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Do you think Biden is doing a great job?


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1 hour ago, Old Rabid One said:

Who was it who said, "Chains, they gonna put you BACK in CHAINS!"

And "Black kids just aren't smart enough to do well on test that were designed for white kids!"

By the BY, your boy Biden use to be a supporter of White Supremacy when he was a young congressman! 

Well.... your boyfriend Trumpy being an asshole never stopped being an asshole, does a full page add against the Central Park 5, and dalliances with Epstein, Weinstein, Adelman and Putin mean anything to you?



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On 7/20/2021 at 11:24 PM, Bormio said:

All doing well.  Life more resembles normal.  And normal never seemed so good.  Joined the church choir - first thing I had done in a long while simply because I wanted to - not because I was expected to, asked to, pressured to, guilted into doing etc.  And it is really fun.


Very cool. Glad all is well. 

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No I don’t think he’s doing a good job. He’s hiding like a fucking hermit. It’s embarrassing. He is our leader and needs to lead or abdicate. I’m good with either choice. 

His success affects all of ours, so it’s in everybody’s best interests that he does well.

Cmon Joe! Lead us. 

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On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

Five seconds after he took the throne, he ended the Keystone Pipeline!

and this was a very important thing to do. You are a very simply person, short on intellect and foresight. Hence your interpreations  must be dismissed as you post though you glasses of ignorance. 

oil is 20th century, we need to lead the world not live in the past


On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

And after he nixed the Keystone Pipeline, he perpetuated the resumption of the Russian pipeline in Europe, which skirts all of the major countries of Europe! The two combined have driven pil prices through the roof! Seven dollar gas is on the horizon!(But have no fear, your dumbass DIMMS propose you buying a $50,000 plus electric car, that has a max range of 200 miles)

See, this is what I mean about you being stupid. The price of oil is up because it was so low last year as Covid shut down the world economies and supply chains. This year as we were coming out of Covid we had a high demand for fuel and productions had been slashed. Simple supply and demand. We are seeing this across all sectors. Supply and demand raising practices. Economics 101. Of course you are not colge educated and certainly not in Economics.


On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

In the last six months, he has looked the other way while Russia invades countries in Europe, and China's desire to take over Taiwan!

Horseshit. You prefer he blow Putin as Trump did, in secret? 

On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

He has been STONE COLD silent during the Cuban uprising for their independence! ALL the while, looking the other way while Russian and Chinese influence in the region, increases! 

This is hysterical. You want to interfere in Cuba? The nationalist that you are wants to what? Invade Cuba? You are a poor joke.

On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

He took full credit for Operation WARP SPEED, where Trump perpetuated an historic breakthrough in getting vaccines approved.

Come on, this is just looney tunes stupid. Trump did crap. All he did was buy 100,000 doses of vaccine That was enough for 1/7 of the population. Nothing else. Good Ole Joe bought the rest. 

He had zero to do with the mRNA development. 


On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

By nixing the Keystone Pipeline, Crazy Joe has directly affected the prices of oil, gas, household goods, and food substances. And the worst is yet to come! Wait til fuel goes to $7.00 a gallon!

Redundant and just as stupid. I already addressed this piece of ignorance.


On 7/24/2021 at 1:21 PM, Old Rabid One said:

. He has given every man, woman, and child in the world, carte blanche to enter the USA by way of the Southern Border, putting enormous pressure on the Border Patrol, welfare system, and hospitals for Covid. He has turned a blind eye to stop the flow of drugs and human trafficers, coming across the border!

8. He has required masking in school systems, which impairs learning.

9. He has taken no action to find out the origins of the Wuhan, China Virus!

10. And last but certainly not least! Crazy Joe has permitted tens of thousands of Covid infected illegals to cross the Southern border, thereby infecting all you dumbass DIMMS! Stand by for the resumption of masking, until HELL freezes over!

Most folks as stupid as you fly Trump flags. I like that. Especially now. With Covid roaring back it's good to know where the infestations are. 


Have a good night, moron



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17 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

No I don’t think he’s doing a good job. He’s hiding like a fucking hermit. It’s embarrassing. He is our leader and needs to lead or abdicate. I’m good with either choice. 

His success affects all of ours, so it’s in everybody’s best interests that he does well.

Cmon Joe! Lead us. 

Maybe do Twitter blasts or super spreader events like your morally bankrupt hero. 

What was I thinking, of course!!!???


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4 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Maybe do Twitter blasts or super spreader events like your morally bankrupt hero. 

What was I thinking, of course!!!???


I want him to succeed. I realize what his success does. I’m not a pussy who let’s my feelings override the greater good. 

What kind of loser cheers for the country to do poorly because they “hate” the current regime? Fucking two year olds?!? 


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29 minutes ago, noonereal said:

Come on, this is just looney tunes stupid. Trump did crap. All he did was buy 100,000 doses of vaccine That was enough for 1/7 of the population. Nothing else. Good Ole Joe bought the rest. 

He had zero to do with the mRNA development.

interesting factoid ....😉

did you know that all the patents for them vaxes (over 100),

were set long BEFORE Cvid NINETEEN even started ???

