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Going for the Moderna today


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19 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

Why you getting the tje vaccine larry you claimed it was fake then just the flu and then you claimed it wouldn't bother that many people. What a twist!!!

What the fuck are you mumbling about? You are far and away the dumbest mother fucker to post here. 

Why don’t you man the fuck up And answer the dozens of legitimate questions on you’ve been asked on here? Damn shame you call yourself a man, but don’t have the balls to answer questions. 


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41 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

Why you getting the tje vaccine larry you claimed it was fake then just the flu and then you claimed it wouldn't bother that many people. What a twist!!!

Are you seriously trying to say that someone who had the virus. His wife and son had it too claimed it was fake? You could be the biggest idiot on this site. Please provide proof…oh wait, I bet you heard it from someone. 

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4 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Or don’t get it at all. It’s no pressure. Since it’s so new, it is still considered an experimental trial drug. And didn’t you have Covid already? You body should have the defense mechanisms to fight it off in the future. And the survival rate of Covid is so high that the risk of short and long term health side effects from the vaccine is too immense. 

Don’t feel bullied into it, and don’t criticize anyone trying to give you more perspective. 


Yes, there is always the other perspective -- sickness and possibly death.

The choice is yours!

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3 hours ago, Columbiafan said:

I think the side effects is more a standard warning but I think some blood types tend to get more than others 


Other factors is overall health and if someone had the virus already but really I would take my chances with the shot so I can be closer to not having to wear a mask to games next year 

A physician explained to me that the stronger your body's reaction to the vaccine, the stronger your immune system probably is.  A strong reaction is actually a good indicator of immune system health.

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15 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Or don’t get it at all. It’s no pressure. Since it’s so new, it is still considered an experimental trial drug. And didn’t you have Covid already? You body should have the defense mechanisms to fight it off in the future. And the survival rate of Covid is so high that the risk of short and long term health side effects from the vaccine is too immense. 

Don’t feel bullied into it, and don’t criticize anyone trying to give you more perspective. 


You are risking peoples’ lives.  You are an absolute fool and dangerous to those who are exposed to you.


My wife and I had our first shot on 2/15 and second on 3/16.  Our adult children snd 15 and 17 year old grandchildren have all now had both.  No issues for any of us.


I have heart disease, my wife has grade 3 kidney:  you are a danger to people like us.

As far as I am concerned you are literally a potential murderer.

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15 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Or don’t get it at all. It’s no pressure. Since it’s so new, it is still considered an experimental trial drug. And didn’t you have Covid already? You body should have the defense mechanisms to fight it off in the future. And the survival rate of Covid is so high that the risk of short and long term health side effects from the vaccine is too immense. 

Don’t feel bullied into it, and don’t criticize anyone trying to give you more perspective. 


Trump almost died from Covid.  He had experimental drugs that, at the time, were not available outside of tests.  He ALSO had a Covid shot in late January.

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13 hours ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Man Fuck that noise...  

I got older people in my family that I visit and I have personally lost a Great Aunt and Uncle to Covid. 

I'm taking no risk. 

Like I said before If I gave someone covid I'd never forgive myself... 

No matter how much yall wanna downplay it that shit ain't a joke... 

Good man.  I’d be proud if you were my son.

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9 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I’ don’t know what’s in vaccine, no one knows , who fuckin knows , tomorrow I take vaccine, next Day I’m Gay, Hard pass , I’ll let them test it out on ur old folks first then decide on getting it

Keep the hell away from others.  Your ignorance could kill some like me with heart disease or diabetes or high blood pressure.

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Just now, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I thought You and everyone is vaccinated why would you be worried about catching it??

94.5% and the new strain is 91% and going after 16-40 year olds.  Sydney, Australia (5+ million and wintertime) is now almost shut down again.  Because of the younger generation getting Vovid. I am not taking any risks.  I only come in contact with others who are vaccinated unless I have a mask on.

Very simple:  my wife and I are 74 and are not ready to die.  Although I know two who did.  One was in his early 40’s.


Take the shots-it’s nothing.  Protect yourself and your family.  If my 15 and 17 year old grandkids can have it a man can have it.

300+ million shots have now been given in America.  Almost 75% of suburban D. C. Has had at least one shot.


Please, all of my bullshit aside:  get the shots (Pfizer or Moderna).  Please.

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1 minute ago, BigDrop said:

94.5% and the new strain is 91% and going after 16-40 year olds.  Sydney, Australia (5+ million and wintertime) is now almost shut down again.  Because of the younger generation getting Vovid. I am not taking any risks.  I only come in contact with others who are vaccinated unless I have a mask on.

Very simple:  my wife and I are 74 and are not ready to die.  Although I know two who did.  One was in his early 40’s.


Take the shots-it’s nothing.  Protect yourself and your family.  If my 15 and 17 year old grandkids can have it a man can have it.

300+ million shots have now been given in America.  Almost 75% of suburban D. C. Has had at least one shot.


Please, all of my bullshit aside:  get the shots (Pfizer or Moderna).  Please.

How do we know the old Pfizer vaccine  does any thing against the new  Delta -19

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8 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

How can you mandate an experimental vaccine?



@Troll you feel me on this one?  

It’s pending final approval which can come any time.  Again, 300+ million doses in the U. S. and they are on track for 1.5 billion worldwide.


University of MD, JHU, Georgetown, GW, UVA, American, George Mason and on and on:  you must have the vaccine to be a student or teach or work there. You must.  There are hundreds others around the U. S.


You have no idea how lucky you are that Pfizer and Moderna are available to you in the U. S.


Again, forgive my rant but please get the shots for yourself, your family. and others.  Especially those you might work with or even meet.

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14 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

It’s pending final approval which can come any time.  Again, 300+ million doses in the U. S. and they are on track for 1.5 billion worldwide.


University of MD, JHU, Georgetown, GW, UVA, American, George Mason and on and on:  you must have the vaccine to be a student or teach or work there. You must.  There are hundreds others around the U. S.


You have no idea how lucky you are that Pfizer and Moderna are available to you in the U. S.


Again, forgive my rant but please get the shots for yourself, your family. and others.  Especially those you might work with or even meet.

Just not feeling anything that the government wants to put in me 



from 2013-2015 they gave

me the tuberculosis shot like 9-10 times, 3 times in a 2 week span




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