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Do you think Biden is doing a great job?


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28 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Imagine thinking that suspected terrorists being arrested (one of them 9 days into Biden's term) is proof that the borders are open.


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Nolebull813 posts about partisans...


46 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Indicted by partisan operatives apart of the insurance policy our FBI and CIA were talking about after Trump was elected 

And then immediately, in his next post, links to partisan hackery put out by Congressional Republicans. 


45 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:


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39 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

seriously how can one think he’s doing a ok job when he’s missing and hiding outside one or 2 days a month, 

I agree if what you were saying was true, man, what a terrible Presidential term this would be!

But, of course, every word that you post is untrue at best or a lie at worst.

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4 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Yes. Hard at work unfucking the fuckery left behind by the previous administration. 


You saying he's going to discontinue that vaccine stuff that was implemented...

(or at least make them go thru proper trials 🙄)

or do you mean he's going to eliminate those unpreedented lockdown mandates...

of which fuckery

do you speak ?


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On 7/20/2021 at 10:56 PM, noonereal said:

Obviously he is but some for whatever reason will say otherwise. 

Anyway, I think Milwaukee will close it out tonight. 




You'd think that if you were a fucking IMBECILE!

1. Five seconds after he took the throne, he ended the Keystone Pipeline! And thereby ending thousands of jobs, and making at least two venues ghost towns!

2. And after he nixed the Keystone Pipeline, he perpetuated the resumption of the Russian pipeline in Europe, which skirts all of the major countries of Europe! The two combined have driven pil prices through the roof! Seven dollar gas is on the horizon!(But have no fear, your dumbass DIMMS propose you buying a $50,000 plus electric car, that has a max range of 200 miles)

3. In the last six months, he has looked the other way while Russia invades countries in Europe, and China's desire to take over Taiwan!

4. He has been STONE COLD silent during the Cuban uprising for their independence! ALL the while, looking the other way while Russian and Chinese influence in the region, increases! 

5. He took full credit for Operation WARP SPEED, where Trump perpetuated an historic breakthrough in getting vaccines approved.

6. By nixing the Keystone Pipeline, Crazy Joe has directly affected the prices of oil, gas, household goods, and food substances. And the worst is yet to come! Wait til fuel goes to $7.00 a gallon!

7. He has given every man, woman, and child in the world, carte blanche to enter the USA by way of the Southern Border, putting enormous pressure on the Border Patrol, welfare system, and hospitals for Covid. He has turned a blind eye to stop the flow of drugs and human trafficers, coming across the border!

8. He has required masking in school systems, which impairs learning.

9. He has taken no action to find out the origins of the Wuhan, China Virus!

10. And last but certainly not least! Crazy Joe has permitted tens of thousands of Covid infected illegals to cross the Southern border, thereby infecting all you dumbass DIMMS! Stand by for the resumption of masking, until HELL freezes over!

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5 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

??? Somebody is hitting the crack pipe early….


Who was it who said, "Chains, they gonna put you BACK in CHAINS!"

And "Black kids just aren't smart enough to do well on test that were designed for white kids!"

By the BY, your boy Biden use to be a supporter of White Supremacy when he was a young congressman! 

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