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Going for the Moderna today


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11 hours ago, Rippers said:

Cool story. 

Soooo coooool ....

You could even try selling it to yourself 🤣

So let's review them cliff notes...

When presented with links to the latest actual CDC data and seemingly outrageous claims...

instead of addressing the CDC's own results...it's

11 hours ago, Rippers said:

You Tube is is a credible source in tin foil hat world, I guess.

Well you guessed wrong....try again...🤣

Tin foil hat is thinking you know anything about data you refuse to address.

So what to do when asked to simply compare the SIMPLEST of numbers relative to the topic,

which should be readily available to you, even if they were not already CDC link provided.

Deaths are actual deaths 

you can easily add 14 days worth together,

if you were not "dead" set on avoiding the results... at all costs that is.

11 hours ago, Rippers said:

Its becoming glaring obvious ...

Yes...it IS becoming glaringly obvious 👍

11 hours ago, Rippers said:


that you're the only one around here who believes the sludge you post

Why you calling the CDC liars like that ???

...it's just the actual data 🙄

11 hours ago, Rippers said:

 and you're only posting to get reactions. 

and your reaction says it ALL 👌

11 hours ago, Rippers said:

 Carry on

No problem for me....👍


must be time for you

to run away like a kook....🏃‍♀️

11 hours ago, Rippers said:


but leave me out of your world.

CDC ACTUAL Data World....

just way toooooo much 

for some...🤢


PS: yup... very cool story bro 😘  


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55 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I've come to the conclusion that Troll can't actually read.

That's just because ...

you believe everything you read in the newspaper. 🤣


53 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

@Rippers just thoroughly embarrassing @Troll in this exchange.

Then why do you have to tag in for assistance when he runs away ? ...

But Hey... GO for it ....🤣

So you think you know how to perform 14 days worth of adding up

the CDC actual death data ?

...or will you just "assume" your surrender position

and scream "lies" while exhibiting wildly flinching Anus 💩 spasms...


53 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The problem is that I am is incapable of feeling shame.

Sorry to hear about that...

...but I guess that explains it. 💩



PS: assume the position biotch....





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52 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

He does exactly what I do: spasm, flinch some 💩, try some faked up newspaper headlines and fake fact checks, never embarrased flinching 💩 biscuts, and then just walk away when logic starts spamming the board with that reality stuff.


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11 hours ago, golfaddict1 said:

Cool story bro 🤣

But I just gotta ask..

why do they spend the whole time and article

avoiding the ACTUAL issue of DEATH ?



PS: But I do like your style 🤣....you always just toss some diversionary propaganda crap.... and never say a word of your thoughts on it 🙄 


BTW: perhaps this was your way of showing everyone how bad some of this propaganda really is 👍......we could trash this trash all day long (but that would be successful diversion wouldn't it ? LOL).  Now I've got no problem showing you where and how this article is so full of bullshit, but since there are so many points they butcher,  which supposed point do you think they made.... that needs refuting ?  

...you know.... since the cool story avoids mentioning death at all costs 👌  

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On 6/26/2021 at 9:05 AM, HawgGoneIt said:

My friends that got the Moderba vaccine almost all complained of injection site swelling and soreness but little else on the first dose. Second dose headache and injection site issues. A couple had some nausea after the second but it subsided in hours. 

Good luck! 

That only affects Bidernas!

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On 6/26/2021 at 9:05 AM, HawgGoneIt said:

My friends that got the Moderba vaccine almost all complained of injection site swelling and soreness but little else on the first dose. Second dose headache and injection site issues. A couple had some nausea after the second but it subsided in hours. 

Good luck! 

I heard that that Moderba vaccine in a DEATH SENTENCE! 

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On 7/21/2021 at 10:57 AM, Troll said:

That's just because ...

you believe everything you read in the newspaper. 🤣


Then why do you have to tag in for assistance when he runs away ? ...

But Hey... GO for it ....🤣

So you think you know how to perform 14 days worth of adding up

the CDC actual death data ?

...or will you just "assume" your surrender position

and scream "lies" while exhibiting wildly flinching Anus 💩 spasms...


Sorry to hear about that...

...but I guess that explains it. 💩



PS: assume the position biotch....





The only thing I believe in the newspapers are sports scores, SOMETIMES!

