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Going for the Moderna today


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One more:  I am watching Australian Rules Football live on FS2 (584 Verizon) right now @1:20 am EST.  The stands are 10% occupied because of the Covid delta flair up.  Two weeks ago they were almost full.

FYI Carlton and Adelaide start at 2:00am EST on FS 2.


Vaccines are widely available in the U. S.  They are not in Canada (Toronto plays baseball in Buffalo’s stadium).  Or in Australia or Europe.  

Last time I ask:  please get your Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.  Sincere:  please.

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16 hours ago, Sweetlarry said:

And wanted know if any of y’all had that particular mfg and if there were any side effects? I’m concerned, being an old QB, if it will affect my old football throwing shoulder? 

You know @HawgGoneIt this being a football board and all. Just wanted so discuss how it may hinder the old water pistol?!? 😂 



Being a right handed golfer I got mine in the right arm and won some money😀

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7 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Just not feeling anything that the government wants to put in me 



from 2013-2015 they gave

me the tuberculosis shot like 9-10 times, 3 times in a 2 week span




You’ll be given a card for this with the dates, locations and shots.  You are going to be surprised at how many people will want to see proof you’ve had it.  600,000 Americans are now dead from this snd the variant may come back this winter.


This is a really important link that may make a difference for you.  Please read it.


Good luck.  Please make the right decision.

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5 hours ago, BigDrop said:

You are risking peoples’ lives.  You are an absolute fool and dangerous to those who are exposed to you.

As far as I am concerned you are literally a potential murderer.

This meme shows you don't understand how vaccines work. : ShitMomGroupsSay


David Thunder on Twitter: "“911 - What's your emergency?” “My vaccine won't  work unless everybody else gets vaccinated.”… "


PS: pushing an untested chemical jab that kills, would be considered murder.....👌

BTW: refusing experimental intervention and letting nature take it's own course, could not correctly be classified as such. 🤓

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5 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

How can you mandate an experimental vaccine?



@Troll you feel me on this one?  

There is a longstanding tradition in politics

where you just 'mandate' or pass laws that are unconstitutional.

Then just let the courts fight it out (with your money).

If you think that serves no purpose...well...

even if you lose in court, you have 'won' by having it "your way" for years....


PS: those that apply this tact, usually call it..."fighting the good fight"....or similar.

BTW: This work both ways tho...so you can do what you do....... and they will have to take you to court first...

only difference there, is you may need bail money in the meantime....

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oh one more important note....for business...

Businesses can suggest, recommend, threaten future requirements, even incentivize it....

But they WILL be the ONLY party on the hook if they "require it"

to be LIABLE for any damages....

Everyone else got a liability immunity card for these injections first.....no shot required



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1 hour ago, Troll said:

oh one more important note....for business...

Businesses can suggest, recommend, threaten future requirements, even incentivize it....

But they WILL be the ONLY party on the hook if they "require it"

to be LIABLE for any damages....

Everyone else got a liability immunity card for these injections first.....no shot required


Troll, you are risking others’ lives.  You are quite literally a potential murderer.   Your family, your friends, your children:  it is just a matter of time especially with the delta variant until you will get the virus.  You are going to make others tragically, unnecessarily suffer.  I don’t care what happens to you.


1 hour ago, Troll said:



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1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

Why is this topic on this board?  << You tell me

delete all of this crap. << well I can agree it's all crap 👍


1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

NOTE TO TROLl: Troll, you are risking others’ lives.  You are quite literally a potential murderer.   Your family, your friends, your children:  it is just a matter of time especially with the delta variant until you will get the virus.  You are going to make others tragically, unnecessarily suffer.

Did you know that USAtoday just reported that in 2021,

there are twice as many vaccine blood clot deaths,

as there are covid deaths, in all of Australia ???

only difference you ask ?...

Those vax deaths could be considered "murder",

while that Covid death is listed as "natural".


go figure


1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

 I don’t care what happens to you.


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10 hours ago, BigDrop said:

One more:  I am watching Australian Rules Football live on FS2 (584 Verizon) right now @1:20 am EST.  The stands are 10% occupied because of the Covid delta flair up.  Two weeks ago they were almost full.

FYI Carlton and Adelaide start at 2:00am EST on FS 2.


Vaccines are widely available in the U. S.  They are not in Canada (Toronto plays baseball in Buffalo’s stadium).  Or in Australia or Europe.  

Last time I ask:  please get your Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.  Sincere:  please.

In many eastern and western states more than 70% of everyone over 16 have been vaccinated.  Many areas are over 80%.  


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42 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

 for those who are not vaccinated their incidence of the virus, being hospitalized and death is approximately the same now as March 1st.

Those who are unvaccinated still have the same risk now as they did then.<<and those who opted for experimental drugs, may have a higher risk 🤒...see below 👇

5 hours ago, BigDrop said:

NOTE TO TROLl: Troll, you are risking others’ lives.  You are quite literally a potential murderer.   Your family, your friends, your children:  it is just a matter of time especially with the delta variant until you will get the virus.

You should probably check in with the UK to see how that Delta Variant is doing....you know...against the vaccines 👍

here's why...

link> UK closely watched with its vaccine program and surge in cases (cnbc.com)

here's how...

reference...link> https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/996740/Variants_of_Concern_VOC_Technical_Briefing_17.pdf


(UK has ~32m adults out of ~67m, who have recieved 2 doses ...less than half

and you NOW HAVE A GREATER CHANCE of DYING if you have been dosed twice than none at all 👍




5 hours ago, BigDrop said:

 You are I am quite literally a potential murderer.




PS: I would have given you the US numbers for above....but when those numbers showed the same problem against the virus (more dead were vaxxed than not), they thought it was a good idea to STOP counting or maintaining that number...no need to know that during a pandemic...

go figure 🙄


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1 minute ago, Rippers said:

Although this statement is true, it is also very disingenuous.

was hoping you would bring that up 🤣

So WHY such low numbers ??? 🤔

What exactly are they doing, that we are not?

Hydroxy legal there...or are they using the Chi vaccine ??? 🤷‍♂️


PS: when a Whole Continent has such low numbers....is it "disingenuous"  to "shut down" that entire continent ??? 

BTW: gold star for you LOL

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