So You are Absolutely right,

about T only having to push it thru....

...and bypass the testing

...and tossing normal validation and approval requirements

...and hand out the contracts

...to those he already gave,

immunity .....from any liability.



PS: good thing he had his boy Fauci to help him sell it tho...🙄

BTW: You are not gonna get that Trump shot ......are you? 🤔



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22 hours ago, Troll said:

were set long BEFORE Cvid NINETEEN even started ???

Of course, I am not a Trumpist.

It took just 40 man hours to come up with the vaccine once the DNA sequence was released.

Why? Because MRNA was 15 years in the making and thoroughly tested. 

Testing was not bypassed, it was given EAU before the completion of phase 4. 


Peace brother

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56 minutes ago, noonereal said:

Of course, I am not a Trumpist.

It took just 40 man hours to come up with the vaccine once the DNA sequence was released.

Why? Because MRNA was 15 years in the making and thoroughly tested. 

Testing was not bypassed, it was given EAU before the completion of phase 4. 


Peace brother


Well at least we don't live in Cali...

They are about to turn out the lights,

and some people can't figure out why...

...can you?


2 days ago...




So if that Dam isn't leaking....🤓












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30 Jul, 15:16

Russia ranks second by petroleum exports to US in May 2021

MOSCOW, July 30. /TASS/. Russia became second by total petroleum exports to the United States in May 2021, with record-breaking deliveries totaling 26.17 mln barrels, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports on Friday.

The previous record was set in May 2009, when Russia delivered crude oil and petroleum products to the US totaling 25.08 mln barrels.

Canada tops the list of petroleum exporters to the US

Russian export of crude oil and petroleum products to the US surged almost 2.5-fold year-on-year in May 2021, including oil supplies alone soaring by 65 times.

Total crude oil imports by the US equaled 180.65 mln barrels in May 2021, up 6.1 mln barrels against April.


On 7/29/2021 at 8:59 PM, noonereal said:

See, this is what I mean about you being stupid.

Horseshit. You prefer he blow Putin as Trump did, in secret? 

This is hysterical.


California Orders Grid Emergency, Power Shortfalls Loom

July 9, 2021, 10:01 PM EDT Updated on July 9, 2021, 10:12 PM EDT
  • Latest outage shows how vulnerable grid is
On 7/29/2021 at 8:59 PM, noonereal said:

You are a poor joke.

Come on, this is just looney tunes stupid.

Have a good night, moron


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On 7/20/2021 at 10:56 PM, noonereal said:

Obviously he is but some for whatever reason will say otherwise. 

Anyway, I think Milwaukee will close it out tonight. 




Lets see, he and his ilk are attempting to pass yet ANOTHER FIVE TRILLION DOLARS in new spending! 

And at this writing, he is allowing some 10,000 illegal aliens pass through one particular border town, a WEEK!(McAllen, Tex.) And a vast majority are Covid positive! And as soon as they arrive, they are either being bused, or air mailed out to all parts of the UNITED STATES!

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On 7/21/2021 at 9:42 AM, Atticus Finch said:

Imagine being dumb enough to think that lumber prices have anything to do with Joe Biden.


The MAIN culprit of Craaazy Joes new inflation is, the cutting off of the Keystone Pipeline! It created a domino effect throughout the economy! And you ain't seen NOTHING, YET! Dumbocrats are INSANE!

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

Where did you *not* err?

Claiming that inflation has been caused by the canceling of an unbuilt portion of the Keystone Pipeline.

That's on the Mount Rushmore of dumb posts made on this forum and that's saying a lot.

Please elaborate for the class....


When the consumer price index is regularly reported "Excluding Energy"...

why the heck do you think that is ?



Extra credit if you can figure out the % that it (along with food) would dominate the other numbers



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On 7/21/2021 at 9:12 AM, Nolebull813 said:


On 7/21/2021 at 9:14 AM, Nolebull813 said:


On 7/21/2021 at 9:15 AM, Nolebull813 said:


I found a pic of you on the internet! 




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On 7/20/2021 at 11:24 PM, Bormio said:

All doing well.  Life more resembles normal.  And normal never seemed so good.  Joined the church choir - first thing I had done in a long while simply because I wanted to - not because I was expected to, asked to, pressured to, guilted into doing etc.  And it is really fun.

This must be the Church of GD America?

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On 7/24/2021 at 2:55 PM, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Well.... your boyfriend Trumpy being an asshole never stopped being an asshole, does a full page add against the Central Park 5, and dalliances with Epstein, Weinstein, Adelman and Putin mean anything to you?



Name ONE SPECIFIC instance of his being an asshole? And since WHEN is being a great president, got ANYTHING to do with bedside manner, BOZO?

For a second there, I thought that you were talking about THOSE alliances being with SLICK WILLY, who made TWENTY FIVE DOCUMENTED flights to Epstein's pleasure Island! SEEMS as though Slick Willy had a sweet tooth for mid teen lassies! And Craaazy Joe likes um even younger, so they'll fit on his lap of erection! DAYUM, JFK, Johnson, Slick Willy, Cuomo, and Craazy Joe! There APPEARS to be a pattern forming, among those DIMM perverts!

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