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On 7/20/2021 at 5:01 PM, Rippers said:

If I post anything, you will claim its fake and then you will post something that does not support your claim either.

But just for funsies:


Hey just for Funsies..

Some reporter asked

Why they stopped tracking those numbers you got bullshitted on 👍.....and lied about LOL 

Now I'm SURE everyone would be anxious to here your reaction to the response...

HINT: "Why do you need to have that information?"

means you are not supposed to know... 🤓



 PS: Funsies huh...

BTW: So I guess the only issue you have left...

is still there...

On 7/15/2021 at 4:10 PM, Troll said:

PS: Now your only problem is going to be having to EXPLAIN just EXACTLY WHY....you know...

...that they tried to 'bury' the number with their bullshit 💩 cover  'mistake'...




mmmmmm......cooooookie prize 👌



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That new CDC data is interesting...

3 to 1...

as in


any guesses ???

Number of New Cases

Vaxed vs unvaxed...





PS: Now who can guess the number they left missing from the article ???...🤷‍♂️


BTW: It's 63%....(Mass vaxed)... Sooooooo...🤔

not only is it NOT working,

but appears to be of some detriment 👀....well...

At least according to the CDC


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On 7/15/2021 at 4:10 PM, Troll said:


Go ahead and remove your Dunce cap....make sure you READ THE FINE PRINT...


and you have just VERIFIED an 82% 1st and 2nd trimester spontaneous abortion rate for the jab. 👍


The CDC conducted follow-up interviews with 3,958 women who had enrolled in the v-safe registry and who had received a first dose of the vaccine prior to 28 Feb. As of 30 March, 827 of those 3,958 women reported having completed pregnancy. Of those 827, 104 reported having had a spontaneous abortion. That's 12.6%. 10-26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. So, 12.6% falls within the normal range.


Social media mathematicians, however, appeal to the footnote you've highlighted above and argue that, since 700 of the 827 received their first dose in the third trimester, they could not have had a spontaneous abortion by 30 March. Therefore, the "real" number is 127. So, the "real" math is that 104 of 127 women who had received the vaccine in their 1st or 2nd trimester miscarried, which "verifies" an 82% 1st and 2nd trimester spontaneous abortion rate.

But maybe we should wait to see what happens to the rest of the women who had not completed pregnancy by 30 March, since my guess is that many of those women will give birth to a living baby.

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On 7/15/2021 at 4:10 PM, Troll said:

PS: Now your only problem is going to be having to EXPLAIN just EXACTLY WHY....you know...

...that they tried to 'bury' the number with their bullshit 💩 cover  'mistake'...

If they were going to "bury" the number, you'd think they'd dig deeper than a footnote.

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5 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

But maybe we should wait to see what happens to the rest of the women who who had not completed their pregnancies by 30 March, since my guess is that many of those women will give birth to a living baby.

I understand the numbers....🤓

and how do you think that helps you that much?

At best you can say only around 25% of the data is "included"

at 100% returns in favor (of live healthy births)

You would still have an overall return rate over 20%

as in ....Not within standard  ☹️


PS: did you just cut and paste that...or come up with it yourself ? 🤔


1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

If they were going to "bury" the number, you'd think they'd dig deeper than a footnote.

While you know that's a PISS POOR EXCUSE...

For them including including "Ripper's dick"

in their denominator

and published top line %......🙄


You might be better phrasing that as..."If they where going to bury a number, they didn't do quite a good job" 👍


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4 hours ago, Troll said:

I understand the numbers....🤓

and how do you think that helps you that much?

At best you can say only around 25% of the data is "included"

at 100% returns in favor (of live healthy births)

You would still have an overall return rate over 20%

as in ....Not within standard  ☹️

On certain assumptions about human reproduction, including that pregnancy usually lasts about 9 months, my guess is that if the CDC follows up with the women 9 months after conception, we'll get significantly different results.

We shouldn't be surprised that the vast majority of the women who had completed pregnancy within a few months of conceiving had miscarried, since it's difficult to complete a pregnancy within just a few months without miscarrying. 

4 hours ago, Troll said:

PS: did you just cut and paste that...or come up with it yourself ? 🤔

Everything I've said is stated clearly enough in the study. Here's the link again.


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