Texas every day.

Which would mean that 20,000 more people would be in McAllen, Texas in the two weeks since you said that.

McAllen's population increase from the 2010 census to the 2020 census was just 15,000. So you claimed that more people were "allowed" across the border there than the population increased in an entire decade.


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On 8/18/2021 at 6:48 AM, Atticus Finch said:

That's not what you said, think tank. You said that 10,000 migrants are allowed to cross over into McAllen, Texas every day.

Which would mean that 20,000 more people would be in McAllen, Texas in the two weeks since you said that.



Actually....at 10k per...

that's 140K illegal immigrants ....👍

(the correct math for 2 weeks👌)

NOT 20,000...

Think 💩 Tank

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On 8/18/2021 at 6:48 AM, Atticus Finch said:

McAllen's population increase from the 2010 census to the 2020 census was just 15,000. So you claimed that more people were "allowed" across the border there than the population increased in an entire decade.


Yea ....

so what ? 🤣


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4 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

An even more absurd figure.

Somehow you don't realize how stupid this makes *his* argument look and also yours by association.

His argument of "where they crossed,

having nothing to do with,

where they eventually wind up" ??? 💩

....So what part of clown 🤡 world,

tells you different ?



PS: Since his argument is Soooooo stupid, and since you  utterly 💩 fail in attempted replies...

....what does that make you ?



BTW: your killin it w/yer stellar Math Skilz...👍


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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

If you think that (now) 210,000 people have been "allowed" into McAllen, Texas in the last 3 weeks then you're just a imbecile.


...And if you need to be shown

how to do the actual MATH

for 2 or 3 weeks worth

you are an even dumber imbecile....



Hope this helps 👍



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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

 my brain farts.

It's all I've got.

Because we all know that I never make any sense, ever.



PS: Did you forget that minor detail

of your ENTIRE argument

being based on...

...People staying and then  "residing on some census" where they cross the border ?!?!? 🤪



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BTW: So we should just assume ALL your arguments,

are just brain Anus 💩 farts .....👌

...gotcha 👍


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20 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:


It's such low-hanging fruit.

Math Skilz


Confused FALSE BASIS for the entire attempted argument


Low IQ fruit 

(from some over ripe low fruit 💩 cake)...

This Week In GIFs


PS: 3 brain fart ...er... Anus 💩 Flinches....

and yer outz...




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